View Full Version : What are happening to the guilds now???

02-14-2014, 07:44 AM
Hello people, I wanna share some things that's been bothering in my head right now...

Ok, so you all know about the leaderboards, right? Part of the leaderboards is the "Best Guilds" leaderboard. Now you all must be thinking "Well no **** Sherlock", but really, what's been happening to the guilds lately?

I've been a player for nearly 2 years, and with my experiences with the community, scams, and the awesome ways to die in PVP, you can pretty much say that I'm a "veteran". So because of my experience, you can guess that I've been through a lot of guilds in the process. I've experienced the rise of a guild, its prosperous days, the downfall, and finally the disbanding. But lately, I've been disturbed by the thought that, "What are happening to the guilds now?", and here's why I've been thinking about it.

It all started when I was in a guild called Epitome of Silentkill. You probably know this guild, the super-elite guild that merged for the first time, right? Well, I used to be in that guild. In fact, I was in the former guild, Silentkillz, before the guild merged with Epitome of Excellence. It was run by 2 nice leaders, and the guild was doing so well. In fact, more and more people started to come to this guild. But this "Happy State" all ended when the 2 leaders stopped playing, and was replaced (though I'm not gonna who). Then he started making a bunch of dumb and stupid rules like "Don't invite people until they are lv 20" or "Make sure the people you're recruiting have more than 5000 AP". Then he tweaked the rule that we are only allowed to recruit lv 25, all the way to the level cap, lv 26 (this was before the Nordr expansion). When the Nordr expansion came in, he made a rule that people should reach the level cap in a month, if not then you'll be kicked out. When people (including me) questioned this new rule, he explained that "It's the only way we can reach #1 in the leaderboards." Seriously??? That's the reason why you've been kicking these young recruits? Just to reach the #1 spot? I got pissed off, so I stopped playing for 5 months.

Fast forward to the January, I come back and just as expected, I'm kicked out. And I was like "Eh, its fine by me. They're just a bunch of tryhards who wanna reach the #1 spot". Looking at the leaderboards, I discovered that Epitome of Silentkill DID make it to the top, beating the Deviant Misfits which was a shame, because Deviant Misfits was for me a second choice if ever I got kicked out of Epitome of Silentkill. I searched everywhere for a recruiter for Deviant Misfits, and finally found him in the Shuyal Arena. I asked him if I could join The Deviant Misfits and explained that I was kicked out and didn't play for months, blah blah blah... He rejected me, because I wasn't in the level cap. I asked him "Why should I be in the level cap?" He simply said "For the leaderboards." WTF? Seriously??? You reject people who wanna be in the guild? People who actually have potential in them???

Ok, more fast-forwarding to the present. I find a recruiter of the Epitome of Silentkill. And I thought, "Hmm... y'know what, I'm gonna try to get back to the guild." So I ask him and explained that I used to be in the guild and I would like to be back. I was rejected. When I asked why, she said that "You have to get the title Paragon first" And how do you get this title? You simply have to reach 10,000 APs to get this title. Ok, this was the part where I went "WTFF???" Are the recruiters of these "top guilds" buying their way into the #1 spot? Are the guilds that are trying to be in the leaderboards trying to implement this rule, just to be #1??! Guilds back then used to be friendly and accept everyone who wanted to join. What's happening right now? Are the guild now trying to compete each other by implementing dumb rules, just to raise their total points?

As new guilds rise I'm getting worried about the system of handling guilds now. What will happen in the future? What's the whole point of reaching the #1 spot? Why are guilds so drawn into reaching the top? Why am I still asking questions? There has to be an explanation to all this!

02-14-2014, 07:48 AM
Not all guilds are like this

02-14-2014, 07:52 AM
Not all guilds are like this

Yes, but what happens like, in the future, when all guilds will compete?

02-14-2014, 07:59 AM
While I do sympathize with how the events turned out for you, I believe no one really was at fault .Even before guild rankings came in, there were already a set of guidelines for recruitment in any guild. Each guild is different from one another: there were those guilds which only recruited Germans, Filipinos, those who have 1m above, cosplayers and etc. Just think of it as a variation and one guild is unique from one another.

The moment when this whole rankings came, some guilds started to be competitive.. after all who wouldn't want to compete with others even if it was just for the sake of fun. In order to stay competitive, these top guilds made certain adjustments with the recruitment scheme by choosing only those who would contribute to the overall cumulative a.p.

Don't fret or be bothered since there are still guilds out there who do not take the rankings seriously. If i were you I'd go search for one that better suits your interests. Stay cool :p

02-14-2014, 08:04 AM
u re right in some points... but at least i play in a guild because i like the way they r. I honour a lot of guilds to. as all the time i met eos or cu members i just see freindly ppl wich are handsome and helpsome. i need to say i never saw someone of the both guild reacting like sh--t or talking bad things even in pvp they are.... nice :) so i also think u took aomeone wich just had a "bad day"
i was looking for a guild too since the day my old gm closed the guild i was in. i joined heldenvonheute and since this day... even now when i dont have much time to be online and cant play rly long time... they still honour me, im still an officer of the guild and all the time im online i receive a warm hello! this is what a guild should be. friendly and handsome. and escpaccialy for heldenvonheute i rly need to say... i rly love them and already found some rl friends in it. even when they try to reach the best place in the ranking they still are simply friendly.
and diego... we are already in the future...

02-14-2014, 08:06 AM
@limsyoker i see a advantage for language oriented guilds too... sometimes its faster to react and more handsome when everybody can use the motherlang they speak. u dont think so?

02-14-2014, 08:07 AM
While I do sympathize with how the events turned out for you, I believe no one really was at fault .Even before guild rankings came in, there were already a set of guidelines for recruitment in any guild. Each guild is different from one another: there were those guilds which only recruited Germans, Filipinos, those who have 1m above, cosplayers and etc. Just think of it as a variation and one guild is unique from one another.

The moment when this whole rankings came, some guilds started to be competitive.. after all who wouldn't want to compete with others even if it was just for the sake of fun. In order to stay competitive, these top guilds made certain adjustments with the recruitment scheme by choosing only those who would contribute to the overall cumulative a.p.

Don't fret or be bothered since there are still guilds out there who do not take the rankings seriously. If i were you I'd go search for one that better suits your interests. Stay cool :p

hah, thanks. you do have a point there. although like i said, these adjustments are just dumb. because of the leaderboards, these guilds, the ones that i imagined them to be nice, become competitive. I'd like to see guilds the way they are, a connection with people all over the worlds, not a connection with elite people with high APs who dont talk at all

02-14-2014, 08:13 AM
I don't think there will ever be the case whereby ALL guilds want to compete. Aside from those constantly near the top of the leaderboards that HAVE TO STAY COMPETITIVE, there are many that are super friendly and will treat guildies like family. These guilds will also have their own rules (typically no scamming, don't be rude to your fellow guildie, help each other as much as possible, no begging etc etc) but i definitely think there are many guilds out there that just want individuals to have fun and be a part of that community.

Don't think that just because you are a veteran that you need to be in the top 5 guilds. You may in fact have more fun in other guilds where you can help your guildies and build in game friendships that do not depend on running all elite maps to get the best loot :)

02-14-2014, 08:16 AM
@diego: Remember, there are guilds out there who do not mind any rankings or whatsoever. These guilds are really for you and imm pretty sure they outnumber the top guilds out there :) If these top guilds cannot take you in as their member, well don't waste time bothering in joining them at all. You came to Arcane Legends to play and have fun so I suggest you do what you really love.

We can never control what a chosen group of players wish to implement in their guild.

02-14-2014, 08:17 AM
Ehm.. You need show you CAN be in guild :-) exacly for me enought min lvl 20 then here arent any "stupid" peps(no beggings) and yes guilds wanna be #1

Sent from my ST23i using Tapatalk

02-14-2014, 08:17 AM
@Hnakkur: Well if it's for convenience, I'd have to agree with ya!

02-14-2014, 08:21 AM
believe me since we dont have such a big "german speaking guild crowd" ... they dont make this rule to be like older nazis... its just for the motherlang. i bet its the same in philip,american or french guilds too.

02-14-2014, 08:44 AM
Hello people, I wanna share some things that's been bothering in my head right now...

Ok, so you all know about the leaderboards, right? Part of the leaderboards is the "Best Guilds" leaderboard. Now you all must be thinking "Well no **** Sherlock", but really, what's been happening to the guilds lately?

I've been a player for nearly 2 years, and with my experiences with the community, scams, and the awesome ways to die in PVP, you can pretty much say that I'm a "veteran". So because of my experience, you can guess that I've been through a lot of guilds in the process. I've experienced the rise of a guild, its prosperous days, the downfall, and finally the disbanding. But lately, I've been disturbed by the thought that, "What are happening to the guilds now?", and here's why I've been thinking about it.

It all started when I was in a guild called Epitome of Silentkill. You probably know this guild, the super-elite guild that merged for the first time, right? Well, I used to be in that guild. In fact, I was in the former guild, Silentkillz, before the guild merged with Epitome of Excellence. It was run by 2 nice leaders, and the guild was doing so well. In fact, more and more people started to come to this guild. But this "Happy State" all ended when the 2 leaders stopped playing, and was replaced (though I'm not gonna who). Then he started making a bunch of dumb and stupid rules like "Don't invite people until they are lv 20" or "Make sure the people you're recruiting have more than 5000 AP". Then he tweaked the rule that we are only allowed to recruit lv 25, all the way to the level cap, lv 26 (this was before the Nordr expansion). When the Nordr expansion came in, he made a rule that people should reach the level cap in a month, if not then you'll be kicked out. When people (including me) questioned this new rule, he explained that "It's the only way we can reach #1 in the leaderboards." Seriously??? That's the reason why you've been kicking these young recruits? Just to reach the #1 spot? I got pissed off, so I stopped playing for 5 months.

Fast forward to the January, I come back and just as expected, I'm kicked out. And I was like "Eh, its fine by me. They're just a bunch of tryhards who wanna reach the #1 spot". Looking at the leaderboards, I discovered that Epitome of Silentkill DID make it to the top, beating the Deviant Misfits which was a shame, because Deviant Misfits was for me a second choice if ever I got kicked out of Epitome of Silentkill. I searched everywhere for a recruiter for Deviant Misfits, and finally found him in the Shuyal Arena. I asked him if I could join The Deviant Misfits and explained that I was kicked out and didn't play for months, blah blah blah... He rejected me, because I wasn't in the level cap. I asked him "Why should I be in the level cap?" He simply said "For the leaderboards." WTF? Seriously??? You reject people who wanna be in the guild? People who actually have potential in them???

Ok, more fast-forwarding to the present. I find a recruiter of the Epitome of Silentkill. And I thought, "Hmm... y'know what, I'm gonna try to get back to the guild." So I ask him and explained that I used to be in the guild and I would like to be back. I was rejected. When I asked why, she said that "You have to get the title Paragon first" And how do you get this title? You simply have to reach 10,000 APs to get this title. Ok, this was the part where I went "WTFF???" Are the recruiters of these "top guilds" buying their way into the #1 spot? Are the guilds that are trying to be in the leaderboards trying to implement this rule, just to be #1??! Guilds back then used to be friendly and accept everyone who wanted to join. What's happening right now? Are the guild now trying to compete each other by implementing dumb rules, just to raise their total points?

As new guilds rise I'm getting worried about the system of handling guilds now. What will happen in the future? What's the whole point of reaching the #1 spot? Why are guilds so drawn into reaching the top? Why am I still asking questions? There has to be an explanation to all this!

Can I respond you in a nice way?

First of all you are using words that nobody used them... For example : " he explained that "It's the only way we can reach #1 in the leaderboards." Seriously??? " this is not something I ever said....

You are speaking about EOS in here and I'm coming to reply to you... do you even know how to lead a guild? Do you even know what a guildmaster with 1300 members has to do?

I had to set some rules... and these rules were never taken on my own decision, were taken together with all officers.... so consider I was not only one who decided rules...

Second of all, every change we did, was announced atleast with 1 month before applying it... if you are not active... sorry... that's your problem... I'm not keeping zombies in EOS..

3rd : The reason why rules were added is because you can't run an elite with lvl 30.... being at lvl 36.... also I don't like twinks... so EOS is not a twink guild...rules were set were announced and everybody took their decision after the rules...

4th : We are still having 600+ members all lvl 36 with 10 k + aps.... if your too lazy and just come in game to speak... than your place for sure is not in EOS!

So get use to it... all rules applied to EOS seems that have been accepted by most... all rules were decided with 50+ officers... so you are just bringing nothing than words that I didn't used myself...

And coming back to paragon... 2 years almost and you don't have 10k aps? Sorry.... means you even don't play (1 day in 2 months prob) or just coming to chat... please find other guilds... EOS is an active guild ...doing runs, PVP and having fun... we don't need zombies... ty anyway for your words... but I tought I would read your letter and find something interesting.... In the end I just find a lazy guy complaining and bringing words I never used... I never said I wanna be rank #1 and everyone knows I said in guild : I rather be a family than being rank 1 guild in arcane legends...

Have fun and hope you will find a guild that suits you!

02-14-2014, 08:45 AM
Lim is right. There are guild that don't care about ranking. Sure, I would like to see Average Joes climb up the rankings, but it's not important enough to implement rules like you mentioned. We prefer people that like to play and enjoy the game.

The one"problem" I've seen with bringing new players in though is that they lose interest in the game and quit. Having a large number of inactive is bad for a guild.

02-14-2014, 08:59 AM
Some guilds have entry requirements in order to screen for the kind of members they want, more than for ranking.

For example, Pheonix has no minuimum ap or specific k/d requirement, but we do require characters to meet minimum stats before becoming members. This is to ensure that the people joining have an elite mindset, aren't just in the game to loiter and cause drama out of boredom, and have enough knowledge of the game to function as an individual. It also filters out (most) people who beg for money, gear, help with daily quests etc..

We decided ages ago that we no longer wanted to be a massive guild of 3000 that was full of inactives, spam invites and "plsssss hlp", where you couldn't ask for an elite party on guild chat because half the people still died in normal maps. We chose to restructure into a guild where you can call on any member for a party and know without hesitation that they are capable of running any elite without leeching or being dead half the time. A guild where everyone actually knows each other and is enthusiastic about reaching goals together.

The guild leaderboard provides us with goals to aim for as a team, but in our case it is not about reaching #1, it's about seeing our improvement week by week and becoming a better group of players overall. Some people prefer a smaller community rather than having guild chat sound like Kraag.

Just because a guild is top 5, 10, or 500 and has entry requirements does not mean the leaderboard is the reason. The top guild list has added immeasurable entertainment, excitement and drive to the community as a whole. Just because a few people are obsessed does not mean one can generalize about others.

02-14-2014, 08:59 AM
I'm sorry about your sentiments topic creator but some people want to be the best and even if you don't want to be the best rules keep the guild in place and useful people on.

I ak not in EOS and have never been, but I agree with those rules. In my own guild I dislike when we have deadweight so we don't allow beggars, frown upon people who don't bother with leveling up or simply need help for EVERYTHING and in general are not there to help our rank or our small family.

We surely won't boot anybody for say not having 10k APs but we want people who will at least try and I can only imagine most top guilds are the same.

Heck 10k APs isn't even that hard. Some guilds require 14k,think about that one.

There are many guilds who don't care about ranks or levels.

02-14-2014, 09:05 AM
I was in EOS in lvl 31 cap and EOS was already no.1 on lb.
They always respected me in PVP teams although i only had legendary gear at that time.

There are 6000 guilds in AL. There will be one for u too.

I love our guild HVH and the challenge to be on the lb.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9100 mit Tapatalk

02-14-2014, 09:15 AM
Lol, I agree with Pauly & Limsy! Find a guild that better suits your individual needs and don't be so irritated that you are no longer in our guild...I mean come on?! If you don't like the rules and requirements of a guild then find a guild that will appreciate whatever qualities you may possess but why complain that you don't meet the standards to belong to such elite guilds as EoS and DM in a forum thread? Kinda silly and not all that constructive . Shouldn't the forums be used for the enhancement of our AL community thru more positive advice instead of moans & groans all the time...and im not just referring to the simpering going on here by, deigo. Lately there has been a string of insulting threads that Delphy has had to close because of percieved injustices getting way too personal in public and too much negative energy going on in a virtual game meant for enjoyment and relaxation! Come on people...it is a cyber world so have some fun for a change!

02-14-2014, 09:23 AM
Eos/Dm always had their own requirements even before guild rankings were introduced
Keeping requirements doesnt make them pro or anythin..and lvl requirements r there because u wudnt like a low lvl player random inviting u askin u help in low lvl maps or asking u for gold/equipments or even worse is pming the gm to promote him ..i wont say high lvl ppl don do that..But it is very mch minimised..and if u say so..other guilds who dont care for ranks doesnt recruit any random player walking in town..as far as i know getting in those guilds..u need a recruiter who knows u well n can vouch u and if not u shud be a good player who could be trusted. And one last thing u should really check out our guild chat :)

02-14-2014, 09:26 AM
Not are guilds are like this.

My guild does not advertise in chatbox about recruiting.. We let the players ask us for an invite and we simply evaluate their gameplay style. We are not greedy and we are certainly not desperate for new faces just to top the other guilds.

But we do have requirements for the guild, such as Lvl Cap, Paragon, DPS, etc. This is not because we only want the best players (It would be nice) but it is to weed out the players who are not dedicated or will simply be non-productive in the guild.

Does it seem like we are competitive? It sure looks like it. However, we seek hard-working players who will at the very least contribute to a fun, loving, and family-oriented atmosphere. Don't we all love receiving warm 'hellos' in guild chat?

We would love to be the Top Guild, but it is not our major priority. I, personally, would not actually prefer it since it will probably attract hordes of beggars, leechers, and other harmful players. Our guild is happy with where we currently stand.

Good luck finding your guild! :)

02-14-2014, 09:31 AM
Just levelup lol.

02-14-2014, 09:36 AM
Not are guilds are like this.

My guild does not advertise in chatbox about recruiting.. We let the players ask us for an invite and we simply evaluate their gameplay style. We are not greedy and we are certainly not desperate for new faces just to top the other guilds.

But we do have requirements for the guild, such as Lvl Cap, Paragon, DPS, etc. This is not because we only want the best players (It would be nice) but it is to weed out the players who are not dedicated or will simply be non-productive in the guild.

Does it seem like we are competitive? It sure looks like it. However, we seek hard-working players who will at the very least contribute to a fun, loving, and family-oriented atmosphere. Don't we all love receiving warm 'hellos' in guild chat?

We would love to be the Top Guild, but it is not our major priority. I, personally, would not actually prefer it since it will probably attract hordes of beggars, leechers, and other harmful players. Our guild is happy with where we currently stand.

Good luck finding your guild! :)


02-14-2014, 09:38 AM
Thats what happens when you try to enter one of the TOP2 guilds

I mean comon theres hundreds of other guilds you can join where no such recruiting rules exist but you choose to enter one of the top2?

For someone who doesnt care about the rank you sure are acting a bit odd. So those 2 guilds have strict guide lines but most guilds dont care that much

If you want normal, join a guild thats either far below on the guild rank or not in it at all.

Prahasit Prahi
02-14-2014, 09:41 AM
If you wanna be in top guilds you need to obey rules or else you need to find another guild

Actually most of these guild rules came into act when the guild ranking started

02-14-2014, 09:51 AM
If guild ranks are there some1 has to be #1..u cant blame the guild coz its there..we hav our own requirements and i bet it wud hav been introduced even if rankins werent introduced.
Talkin abt eos..we were 1.3k members at one time..we wanted to reduce the number of members..we cant kick ppl randomly so we decided to remove all low lvl members :)

02-14-2014, 11:19 AM
lol..i wanna point this out.
even before the top guild rankings came out.. DM has always had rules of being capped or 1 level before cap. we dont have much restriction(we have a reasonable restriction) into inviting people tho we do encourage people to do their aps, as for this paragon title.. we thought about the paragon title but we never implemented it.. and it came to me that its not necessary
i rather help someone get their paragon title than reject someone over that silly thing, its something easy to work with.

My point is the reason DM is one of the top guilds.. and i am not bragging about this nor im showing off but just proving a point that not all guilds are like this is
because of Blakadder and other's pro NOOB recruits who have stayed with us for a long long long time and have became decent to pro players.

most have stayed long because im sure everyone can agree to this.. the amount of growth people have grown from the moment they joined to the moment they leave (or stayed /now). im not saying ALL players but majority of players. and ive seen a lot of it ever since i been in DM..the warriors who had no idea what theyre doing months and months ago... some of them are now beside me..and can be found in officers chat ;)

were more about personality quality than character quality, its easy to teach people and help people.. and the great thing about it is
YOU wont ever have to try so hard. the amount of people helping in the guild.. even the "noobs" help and get so motivated to learn. its all about officers and recruiters setting a good example and thats something that rubs off hard on other people..

you know what they say, you attract your own kind

02-14-2014, 11:34 AM
Rejection sucks. When I read your post it made me feel like Two things are going on: 1) you miss the vibe your old guild had and 2) you are smarting from being rejected.

Regarding number one, it's hard to recreate the vibe of your favorite guild if it crumbles or merges. If you really want to try to find a guild with the vibe of your original guild you'll either have to make your own and create your own criteria or you'll have to try a couple of the smaller guilds. The majority of the elite/lb guilds will have criteria based on maintaining their rank. There are plenty of smaller guilds with a good vibe. Most of these guilds have rules such as: no spamming chat, no begging, no scamming but won't get pissed if you don't grind or farm countless hours.

Regarding number two, you just need to shrug it off and realize that lb guilds need to have a set of rules or they would have a hard time reaching and maintaining the top spots. Instead of getting your feelings hurt, just remind yourself that it's not about you--it's about ranking. In other words, don't take it personally.

Best of luck finding (or making) a guild that works for you!

02-14-2014, 12:24 PM
Rejection sucks. When I read your post it made me feel like Two things are going on: 1) you miss the vibe your old guild had and 2) you are smarting from being rejected.

Regarding number one, it's hard to recreate the vibe of your favorite guild if it crumbles or merges. If you really want to try to find a guild with the vibe of your original guild you'll either have to make your own and create your own criteria or you'll have to try a couple of the smaller guilds. The majority of the elite/lb guilds will have criteria based on maintaining their rank. There are plenty of smaller guilds with a good vibe. Most of these guilds have rules such as: no spamming chat, no begging, no scamming but won't get pissed if you don't grind or farm countless hours.

Regarding number two, you just need to shrug it off and realize that lb guilds need to have a set of rules or they would have a hard time reaching and maintaining the top spots. Instead of getting your feelings hurt, just remind yourself that it's not about you--it's about ranking. In other words, don't take it personally.

Best of luck finding (or making) a guild that works for you!

Eos doesnt force ppl to farm countless hours...ofc we don like scammers or u don wanna get bugged..these rules r neccassary thats y they r there..yes we were very enthusiastic about our rank when the ranking was released.Later aftr a few weeks it was just a number.
On the other hand we r a very fun guild u will always see ppl hanging out in gh n havin fun
Its something like u wont know it as long as u havent felt it

@diegomarcus good lck findin guild of ur type :)

02-14-2014, 12:42 PM
Not are guilds are like this.

My guild does not advertise in chatbox about recruiting.. We let the players ask us for an invite and we simply evaluate their gameplay style. We are not greedy and we are certainly not desperate for new faces just to top the other guilds.

But we do have requirements for the guild, such as Lvl Cap, Paragon, DPS, etc. This is not because we only want the best players (It would be nice) but it is to weed out the players who are not dedicated or will simply be non-productive in the guild.

Does it seem like we are competitive? It sure looks like it. However, we seek hard-working players who will at the very least contribute to a fun, loving, and family-oriented atmosphere. Don't we all love receiving warm 'hellos' in guild chat?

We would love to be the Top Guild, but it is not our major priority. I, personally, would not actually prefer it since it will probably attract hordes of beggars, leechers, and other harmful players. Our guild is happy with where we currently stand.

Good luck finding your guild! :)

Thank you Ebez, well said. :)

02-14-2014, 01:11 PM
Eos doesnt force ppl to farm countless hours...ofc we don like scammers or u don wanna get bugged..these rules r neccassary thats y they r there..yes we were very enthusiastic about our rank when the ranking was released.Later aftr a few weeks it was just a number.
On the other hand we r a very fun guild u will always see ppl hanging out in gh n havin fun
Its something like u wont know it as long as u havent felt it

@diegomarcus good lck findin guild of ur type :)

Sorry, I was just responding to this quote from your GM

4th : We are still having 600+ members all lvl 36 with 10 k + aps.... if your too lazy and just come in game to speak... than your place for sure is not in EOS!

This made me assume that if you're online and "too lazy" (I have 14400 AP with no pvp AP but mostly log in to chat--what does that make me?) to run all the time EOS isn't the guild for you. I'm not slamming EOS for having its set of rules.

02-14-2014, 01:29 PM
Not are guilds are like this.

My guild does not advertise in chatbox about recruiting.. We let the players ask us for an invite and we simply evaluate their gameplay style. We are not greedy and we are certainly not desperate for new faces just to top the other guilds.

But we do have requirements for the guild, such as Lvl Cap, Paragon, DPS, etc. This is not because we only want the best players (It would be nice) but it is to weed out the players who are not dedicated or will simply be non-productive in the guild.

Does it seem like we are competitive? It sure looks like it. However, we seek hard-working players who will at the very least contribute to a fun, loving, and family-oriented atmosphere. Don't we all love receiving warm 'hellos' in guild chat?

We would love to be the Top Guild, but it is not our major priority. I, personally, would not actually prefer it since it will probably attract hordes of beggars, leechers, and other harmful players. Our guild is happy with where we currently stand.

Good luck finding your guild! :)

Thank You Ebez!
As Paul pointed out, there are more reasons for recruitment requirements then just lb rank. For example our goal is to have active players for all fun things to do in al online at all times.
With member levels or skills spreading too wide, organizing these things gets frustrating very fast. So we use the visible indicators, level and paragon title (it s perfectly doable now), and in addition do test runs with recruits to see if they re able to support their team. So far this works great for us.

There are tons of guilds out there, which are less competitive then the top ones, each with their own features, focus, and -most important- unique player base. Just find the right family for you, according to your goals in game and your skill and mindset!

02-14-2014, 01:38 PM
Yash u spamming again :P

02-14-2014, 01:41 PM
Hm its not rly in topic but wanna ask if i can join EOS?

Sent from my ST23i using Tapatalk

02-14-2014, 02:25 PM
Thank You Ebez!
As Paul pointed out, there are more reasons for recruitment requirements then just lb rank. For example our goal is to have active players for all fun things to do in al online at all times.
With member levels or skills spreading too wide, organizing these things gets frustrating very fast. So we use the visible indicators, level and paragon title (it s perfectly doable now), and in addition do test runs with recruits to see if they re able to support their team. So far this works great for us.

There are tons of guilds out there, which are less competitive then the top ones, each with their own features, focus, and -most important- unique player base. Just find the right family for you, according to your goals in game and your skill and mindset!

Exactly!And to answer to others...Eos doesnt force ppls to farm a number of hours per day and also doesnt force ppls to not have fun in gh / gc.
There is alot of fun and trust meour gc always goes crazy ..sometimes you are annoyed that ppls doesnt stop speaking..this is a very noisy guild.
RULES are not made to keep ranking..rules are made for other scopes..like keeping ppls active / help their mates etc. And about not being active ... yes i dont like this..i mean its ok 1 month...but if u are 1 day per /month on...sorry EOS for sure not for u. I always try to have the guild members active and being active contribute alot and always there will be support received in whatever is needed from members. Thats the reason I didnt made a limit to officers number. I always want ppls to have officers on and receive the necessary support. EOS was always an active guild and will continue to be like that. And to answer to other concerns...I took lead in a very bad moment for EOS.. was a hard work that time..spending lots of hours per day to rebuild what fall and everyone knows we always respected what others gms did and this is one of the reason why eos is here. When u will decicate alot of time for ur guildmates by supporting them in any activity..by spending time near them..by answering the hundreds pms u receive..by doing meetings and discuss hours in benefit of ur guild...you will probably understand the guild masters of the guilds..and their effort for keeping a guild active / helpfull and friendly and full of fun.
If there are still any concerns please use private messages or post in guild threads what u like and what not. Pointing out something that its in ur mind and using something that others doesnt say doesnt worst even a reply. And if u ever want to know the reason why i congratz every week my guild when they keep the rank..its not for fame..its not something i care..you can pm me and i can explain it..there are other reasons behind and you should be able to see them.
Ill be always happy with any rank as long as I see Eos a happy / fun & like a family guild with members who always help and are active.

So goodluck diego in finding a guild who suits you. Hope i cover all your concerns and if not, you are free to ask/ free to pm me or post in Eos thread.cya

02-14-2014, 02:38 PM
Hey Diego,

First off, it wasn't right to flame EoS or DM because of them rejecting you. That was very unprofessional & shows the same lack of respect that you accuse the aforementioned guilds of.

Secondly, AL has been around for 1 year. So, unless you played other STG games - it's impossible to play AL for 2 years.

Thirdly, there are other guilds that exist. So, my question is: why do you care so much about being in a #1 or #2 guild? You too are fixated on the rankings of the guild. Guilds require strict rules to maintain order. If there weren't these rules, then players would have to deal with nuances like running elites with undergeared/underleveled players. I am sure that no GM wants to make their guild members unhappy or frustrated. A GM strives to keep the players in the guild happy - that's his role! The only way to do this is by not having an open door policy.

You want to get into the top guilds? That's great! However, you will need to meet their requirements. They are there for a reason - to maintain order. I can give you many theoretical examples of why certain rules in certain guilds are implemented.

If you want a guild that does not care about ranking, they exist. However, they also have their requirements. If you want a guild that will accept anyone, guess what? Those guilds exist too! They're just not #1 guilds on the leaderboards, so you will have to accept the fact that they aren't. However, I am sure that those guilds are filled with great fun loving players as well. If you're looking for those guilds, just stand around with the guild title <None> and wait for an invite. I'm more than positive that eventually somebody will recruit you.


02-14-2014, 03:40 PM
It is quite simple really: if you do not want to put in the effort or time to be in a top ranking guild then do not go around complaining about not being accepted by us...the end! ))

02-14-2014, 03:43 PM
Um, was that to blunt? Lol, not very diplomatic of me :/

02-14-2014, 03:52 PM
You can join my guild if you want.Northzide soldiers

02-14-2014, 04:07 PM
Can y'all just calm down and think from HIS perspective? -.-
Just stahp going on to what's right and what's wrong (zeus) and what should be done or how the guilds are (paul, yash, ebe, etc)

Now I'm nobody to lecture you guys but this issue could have been handled more delicately.

"Hey diego, I'm sorry to hear that happened with you.. Get back to me in game and we'll help ya level up and maybe then you can join? As far as the original post is concerned, I'm sorry you felt that way. We just had to keep the inactives and miscreants out. Glad to have you back though!"

Now, what's wrong in the above reply? Seriously, just keep your head on your neck guys :) it's a really petty issue!

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

02-14-2014, 04:24 PM
Can y'all just calm down and think from HIS perspective? -.-
Just stahp going on to what's right and what's wrong (zeus) and what should be done or how the guilds are (paul, yash, ebe, etc)

Now I'm nobody to lecture you guys but this issue could have been handled more delicately.

"Hey diego, I'm sorry to hear that happened with you.. Get back to me in game and we'll help ya level up and maybe then you can join? As far as the original post is concerned, I'm sorry you felt that way. We just had to keep the inactives and miscreants out. Glad to have you back though!"

Now, what's wrong in the above reply? Seriously, just keep your head on your neck guys :) it's a really petty issue!

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Well, maybe if you had felt attacked because you were specifically called out you'd be singing a different song. Just an opinion. Nothing I read here was that harsh btw. Its good for people to have a wake up call sometimes. So they know there are two sides to a story.

02-14-2014, 05:25 PM
You stated EOS=super elite guild.. what on earth elite mean if no rules to join them? Get your fat fingger working on APs..

Send using my cellphone.. yes my cellphone

02-14-2014, 05:43 PM
Can y'all just calm down and think from HIS perspective? -.-
Just stahp going on to what's right and what's wrong (zeus) and what should be done or how the guilds are (paul, yash, ebe, etc)

Now I'm nobody to lecture you guys but this issue could have been handled more delicately.

"Hey diego, I'm sorry to hear that happened with you.. Get back to me in game and we'll help ya level up and maybe then you can join? As far as the original post is concerned, I'm sorry you felt that way. We just had to keep the inactives and miscreants out. Glad to have you back though!"

Now, what's wrong in the above reply? Seriously, just keep your head on your neck guys :) it's a really petty issue!

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

Man...he rather comes and throw shyt on a guild or two and speaking using false words instead of writing his concern in our guild thread?or better pm me in game or forum asking for info? but ye whatever you say.... i still think i replied to nice for this kind of post

02-14-2014, 05:45 PM
If you won a join an elite guild, you got a be an elite.

02-14-2014, 06:03 PM
Can y'all just calm down and think from HIS perspective? -.-
Just stahp going on to what's right and what's wrong (zeus) and what should be done or how the guilds are (paul, yash, ebe, etc)

Now I'm nobody to lecture you guys but this issue could have been handled more delicately.

"Hey diego, I'm sorry to hear that happened with you.. Get back to me in game and we'll help ya level up and maybe then you can join? As far as the original post is concerned, I'm sorry you felt that way. We just had to keep the inactives and miscreants out. Glad to have you back though!"

Now, what's wrong in the above reply? Seriously, just keep your head on your neck guys :) it's a really petty issue!

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk


That would set a precedent that anyone who was denied can make a thread crying and then be allowed in the guild of their choosing. Also, by making this thread - he chose to slander their guild name. I think that he could have handled the situation in a more mature fashion.

Personally, I will not lie to a person and tell them that I will help them level up - it's not going to happen. If he wants to be in a #1 or #2 guild, he needs to work for them, not the other way around.

There's a famous quote called, "Ask not what America can do for you, but what you can do for her".

02-14-2014, 07:43 PM
Ok, just to be clear to everyone:
@Paul, i you think im saying "false" information, then look at your guild post in the forums. Clearly it say that you have to be lv 36 to join. Is that "false words" to you?
@Zeus, I dont know what your deal is, but i have to agree with Hiosahaf here. Clearly you arent looking at my perspective here. Now im not saying that im special and that everyone should make me feel special, but you gotta take into account my perspective and experience here. And also, didnt this game start at 2011?

@everyone, im not trying to get back to EOS, nor trying to be elite. In fact, im quite happy now that im in some other guild. And because of that i learned that even though youre in the #1 spot, you still wont be hapy unless you know how to achieve it.

Sorry if i flamed EOS and/or Deviant Misfits, I just had to say what i was thinking

02-14-2014, 08:07 PM
I miss eoe/eosk. To be honest the merge is what killed both guild because it got to big to fast. Cass was still around by then and shortly gave up after most of the original eoe players left the merge. I see eosk now and it makes me sad for the reasons you mentioned. Pretty sure most of the players in that guild have no idea on the history behind it or how much work was put into both guilds causing the merge. So now like you said you have new gms making the worse rules to join when the original meaning for the guild was friends, not being the best but being the most helpful. The last few times ive checked on al alot of guilds are just competing for #1. Very few are there for friends now and reason im glad i stuck to the one aster and saf started.

02-14-2014, 08:07 PM
Ok, just to be clear to everyone:
@Paul, i you think im saying "false" information, then look at your guild post in the forums. Clearly it say that you have to be lv 36 to join. Is that "false words" to you?
@Zeus, I dont know what your deal is, but i have to agree with Hiosahaf here. Clearly you arent looking at my perspective here. Now im not saying that im special and that everyone should make me feel special, but you gotta take into account my perspective and experience here. And also, didnt this game start at 2011?

@everyone, im not trying to get back to EOS, nor trying to be elite. In fact, im quite happy now that im in some other guild. And because of that i learned that even though youre in the #1 spot, you still wont be hapy unless you know how to achieve it.

Sorry if i flamed EOS and/or Deviant Misfits, I just had to say what i was thinking

I'm looking at your perspective just fine. However, the world does not revolve around you. I was a noob once too. Heck, everybody in those guilds were once a noob. You are not anyone special to throw a fit on forums because you did not get what you want. In order to get into those guilds, they surpassed the requirements needed. Again, if you want to join them - meet the requirements. Nobody but yourself is stopping you from getting them, so the only person you can blame for not being in the guild you want is yourself.

Also, your apology is not an apology, as you gave reasoning why you did what you did - so it's not really an apology, is it? You can't tell someone: "I punched you in the face, but this is why I did it. Forgive me?"

Lastly, this is the approximate release date of the game:
Nov. 27th, 2012.

Note: I am not in any leaderboard guild.

02-14-2014, 08:46 PM
Point me to the recruiter who told you we only recruit l36 cuz of guild rankings.

1-Guild rankings are stupid. If we wanted to be top guild, we would recruit every single person we could, to raise our APs(our only low stat. DM is currently(and always was) top in all the meaningful categories such as ctf kills, ctf k/d, tdm, etc.
2-The reason we accpet 36 only is because we dont like l35s trying to run elite or do pvp because they slow us down. Simple as that. If you are a twink, thats cool, we accept twinks who wanna be with us.
3-There were no guild rankings before EOS existed, so you saying you got kicked at l26 cap for guild rankings is complete and utter bs and youre LYING. and DM was #1 for the longest time, and if you counted them all id bet we had more weeks at it. The only way to pull #1 for us would be to recruit noobs and 35 etc who have AP. We dont want that, we wanr quality players. Stop being so bitter. We at DM are not some super elitist guild that hunts down all the noobs to hate on them. Yes we got rid of 35s/made them level up, but its OUR guild and thats what we want. We dont even have the paragon title requirement.
4-Way long ago I was a noob who joined AB(the guild that DM sprung from) and through working with officers and people who wanted to help me grow(RIP Speedrun) I improved and now I lead DM.
5-You obviously only join guilds because all you see is rankings. The people like you are so noticeable. When we are #1, we get so many new players and l35s and low levels trying to join. If you want the shortcut to being good then you will be looking for such a long time that you would be better off working for it. Its annoying to see guildies upset because we arent number 1. Those same guildies are the ones who joined us solely based on rank. They also usually have negative 10 million pvp ratios and brag to other noobs in pier about their guild rank.
6-Lets throw "Number of members on timed runs" into guild ranks as a factor.
More problems? Come cry to me ingame ign: Aze

02-14-2014, 08:52 PM
Point me to the recruiter who told you we only recruit l36 cuz of guild rankings.

1-Guild rankings are stupid. If we wanted to be top guild, we would recruit every single person we could, to raise our APs(our only low stat. DM is currently(and always was) top in all the meaningful categories such as ctf kills, ctf k/d, tdm, etc.
2-The reason we accpet 36 only is because we dont like l35s trying to run elite or do pvp because they slow us down. Simple as that. If you are a twink, thats cool, we accept twinks who wanna be with us.
3-There were no guild rankings before EOS existed, so you saying you got kicked at l26 cap for guild rankings is complete and utter bs and youre LYING. and DM was #1 for the longest time, and if you counted them all id bet we had more weeks at it. The only way to pull #1 for us would be to recruit noobs and 35 etc who have AP. We dont want that, we wanr quality players. Stop being so bitter. We at DM are not some super elitist guild that hunts down all the noobs to hate on them. Yes we got rid of 35s/made them level up, but its OUR guild and thats what we want. We dont even have the paragon title requirement.

More problems? Come cry to me ingame ign: Aze

You tell 'em aze.

02-14-2014, 08:57 PM
I wasnt done sorry ctf

02-14-2014, 09:09 PM
Man...he rather comes and throw shyt on a guild or two and speaking using false words instead of writing his concern in our guild thread?or better pm me in game or forum asking for info? but ye whatever you say.... i still think i replied to nice for this kind of post

Don't pay any heed to him. Does it matter what one person is gonna say about EOS? Everyone on the forums knows how EOS is and how reputed you are. Don't let someone words incite you. (Same with you zeus). Better to put it off calmly rather than feeding the fire with more fuel! :)
Just my opinion

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

02-14-2014, 10:08 PM
Point me to the recruiter who told you we only recruit l36 cuz of guild rankings.

1-Guild rankings are stupid. If we wanted to be top guild, we would recruit every single person we could, to raise our APs(our only low stat. DM is currently(and always was) top in all the meaningful categories such as ctf kills, ctf k/d, tdm, etc.
2-The reason we accpet 36 only is because we dont like l35s trying to run elite or do pvp because they slow us down. Simple as that. If you are a twink, thats cool, we accept twinks who wanna be with us.
3-There were no guild rankings before EOS existed, so you saying you got kicked at l26 cap for guild rankings is complete and utter bs and youre LYING. and DM was #1 for the longest time, and if you counted them all id bet we had more weeks at it. The only way to pull #1 for us would be to recruit noobs and 35 etc who have AP. We dont want that, we wanr quality players. Stop being so bitter. We at DM are not some super elitist guild that hunts down all the noobs to hate on them. Yes we got rid of 35s/made them level up, but its OUR guild and thats what we want. We dont even have the paragon title requirement.
4-Way long ago I was a noob who joined AB(the guild that DM sprung from) and through working with officers and people who wanted to help me grow(RIP Speedrun) I improved and now I lead DM.
5-You obviously only join guilds because all you see is rankings. The people like you are so noticeable. When we are #1, we get so many new players and l35s and low levels trying to join. If you want the shortcut to being good then you will be looking for such a long time that you would be better off working for it. Its annoying to see guildies upset because we arent number 1. Those same guildies are the ones who joined us solely based on rank. They also usually have negative 10 million pvp ratios and brag to other noobs in pier about their guild rank.
6-Lets throw "Number of members on timed runs" into guild ranks as a factor.
More problems? Come cry to me ingame ign: Aze

Hehehe poor dude, he can't even retaliate when Aze tells him off.

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02-14-2014, 10:44 PM
Each guild usually have their own requirements in order to recruit someone. Flaming guilds for their recruitment practices brings drama to the forums.

This thread is now closed.