View Full Version : Thinking about a Career in Game Development?

02-14-2014, 03:13 PM
Ahh, Spring. Many different thoughts come up as winter starts to thaw. Around this time of year, I start to get some out of the blue messages from younger generations thinking about their future and the possibility of making a living in the Gaming Industry. Here is one such message:

Hi Sam,

I don't want to disturb but i really would like to know your opinion about a issue.

I am a boy of 19 years schooling in italy and my dream is becoming a game designer.

I am at the last year of high school and specilizing in IT and i have to choose the university i will attend later. To be sincere i am very confused.

This is my dilemma...
1) First of all i wanted to know the scolastic route you made to become what you are today.
2)I wanted to know what type of university you would advice me to do to become a game designer.

Thank you Sam.

First off, get an education.

It's important. It shows any prospective employer that you have the ability to learn. Also that you have the ability to see something through (if you get your diploma).

Many of the people I have met in my time working have educations, but not in their field. Sure, getting an education in your field is better, but not always necessary. Of course, this is my opinion. I say this because choosing the wrong education won't stop you. Far from it. Just get some higher education, it will pay off! A quick internet search turns up such as:

The Education Pays report itself finds that median earnings for bachelor’s degree holders working full-time in 2011 were $21,000 more than the median earnings of high school graduates, according to the report. The median earnings for those with some college experience, but no college degree, are $5,000 more than for high school graduates.

Read more: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2013/10/07/college-board-releases-education-pays-report#ixzz2tKR0RSZv
Inside Higher Ed

So yeah, get some school under your belt!

There are a lot more options for formal game development education these days. The global gaming industry has grown by leaps and bounds.

Another great resource for people looking to get into game development is Gamasutra (http://www.gamasutra.com/) and the Game Career Guide (http://www.gamecareerguide.com/). Check those sites out. Read and learn.

A while ago, Gary Gattis (Spacetime Games CEO) was contributed to an article about getting into the Gaming Industry. There is also a lot of great information to be found there. Here is the link: What to make Video Games for a living? Here's How (http://www.statesman.com/news/technology/want-to-make-video-games-for-a-living-heres-how-1/nRfm3/)

As for my story? Well, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I didn't back when I was paying my own way through school. I have 3 different 2 year degrees. I have figured out some of my strengths and play to them now. I got my start in the game industry doing Customer Service for EverQuest back in 2000. While I was at Sony Online Entertainment, I just wanted it more than a lot of the other guys there. I asked questions, took on additional responsibility and worked my way up.

At the end of the day, my advice to you is to believe in yourself. You can do anything when you set your mind to it. Really! No, I mean it. You can do it. Everyone fails - just learn from those moments, get back up and never stop giving it your all!

Warm regards,

Alex "Samhayne" von Minden

02-14-2014, 03:41 PM
Really cool thread!

02-14-2014, 09:13 PM
At the end of the day, my advice to you is to believe in yourself. You can do anything when you set your mind to it. Really! No, I mean it. You can do it. Everyone fails - just learn from those moments, get back up and never stop giving it your all!
Warm regards,

Alex "Samhayne" von Minden

Sam is so inspiring :')

I'm not the person in that quoted message, but i wanna be a game designer too someday

and um..so your real name is Alex? not Samhayne? O.O

02-14-2014, 09:34 PM
Great read Alex thank you! :)

02-15-2014, 03:47 AM
Thanks Sam! :)

And thanks to that guy/girl (i cant find your name and retrace you).
Grazie :).

02-15-2014, 11:11 AM
Thanks Sam! I think this advice will help people and those are some helpful links too. I myself have always wanted to get into the game design industry. I have my own games I've made and I have taken school classes and started teaching myself coding. I do see where you're coming from about how getting a degree is beneficial but I myself am not going to college and I have my many reasons. I think without a degree I can do fine and have planned how my future will be. I may not be going to college but that doesn't mean I don't suggest that other people should because I do think they should. It will really help a lot. You said to believe in yourself, well I believe I can still do it. :)

02-15-2014, 02:38 PM
i have some years learning game design. is not easy when u are going to code. but if u wanna create ur game and u don't know nothing how to create it. u can use andengine to create a 2D game for android is very good and simple.

02-15-2014, 07:12 PM
and um..so your real name is Alex? not Samhayne? O.O

SamHayne is just a name he uses for video games.

02-15-2014, 11:54 PM
SamHayne is just a name he uses for video games.

Then..Who was Sam Hayne? O.o

02-16-2014, 01:39 AM
Then..Who was Sam Hayne? O.o

My guess is Sam Hayne the USA Independant wrestler. Or maybe its a play off Samhain, the gaelic festival, or simply it's just a name he uses for games! Similar to I use the name Zojak, but thats obviously not my real name :P

02-16-2014, 09:52 AM
Actually, Samhayne is a character in Ultima 9. I've used it as an online handle for a long time now (I just liked the sound of it really), especially in first person shooter games. If you get pwnt by Samhayne in WoT, PlanetSide or Day of Defeat, well it might be me ;) (or not, it isn't that unique of a handle).

Prahasit Prahi
02-16-2014, 10:56 AM
I'm crazy about gaming and app development
and I'm still 19 too
I'm looking forward to one of these opportunities after my studies are competed
and very inspiring one thanks Sam

And yes I know that Sam's name is Alex,it is when the Space times games hangout happened In that beside the cam it shows Alex when ever Camera changes from Sam

02-16-2014, 12:53 PM
Actually, Samhayne is a character in Ultima 9. I've used it as an online handle for a long time now (I just liked the sound of it really), especially in first person shooter games. If you get pwnt by Samhayne in WoT, PlanetSide or Day of Defeat, well it might be me ;) (or not, it isn't that unique of a handle).

Ha... I knew it.

I was a big fan of Ultima 9 when I was younger. Until I realized what a disgrace it is to other Ultima titles (regarding the story, mostly).

Whats a Paladin?

02-16-2014, 02:12 PM
Actually, Samhayne is a character in Ultima 9. I've used it as an online handle for a long time now (I just liked the sound of it really), especially in first person shooter games. If you get pwnt by Samhayne in WoT, PlanetSide or Day of Defeat, well it might be me ;) (or not, it isn't that unique of a handle).

do u Play Battlefield? i wanna play a shooter with u XD

Day of defeat steam version? :P

02-18-2014, 10:01 PM
Actually, Samhayne is a character in Ultima 9. I've used it as an online handle for a long time now (I just liked the sound of it really), especially in first person shooter games. If you get pwnt by Samhayne in WoT, PlanetSide or Day of Defeat, well it might be me ;) (or not, it isn't that unique of a handle).
0; u play WoT?