View Full Version : New Idea for DL

Young Stunny NicCa
02-15-2014, 08:54 AM
I was thinking being that DL dosent have classes, it would be cool to have the option of being a Vampire or WairWolf. The pvp wold be Legpndary as well as the costom opion tl each player... thats just a thot thoe.
#2 It would be cool if your pet gave u some type of ability besode floting around. I meen if im goin to pay 200-900k for on. It migjt as well help me out lol.

02-15-2014, 05:13 PM
I think one class is fine but about the pet thing. I think that'd be cool.

02-16-2014, 04:34 AM
New idea for dl? You must be new around here. Mods please deal with this person in the usual manner. (Ignore)
Ok all joking aside. If u want different classes there r other sts games that actually get meaningful updates as in arcane legends. As a matter of fact, they have pets that actually do help u out. If dl had the same thing we might as well play al. Thats what makes dl different and unique. And all the expensive things are purely for looks so anybody can lvl up and have a fair chance in pvp. Dont ask me how many times i been killed in pvp by someone with less than 1k kills. So take dl as it is and suggestions for new ideas unfortunately r pretty much ignored. Sorry to be a downer.

02-16-2014, 03:27 PM
New idea for dl? You must be new around here. Mods please deal with this person in the usual manner. (Ignore)
Ok all joking aside. If u want different classes there r other sts games that actually get meaningful updates as in arcane legends. As a matter of fact, they have pets that actually do help u out. If dl had the same thing we might as well play al. Thats what makes dl different and unique. And all the expensive things are purely for looks so anybody can lvl up and have a fair chance in pvp. Dont ask me how many times i been killed in pvp by someone with less than 1k kills. So take dl as it is and suggestions for new ideas unfortunately r pretty much ignored. Sorry to be a downer.

^Pretty much this. DL isent a class baesed game, more of a "for show and hacknslash type of game"

02-17-2014, 12:50 PM
In all honesty, I haven't been playing the game for very long but from what I've gotten from the game is that it is meant to be only one class. All the other sts games have classes except this one and I think it's refreshing. To me it says that "all men are created equal" because it's true when you start out everyone has same stats and in pvp, you can't say wow this class is so op, it's all based upon your build to show how well you do.

Regarding your pet idea, it would be cool but won't happen not because they will overlook and don't have time, but because DL was created back with PL and SL and the technology and game systems for those are completely different from AL as it is much more advanced and simply can't be implemented.

02-18-2014, 04:38 AM
This would be cool, since wolf has always been a vampires enemy, why not? a wolf would be like a tank maybe? vampire a vamp of coourse, then maybe a normal human with guns and stuff lol i dunno