View Full Version : The Problem Regarding Unlocking Skills

02-17-2014, 12:04 PM
For the bears that don't know how to tank, the mages that don't know how to heal, and birds that don't know how to deal damage efficiently, I present to you a new skill distribution per levels.

1- Beckon
2- Taunt
4- Stomp
6- Rage
8- Vengeful Slash
10- Crippling Slash
12- Super Mega Slash
14- Evade
16- Iron Blood
18- Restore
20- Hell Scream
22- Crushing Blow

1- Blast Shot
2- Thorn Wall
4- Restore
6- Thorn Root
8- Focus
10- Break Armor
12- Avian Scream
14- Restore
16- Meditation
18- Repulse Shot
20- Shattering Scream
22- Blinding Shot

1- Heal
2- Lightning
4- Frostbite
6- Resurrect
8- Blessing of Vitality
10- Firestorm
12- Ice Storm
14- Mana Shield
16- Drain Life
18- Nightmare
20- Weakness
22- Blessing of Might

Why do this?

It is an introduction to new players to PLAY THEIR CLASS CORRECTLY. It will not break 22- PvP as the unlocked skills are relatively the same. However, as bears get beckon as their first skill, will be very useful to PvE and will prevent scatter bears from sprouting. Blast Shot on birds as their first skill as the same idea; they are the main damage dealing class, so therefore Blast Shot should be first (although it comes very early in the game so the affect this should take in place will be minimal). What I really want to talk about is Thorn Wall- it roots multiple enemies with a longer cooldown that regular root. Thorn Wall is crucial for birds, and getting it very late will not help people understand that it is used when bear beckons, to get maximum usage out of a pull and the quickest execution of the enemies (thus AoE being the difference that sets apart Thorn Wall and Thorn Root). For mages, since they are usually the support class, they should get heal first. Although it comes early also, it would be better as the first skill unlocked than a couple levels later. I put lightning next because of the same quickest execution plan. I have seen many capped (yes capped) accounts that do not know how to do a quick beckon/thorn wall/lightning combo. It is either the bear's fault, as they did not do a successful pull, resulting in scattered enemies. It is the bird's fault, if they do not efficiently execute mobs quick enough for the tank to survive. It is the mage's fault, if they do not consistently heal and revive. I hope this method will encourage playing their class correctly. And if you didn't figure out already, I am talking from a PvE perspective; I may do one for PvP for endgame as well, describing every nook and cranny that is wrong with it.


This will encourage classes to play as they are meant to be played, to reduce the amount of scatter bears mainly.

Suentous PO
02-17-2014, 04:41 PM
i like the idea behind this. one thing i noted is you have thorn wall and lightning pretty early on, and besides it helping party dynamics with the bear, it would (i hope) help birds understand the importance of working with a mage when there is no bear.
Setting up natures strike to the best effect isnt a skill many birds and mages contemplate in pve.
Personally i have the most fun without a bear in the party trying to time this effectively.

i am a bit sceptical that this would curb scatterbears tho- i think most scatter because its fun and LOOKS like you did something cool.

Funny how fox and rhino dont have the same types of obligation in pve team dynamics as do the first 3 classes.

02-17-2014, 08:00 PM
Should put a description like STOMP = AOE skill,knockback and stun a few enemies.And add how to do a combo for example, bear,SMASH = Beckon + Stomp.So the new player know what skill they need to choose for maximun damage,support and tank.

02-18-2014, 08:56 AM
Should put a description like STOMP = AOE skill,knockback and stun a few enemies.And add how to do a combo for example, bear,SMASH = Beckon + Stomp.So the new player know what skill they need to choose for maximun damage,support and tank.
This is not a guide for new players, however a way to fix something broken and for the community thoughts to respond on.