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View Full Version : Level 50 in 19 days; my character's stats/skills/equips/build w/ screenshots- Android

12-02-2010, 06:47 AM
On November 12, 2010 I started playing Pocket Legends on my HTC EVO 4G Android device, the day after it was released for Android users. On December 1st I made level 50. Check out the screenshots below.








A few explanations about my build:

11 intelligence because this gives you 1 mana regen rate before any bonuses with strength at 2 and dexterity at 7

4 strength because this gives you 1 health regen rate before any bonuses with intelligence at 11 and dexterity at 7

A few other notes; during my journies through AO1 I was fortunate to get 2 Sunblessed Bows of the Void. Some argue there is no way I got them in there, but it is true. One in Close Encounters and one in God of the Dunes. Unfortunately I do not remember what they dropped from. I don't recall either being from bosses though.

I obtained my Jacob's Helmet of the Void by selling one of the bows and purchasing the helmet in the auction house.

I haven't been lucky enough yet to obtain Wraith Armor of the Void. They are currently going for approx. 500k, something I cannot even come close to afford yet. I'm hoping to pick it up in a random drop, or by picking up a drop of another premium pink of equal value and trading or selling/buying.

I prefer to use Whipcord Leather of Fortune as oppose to Raptorhide because of the stat bonuses rather than the armor bonus.

With regards to my skill-set and on-screen skill tree, well.. it is very well thought out and it is what works for me and is very effective in my opinion. I am very specific about how I string my skill "spams" together. I'm not going to get into that though unless enough people become curious as to my method.

So anyway, all questions and comments are welcome. Let me know what you think. -Cheers!

P.S. Some of you other Android users may be curious as to how I obtained my screenshots. There is no built in feature for Android devices to instantly take screen shots. My phone is not rooted, so I do not use an app to get them. How I get them is quite an involved process. If enough people show enough interest I may describe how it is accomplished.

12-02-2010, 06:58 AM
Are you sure some (very generous) players didn't give you the sunbless bows? Did you actuall see when They dropped? I know I've had items appear in my bag before, that didn't make sense at the time (like frozen items showing up in the swamps), but didn't catch the name of the person who gave it to me. It's easy to miss when someone gifts you an item during a game. That would also be a very generous gift. And two of them! But still a possibility. Sounds more likely to me than them dropping in ao2 (unless others have had this happen?)

12-02-2010, 07:04 AM
I also started playing the second day it was released to android fell in love with this game, and I have a lvl 50 for about a week now, bear full rift (made cash by speculating at CS like in real life lol buying and selling, getting ~ 10-20k per a good transaction - i check prices regulary), the only drop I got was a screaming shield and a OL helm of void.

12-02-2010, 07:11 AM
Are you sure some (very generous) players didn't give you the sunbless bows? Did you actuall see when They dropped? I know I've had items appear in my bag before, that didn't make sense at the time (like frozen items showing up in the swamps), but didn't catch the name of the person who gave it to me. It's easy to miss when someone gifts you an item during a game. That would also be a very generous gift. And two of them! But still a possibility. Sounds more likely to me than them dropping in ao2 (unless others have had this happen?)

I am being genuinely honest and am 100% possitive they were drops and not gifts. In fact on both occasions the party members I was travelling with offered to purchase them. If I'm not mistaken the one dropped in AO3 (I said AO1 in my original post, my apologies) Close Encounters was dropped by Lesser Djinn (middle of the map). The second one was dropped in the third map, and it also was by one of the mini-bosses.

Again this is not a fabricated story, I'm being completely honest. I have no reason or motive to lie. It is what it is. :)

12-02-2010, 07:22 AM
Well that changes everything. It's supposed to drop in ao3, so that's not so shocking. And the alien lorekeeper usually drops it, just a mini-boss, not a full-fledged boss. So if a lesser djinn dropped it in ao3, it's not so crazy (I don't even remember Close Encounters, haven't been back there since I cleared it the first time -- so don't even remember if there were Djinns or not).

12-02-2010, 07:26 AM
Congrats on 50, but why only 4 points in focus? That should be 5 right :)? unless you have some theory you would like to share :)?

12-02-2010, 07:43 AM
Congrats on 50, but why only 4 points in focus? That should be 5 right :)? unless you have some theory you would like to share :)?

I have my reasons, this one I care not discuss.. though only because I'm sure no-one will share my point of few. :) But I'm going to explain anyway. In short though, I personally felt that point was worth more in Evasion rather than in Focus. During my own personal tests, I found Focus to be of little use as it stands right now. I only use Evasion when I get in a pinch (ie. overwhelmed by a mob). For the 20 sec that Focus lasts and the 60 sec cool-down, even if you activate it constantly, its only active a third of a time. That's why it didnt get the 5th point. It's a boss-only skill for me.

12-02-2010, 07:51 AM
Why no meditate? Birds are lucky to be the one class with a mana-restoring skill! Didn't even want one point in there?

12-02-2010, 07:53 AM
Are you sure some (very generous) players didn't give you the sunbless bows? Did you actuall see when They dropped? I know I've had items appear in my bag before, that didn't make sense at the time (like frozen items showing up in the swamps), but didn't catch the name of the person who gave it to me. It's easy to miss when someone gifts you an item during a game. That would also be a very generous gift. And two of them! But still a possibility. Sounds more likely to me than them dropping in ao2 (unless others have had this happen?)

I got sunblessed bow and overlords helm without even trying just after hitting 50. That was nice. Now he's naked, sold items petrifying until next map.

12-02-2010, 07:55 AM
thorn wall is good for combos (like ice-storm), no need to give 5... better u give 5 to point focus for more crits, and some for meditation.. i neva buy mana pots with my bird..

12-02-2010, 07:56 AM
Lol "STANK!!!!!"

12-02-2010, 08:02 AM
I got sunblessed bow and overlords helm without even trying just after hitting 50. That was nice. Now he's naked, sold items petrifying until next map.

I wasn't surprised about them dropping. He said they dropped in ao1, and that's what surprised me. But that was not the case.

12-02-2010, 08:04 AM
Why no meditate? Birds are lucky to be the one class with a mana-restoring skill! Didn't even want one point in there?

I personally find Meditation and Restore to be completely worthless. For the 3 second and 5 second, respectively, restorative duration of these skills and the rediculously long cool-down periods, I feel the skill points are better spent elsewhere. Potions are a much more efficient and effective method for restoring health and mana. Even with Meditation and Restore both at level 5, you must still rely on potions regardless. A waste of skill points if you ask me.

12-02-2010, 08:07 AM
I agree Restore is a waste, but you should never need mana pots with Meditation. You only use it when you're low on mana, so the long cooldown doesn't really matter.

12-02-2010, 08:12 AM
Lol "STANK!!!!!"

Lol yeah that would be my buddy Kyle. He thinks he's a funny guy. He kept messin with me while I was trying to get screenshots. PMing me, buffing my char while I wasn't paying attention so my stats would be incorrect, etc. I had to retake several of the screens (not a simple feat on Android devices). I let the stank remark slide. -smirks- He was being tenatious.

12-02-2010, 08:16 AM
I agree Restore is a waste, but you should never need mana pots with Meditation. You only use it when you're low on mana, so the long cooldown doesn't really matter.

With my experience even when I had Meditation at lvl 5 I was using mana faster than I could regen it with that skill. I still had to fall back on pots. Perhaps I play a little more aggressively with skills than some others? I just couldn't make it work with my play-style so that I didn't need pots. -shrugs-

12-02-2010, 08:22 AM
Sigh, I love your ping.

12-02-2010, 08:28 AM
Sigh, I love your ping.

Lol I think that belongs in Balonia's off-topic thread ;)

12-02-2010, 08:30 AM
Sigh, I love your ping.

While playing at home I'm on Wi-Fi with my 12MB/s down 2MB/s up cable. It averages in the mid-100s. While on 3G I average more in the 200-400 range, still very playable. 4G is unavailable in my area (even though I pay for it). A 4G tower is going up this month though less than 5 miles away. That'll be nice. My Wi-Fi will still be much faster of course, but it'll be great to have 4G while not at home. :)

12-02-2010, 08:32 AM
Lol I think that belongs in Balonia's off-topic thread ;)

I'll look for it, but I love his too. =/

While playing at home I'm on Wi-Fi with my 12MB/s down 2MB/s up cable. It averages in the mid-100s. While on 3G I average more in the 200-400 range, still very playable. 4G is unavailable in my area (even though I pay for it). A 4G tower is going up this month though less than 5 miles away. That'll be nice. My Wi-Fi will still be much faster of course, but it'll be great to have 4G while not at home. :)

Yeah, I get 300-500 with wifi. And thats if I'm the sole user in this 4 person flat. 3G usually gets the same, but unstable at times.

I'm dreading going back home with the slower net -.-

12-02-2010, 08:38 AM
Its 12 Mb/s and 2Mb/s.. small "b" .. speeds from your internet company are displayed in Megabits per second, MB is megabytes per second..(sorry I work for a broadband company and its a OCD thing.. lol)

Anyways, I am at 43 and just started about 2 weeks ago. Meditation only last 3 seconds, but it gives you 25% of your mana back. Pop that thing everytime its up.

As far as focus.. dont believe everything you see. It says it lasts 20 seconds, but it actually lasts 40 seconds. Time it. Theirs only 20 seconds after the buff drops before the ability is up again. That makes it a lot more useful.

Again no ones build is right or wrong, its what works for you. Also PvP and PvE builds will differ because your targets are different. As it is the health regen buff is junk I think.. if the HP/s scaled up like the MP/s with meditation, it would be worth is but a crappy heal with 5HP/s for 5 seconds is useless.

Grats on 50.

12-02-2010, 09:15 AM
I personally find Meditation and Restore to be completely worthless. For the 3 second and 5 second, respectively, restorative duration of these skills and the rediculously long cool-down periods, I feel the skill points are better spent elsewhere. Potions are a much more efficient and effective method for restoring health and mana. Even with Meditation and Restore both at level 5, you must still rely on potions regardless. A waste of skill points if you ask me.

I'm very strict with my pot addiction. Hate using them. While restore is horrible, meditation can be alright at times.

12-02-2010, 09:24 AM
Its 12 Mb/s and 2Mb/s.. small "b" .. speeds from your internet company are displayed in Megabits per second, MB is megabytes per second..(sorry I work for a broadband company and its a OCD thing.. lol)

Anyways, I am at 43 and just started about 2 weeks ago. Meditation only last 3 seconds, but it gives you 25% of your mana back. Pop that thing everytime its up.

As far as focus.. dont believe everything you see. It says it lasts 20 seconds, but it actually lasts 40 seconds. Time it. Theirs only 20 seconds after the buff drops before the ability is up again. That makes it a lot more useful.

Again no ones build is right or wrong, its what works for you. Also PvP and PvE builds will differ because your targets are different. As it is the health regen buff is junk I think.. if the HP/s scaled up like the MP/s with meditation, it would be worth is but a crappy heal with 5HP/s for 5 seconds is useless.

Grats on 50.

Thanks for the clarification. :) I knew this too, I majored in CIS in college. Been involved in the computer industry 18 years, while only being 33. Mindless mistake lol.

Anyway this discussion has me wanting to tinker around a little more with the skills. It's making me think I wasn't using Meditation as often as I should have. I think I may have only used it when I noticed my mana was already low. Makes me want to mess with it more. However at the same time what I have works great for me. I like to think my K/D ratio illustrates I must be doing something right (PvE-wise). While my K/D spread may not be top 1% stuff, I feel it's respectable. Very rarely do I see another lvl 50 with a comparable or better ratio. Then again, some folks could care less about it...

12-02-2010, 10:02 AM
About the k/d ratio, how long have you been playing ao3? Many of use lvl 50ers had our deaths go way up with ao3, before it was Nerfed. So not the best comparison if you're just coming in. I have barely died in ao3 since the nerf, compared to before. And from talking to people, I'm sure that was the case with many others as well. The original Ao3, while more fun and challenging than the current ao3, totally destroyed our k/d rates.

12-02-2010, 10:23 AM
About the k/d ratio, how long have you been playing ao3? Many of use lvl 50ers had our deaths go way up with ao3, before it was Nerfed. So not the best comparison if you're just coming in. I have barely died in ao3 since the nerf, compared to before. And from talking to people, I'm sure that was the case with many others as well. The original Ao3, while more fun and challenging than the current ao3, totally destroyed our k/d rates.

From 250 to 900 deaths in 1.5 weeks. Very nice for mages.

12-02-2010, 10:25 AM
From 250 to 900 deaths in 1.5 weeks. Very nice for mages.

Yep :(
It's a good thing I don't care too much about that stuff -- no way I'm remaking my characters over that.

12-02-2010, 10:26 AM
About the k/d ratio, how long have you been playing ao3? Many of use lvl 50ers had our deaths go way up with ao3, before it was Nerfed. So not the best comparison if you're just coming in. I have barely died in ao3 since the nerf, compared to before. And from talking to people, I'm sure that was the case with many others as well. The original Ao3, while more fun and challenging than the current ao3, totally destroyed our k/d rates.

Point taken.

However, I have been playing since day 2 for Android users. I've never owned an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad (not an Apple fan, but that's a whole nother debate ;) ). I've had my HTC EVO since August. So in other words, I've been playing for as long as I've been able to.

I do respect your point tho. I was not here for the early early stages for PL. I am aware thouh that PL has only been around since March of this year. So in saying, this game is still very new and young and will still go through much more developement stages and changes.

I guess the only way to effectively level the playing field in regards to things like K/D ratio etc would be to do a server wipe and start everyone fresh. Of course that's not gonna happen.. doing so would be pointless. Say another 9 months down the road more major changes take place. What do you do, wipe again? That's detrimental to the community. Players need the ability to evolve with the game, especially with an already established community.

Anyway I'm just rambling lol. Just saying I do understand the justified arguement you make. :)

12-02-2010, 10:29 AM
K/D ratio is not an indication of skill.. Pretty much the only numerical indication of skill is how much money you have. If you have many millions then you have skill at either hoarding or merchanting (I need to work on these lol). Other than that you need to play with a person while you both are experiencing no noticeable lag to judge how talented at PL they really are.

Anyone can get a lot of kills, or a high k/d ratio- these are only a factor of time, and A mindless devotion to the same thing over and over.

12-02-2010, 10:34 AM
Ok, but just to give you an example: Plothozz (easiest ao3 boss) used to be able to kill bears if the team was even the slightest bit unorganized. Now, anyone can run in, do whatever they please to him, and even the mages likely won't die. And this is just the easiest boss.

So my point is not that we need a wipe, or whatever (that would do no good), but just saying the k/d ratio doesn't really say all that much about a player. Unless someone wants to start from scratch when changes are made, they can't wipe their slate clean. So someone coming into the game now, after a MAJOR nerf, is going to have a better k/d ratio unless he is purposely trying to die.

12-02-2010, 10:38 AM
And Gaabob, how does merchanting and/or hoarding mean someone is skilled? Or even having lots of money? The longer you play, the more money you will have. Also, some people can be awful players, but join one game and get the rare loot drop.

I think the thing that says the most about your skill is whether people are willing to farm with you on a regular basis.

12-02-2010, 10:46 AM
K/D ratio is not an indication of skill.. Pretty much the only numerical indication of skill is how much money you have. If you have many millions then you have skill at either hoarding or merchanting (I need to work on these lol). Other than that you need to play with a person while you both are experiencing no noticeable lag to judge how talented at PL they really are.

Anyone can get a lot of kills, or a high k/d ratio- these are only a factor of time, and A mindless devotion to the same thing over and over.

100% disagree. Just means good drops. LUCK.

12-02-2010, 11:51 AM
100% disagree. Just means good drops. LUCK.

In fact I feel so strongly on that that I will tell a story.

I was poor. Dirt poor. Had nothing. Managed to save up enough for a cosmos wand I think but was saving since it was all I had.
Then I saw I had a really rare armor in stash a Lv15 guy had asked to me about price. I had thought it was 18k so bought it. I sold it in CS for 500k.
Soon afterwards I get a Cosmo robe, megablaster, and rift Ol helm to drop for me. PURE LUCK.
also, the best compliment I have gotten was when only Mage in map against keeper. I am keeping them alive quite nicely, and am told I was one hell of a healer. That felt nice. You had THA feeling?

12-02-2010, 10:30 PM
I have to say that I feel not dying, even with the way the game is now, does in fact take skill (PvE). Sure I may be relatively new to the game, and my opinion may count for nothing because of that, but to say staying alive and maintaining a low death count takes no skill and is not a reflection of how skilled a player is seems obsurd to me. I'm not saying it didn't used to be harder to stay alive. I'm sure the old AO3 used to be much more of a challenge. I'm sure the tactics needed to stay alive back then was something of an art form. Regardless, you have to keep in mind the developers probably strive to keep this game accessible to a wide audience, hence the changes in difficulty.

I think it's important to keep in mind this is a game, leisure entertainment, and is meant to be fun. If it's become more of a job or chore to play for you, then you've lost sight of why you started to play this game in the first place; to have fun. I dunno perhaps some of you started playing from the get go with the frame-of-mind 'I will own and dominate!'. To that I say get a life lol. If you consider yourself to be an elite player because of how long you've been here, because of how many high-level characters you have, because of your collective of rare items, because of the amount of gold you have, etc... and you look down upon newcomers and think they don't know jack, then I feel sorry for you. Staying alive does take skill, whether you started playing day one or started playing yesterday.

12-02-2010, 10:35 PM
well i dont really fall into any of those leet categories so i feel safe in saying this: nah

a single member wiping out was a disaster in AO3 before. almost like dominos. We ALL learned to be extra careful and everything, but the crit rates where ALSO insane on these monsters. that and when gurgox decided to go silent but deadly lol, or mynas/plothozz/keeper/overlord aoe managed to crit us out. birds and mages could maybe take one normal hit, but a crit was out of question, even full mana shield and buffs. bears would eventually topple at the slightest lagg (major killer even now) and so everyone died.

12-02-2010, 11:05 PM
I have to say that I feel not dying, even with the way the game is now, does in fact take skill (PvE). Sure I may be relatively new to the game, and my opinion may count for nothing because of that, but to say staying alive and maintaining a low death count takes no skill and is not a reflection of how skilled a player is seems obsurd to me. I'm not saying it didn't used to be harder to stay alive. I'm sure the old AO3 used to be much more of a challenge. I'm sure the tactics needed to stay alive back then was something of an art form. Regardless, you have to keep in mind the developers probably strive to keep this game accessible to a wide audience, hence the changes in difficulty.

I think it's important to keep in mind this is a game, leisure entertainment, and is meant to be fun. If it's become more of a job or chore to play for you, then you've lost sight of why you started to play this game in the first place; to have fun. I dunno perhaps some of you started playing from the get go with the frame-of-mind 'I will own and dominate!'. To that I say get a life lol. If you consider yourself to be an elite player because of how long you've been here, because of how many high-level characters you have, because of your collective of rare items, because of the amount of gold you have, etc... and you look down upon newcomers and think they don't know jack, then I feel sorry for you. Staying alive does take skill, whether you started playing day one or started playing yesterday.

While it does take skill to stay alive while doing your job during runs. If your a slacker, leecher or a constant afker it takes no skill to maintain a low death count. Also your death count is also reflected by the groups you run with. If you have a crappy tank and healer your going to be dining left and right. I have been in runs where I can go all out on every single pull and hardly ever get aggro or have to pot much. And on some run I don't even have to use skills and get aggro from every thing in sight amd have spam health pots more than skills.

12-03-2010, 01:04 AM
Sigh, I love your ping.

ur sick~!!! gross

12-03-2010, 01:28 AM

Anyways, For bird, I recommend full dex for best performance, and to max out focus, but it's your build :rolleyes:


Gaabob, I highly disagree. K/D doesn't mean hardly anything anymore with so many people farming kills and power leveling, not to mention all the recent nerfs, and stat changes. Also, remember how hard AO3 was with AO2 gear? My tanks ratio got drilled in, like most. Not to mention, gold doesn't really indicate if someone is a master merchant. I made 8mil, close to 9mil before AO3, then bought a ton of gear for me and friends. I occasionally sell extra loot and raise 900K or so, then I usually just buy me or a friend gear. I have seen people hoard pinks, then sell them for a high price, others just hand out gear they don't need. I think it more reflects on their idea of playing (considering it's just a game) and their personality more than anything.