View Full Version : update bard quest loot

02-20-2014, 06:23 AM
As everyone knows the loot from the chests in the bard quests are junk. Please make it possible to get scaled legendaries or just maybe some rare chance to loot a mythic/arcane/egg/inv space/plat/something cool or just remove loot and give more gold. As it is anything you loot is junk and just takes up space till you delete.

02-20-2014, 07:10 AM

I Get Raged when My PET PICKS IT UP!

02-20-2014, 07:26 AM
Legendary for a simple bard quest? Mythic? Arcane? No no no. I don't want to see lvl 10 people selling mythics. It's fine the way it is, especially with the revamp

Edit- Hoard, don't use a pet then. It's just one normal loot. I think you guys can devote 5 secs of your life to deleting that.

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02-20-2014, 10:08 AM
Legendary for a simple bard quest? Mythic? Arcane? No no no. I don't want to see lvl 10 people selling mythics. It's fine the way it is, especially with the revamp

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As everyone knows the loot from the chests in the bard quests are junk. Please make it possible to get scaled legendaries or just maybe some rare chance to loot a mythic/arcane/egg/inv space/plat/something cool or just remove loot and give more gold. As it is anything you loot is junk and just takes up space till you delete.

02-20-2014, 10:12 AM


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02-24-2014, 11:33 AM
Just a simple reply, why can't a lvl 10 have a mythic or arcane? The rare chance the stars line up and he has his socks inside out and clicks the chest with his left pinky finger while saying a prayer to the sets loot gods and happens to get something extremely exclusive. How is that any worse than a lvl 10 twinkle that spends some RL cash for plat, to gold, and buys anything he wants? Lvl 10s already run around with arcanes and mythics so why not make a lottery of sort with it on a forgotten and useless reward?

And if you read the op I said a chance at legendaries, not guaranteed drop. The bard quest is a great mechanic and it can be better without abuse or much work. The reward chest is just broken when you only get an item that is discarded because of the huge supply of low level legendaries. Might as well take it out if it isn't fixed

02-24-2014, 11:54 AM
Just be happy with the bard revamp, seriously. I couldn't ask for more from STS guys.

How many players do you think are there in AL? Let's say there are 100k for arguments sake. Chance to roll an arcane? 1%? 0.1%? So out of every 1000 users, one of em will reroll an arcane. Result? Arcane will no longer be arcane. Legendary rarity will fall.

It's a good idea, for crashing the market.

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02-24-2014, 12:31 PM
If there were a chance of getting mythic/arcane from dailies, then thousands of AL players would complete them and there would be hundreds of mythics

02-24-2014, 03:08 PM
The loot could simply be scaled by level to avoid low levels getting better loot
Despite that I do agree that it would ruin the economy

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