View Full Version : Nerf and Buff

02-20-2014, 08:28 PM
I have no/little experience with end game pvp, but for low level pvp i think mages needs to be buff and warriors nerfed. Especially at 7-9, warriors are unbeatable. If a warrior was equiped with Devour items, theres no way a rogue, mage or a warrior can beat him in 1v1. The warrior either win or endless. Mages on the other hand haves trouble to beat rogue or warriors on the same level. someonetimes a level 9 mage couldnt even beat a lvl 8 rogue. Low level pvp is a bit unbalanced.

What you guys think?

02-21-2014, 12:40 AM
The thing is, lld (low level dueling) isn't really a cared about aspect of games. Games are developed with end game in mind; otherwise, what's the point of ever increasing a level cap? Usually, lld is a thing for the rich players, who are bored of killing skillless players who have all the common top gear. A lot of times, it starts out with the fun of making a character to be a low level wearing perfect gear and then killing a player who is a considerably higher level to humiliate them by showing the higher level person either plays very poorly or has such weak gear they shouldn't bother entering pvp.
Then people pit their lld characters against one another.
Super perfect low level gear is usually very valuable in games because it is very hard to come across. Most people won't be playing at lvl 5 for long and will be looking for high lvl gear. And when that super rare perfect lvl 5 weapon is found...it's by some random newb who doesn't realize what they are holding, uses it until lvl 13 when they find a random lvl 13 weapon that slightly boosts their damage, and then they liquidate the lvl 5 weapon. The only ones really farming for perfect low lvl stuff are the few actually playing at low lvls...and they are also busy with playing end game as well.

Pretty much...deal with it. lol
Haha, sorry, but the reality is that sts is going to be more concerned about moving forward in the game. Pvp with 2 skills isn't something they are going to fret over balancing among classes.
Also, consider what you're asking: poweing up mages to be stronger in lld would mean they'd be stronger in every other aspect of the game--and they're already beastly when it comes to clearing out pve mobs.

02-21-2014, 03:49 AM
The thing is, lld (low level dueling) isn't really a cared about aspect of games. Games are developed with end game in mind; otherwise, what's the point of ever increasing a level cap? Usually, lld is a thing for the rich players, who are bored of killing skillless players who have all the common top gear. A lot of times, it starts out with the fun of making a character to be a low level wearing perfect gear and then killing a player who is a considerably higher level to humiliate them by showing the higher level person either plays very poorly or has such weak gear they shouldn't bother entering pvp.
Then people pit their lld characters against one another.
Super perfect low level gear is usually very valuable in games because it is very hard to come across. Most people won't be playing at lvl 5 for long and will be looking for high lvl gear. And when that super rare perfect lvl 5 weapon is found...it's by some random newb who doesn't realize what they are holding, uses it until lvl 13 when they find a random lvl 13 weapon that slightly boosts their damage, and then they liquidate the lvl 5 weapon. The only ones really farming for perfect low lvl stuff are the few actually playing at low lvls...and they are also busy with playing end game as well.

Pretty much...deal with it. lol
Haha, sorry, but the reality is that sts is going to be more concerned about moving forward in the game. Pvp with 2 skills isn't something they are going to fret over balancing among classes.
Also, consider what you're asking: poweing up mages to be stronger in lld would mean they'd be stronger in every other aspect of the game--and they're already beastly when it comes to clearing out pve mobs.

Now you made me think, good idea

02-21-2014, 08:57 AM
Sadly, same thing goes for endgame. Equally skilled and equally geared sorcerer versus warrior ends up in a very easily predictable loss for the sorcerer. I've started to run past them and take out the rest of the classes, might want to try something similar.

06-14-2014, 12:50 PM
I'm not sure any of the level 10 or under pvp gear is even looted,

We have to get the pvp gear thru locked, or events.

Pve gear is boo boo.