View Full Version : Warriors of eternity are coming back!

02-21-2014, 01:35 AM
Hi all, and welcome t this awsome thread,

I would like to say to all of you that warriors of eternity is coming back online, after been 4 months dead, i will start again.
Normaly the guild will start again when i reach with my rogue 40/41, we have an awsome guildhall and we are ready to welcome you in here

Of course, without rules there is chaos.
So here are our rules:

no begging/scamming/spamming
guildchat can be used for selling or buying items from guildmates, only 1 time per hour
respect other guildmates, no rasicm, if you are rasisct you have the risk to be kicked
ask people before you invite them for a party
do not beg for promotion,you will get promoted when i and our officers think you are ready to get recruiter/officer
it is alwys cool if you wear our guildtittle, with this you can show some support to us!
only english in guildchat

Anyone that wanna apply this guild needs to be:
Lvl 15+
Try to be as much active if possible

Ofcourse i need good recruiters and officers, it would be cool if a lvl 35+ is ready to join my guild and bring this guild all his members back like we did got in our glorouis days.

Warriors of eternity is brothered with elite runners.
This means we are a sort of trainingscamp for elite runners.
If you are good enough you can join ER.
Offourse you can stay in warriors of eternity, we will not focus that much on elite running, we just learn how you need to run them!

Peace, and be a warrior of eternity

02-21-2014, 06:14 PM
a lil update for everyone of the forums, warriors of eternity is a sort of recruitement camp for "elite runners"
everyone id up to join, here you can learn how to do elite runs , when you are good enough and or capprd you are ready to go to elite runners

02-23-2014, 05:52 AM
First contest

Our first contest is coming, winners will be rewarded with eggs.
Ribbit,snag and wrath.

what you need to do?
you need to get as much pve kills if you can, more information is coming later

02-25-2014, 09:38 PM
i think this guild need some love
