View Full Version : Looting Bug

05-05-2010, 04:30 PM
First off, the game is wonderful and I greatly appreciate the work you are doing. The "bug" or problem I have discovered is one that has been previously reported by a few other people i think... but as a part of a greater list, so I wish to make a point of it with a new thread.

purple level 30 items found in dark forest (i have 6 pink items per weapon/staff/armor, it sound strange that a level 30 do darkforest by himself (The king forest dungeon) and find all pink 30 level items, items that are better (stats) than lost expedition items

You can do the same thing with the last level of forest haven. 30 lvls can acquire all the "rare" items much faster. What is worse off is when you'll have one thirty level and a bunch of low levels and they are getting 30 level loot (because loot is being distributed to entire group) which allows them to farm for gold (by selling the items that are worth much more than they normally would get.)
I think loot should be distributed on the basis of per players lvl with respect to the dungeon's min/max level caps.

I see this as a bug in the game, but I could be wrong.

Keep up the great work Spacetime! (20+ updates in a month whooooo!)