View Full Version : elites

02-25-2014, 07:51 PM
:dejection: so I was wondering, if a new cap came out ( eventually ) then the elite weapons would be discontinued, am i not right? Therefore... would people pay huge amounts of gold for the elite weapons, or would there be so many elites that it wouldn't even matter if it was discontinued, and elites would still be worth like 20-100k?

Cause if they are gonna be worth a lot, ima stock up on burning branches..:p

Chicken Fry
02-25-2014, 07:56 PM
Read this post and understand why you probably shouldn't buy up all the cheap elite torches.

02-25-2014, 07:59 PM
Prolly not because these elites are not rare compared to the 71ones

02-25-2014, 08:13 PM
Supply and Demand (Sorry couldn't think of any other name)
Because the length of time we had to cap at l.71, there are less elite weapons than the l.76 cap

If there is little of something (supply) then the demand/want for it is higher(Moar gold for that item)

If there is more of something(Supply) then the demand/want for it is lower (less gold for the item)

02-25-2014, 08:23 PM
Supply and Demand (Sorry couldn't think of any other name)
Because the length of time we had to cap at l.71, there are less elite weapons than the l.76 cap

If there is little of something (supply) then the demand/want for it is higher(Moar gold for that item)

If there is more of something(Supply) then the demand/want for it is lower (less gold for the item)

so how much gold do u suspect we can make from each elite weapon? after they are discontinued?

Suentous PO
02-25-2014, 08:33 PM
I wouldn't invest, it's a bad gamble.
I know some people sitting on huge stockpiles waiting to undercut each other.
Besides the 71 are also more valuable because of those crazy procs that 76s lack besides the issue of rarity.

02-25-2014, 08:50 PM
Ya def wouldn't keep your hopes up. Prob not gonna be a new cap...

02-25-2014, 09:08 PM
so how much gold do u suspect we can make from each elite weapon? after they are discontinued?

I'm no merch, and not an accountant either, but i think it will be based on Do they look cool?; do they have cool procs(the l.71 sea blaster for example, had a bomb drop randomly; the l.76 elite bow has a fire proc?[im not sure]); are they rare?;
stuff like that.

02-26-2014, 12:57 AM
+ This weapon have 300 base(dex,int,str)

02-26-2014, 11:08 AM
Even during the Humania cap, people were using the 71 Elites. BSM, only the bow get use. That should tell you that their popularity is much less than those of the 71 Elite weapons.

And as others have said, no procs, and a looooooong time between caps mean they have been devalued quite a bit. They are selling for cheap in CS now. I cant ever remember the Lvl 71 Elites dipping below a million, on a rare occassion, even when people were farming them hard.

02-26-2014, 12:26 PM
Actually Elite 76 Bow has proc which its blind proc.But its not awesome as lv71 elite weapon.

02-26-2014, 02:23 PM
The l71 elites aren't just expensive for the procs either. They were only available for a few months, while the 76 ones have been available for over a year. Also it seems like the drop rate on 76 elites is way higher, and red dragon slayer is easy as hell.

02-26-2014, 02:54 PM
The l71 elites aren't just expensive for the procs either. They were only available for a few months, while the 76 ones have been available for over a year. Also it seems like the drop rate on 76 elites is way higher, and red dragon slayer is easy as hell.

actually yeah. Not only is the red dragon easy to kill with an ok team, the Elite quest of killing him 76 times forces every player to farm him for a long stretch of time too, making drops even less rare.