View Full Version : Ancient Swamps Feedback Thread

05-05-2010, 05:18 PM
Love to hear what you think... likes/ dislikes/ loot/ audio/ layout/ etc.

05-05-2010, 05:44 PM
hate to be the first to complain but i think that the knockback affect for the mages are to strong, i coudnt even get 1 attack on most of them on my warrior

05-05-2010, 05:50 PM
Wow devs, that was really fun! The combo that those guys pull off is pretty annoying with its -6 h/s and all ><;

The areas looked really great and the bosses were fairly challenging, even with a fully geared team. I feel like this is going to be the map that actually requires a team to go through.

The experience bug was a bit worry some but it went away after we hit 31.

As for some dislikes... having 1 enemy remaining o.O Also, the fact that the mages backpedal at insane rates is kind of bothersome.

The loot... had a rather low drop rate, but that is fine. We didn't see a single pink drop in the entire run, and only one purple. Tons of whites/oranges though, with a few greens.

05-05-2010, 05:56 PM
We loved it, we were on Ventrilo the entire time and just going through pretty smooth. I LOVE how much more difficult the mobs are, but still it was pretty easy to go through. I LOVE that the drops are so rare now!!! MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS PLEASE :)

VENOM Stamp of Approval :)

05-05-2010, 05:58 PM
Much harder +1
Less purples(only seen 1) and no pinks yet +1
No weapons that can be used by a level 30 yet...bit disappointing they have to sit there until we level up -1

05-05-2010, 07:41 PM
It was challenging! It does feel like a team is necessary. Can't wait to see the new loot drops.

05-05-2010, 07:45 PM
Love the map but I think that the archer weapons need to be better. My lvl 30 crossbow is better than lvl 35 weapons for archer!!!

05-05-2010, 07:50 PM
For the iPhone/iTouch, was the popout skill book change in a recent patch? It used to disappear when you fired off a skill but now it stays open. I love that. I keep it open all the time now and as an enchantress it's much better for knowing when buff timers pop.

I like the visual style of the swamps and how the treasure chests are hootch bottles. The crocs look pretty cool too. I like the theme of the drops too, but I haven't gotten many so far. I got one called "derby hat", and it's too bad that visible helms aren't in the game yet, because that would be funny!

05-05-2010, 07:56 PM
No dagger loot? Other then that, straight up pimpin!

05-05-2010, 08:05 PM
Thanks for making it more farmable, dont want to get into more detail as it may be negative for my gain of pinks :)

05-05-2010, 08:35 PM
Pop-out skills change is AWESOME on iPhone. Whole heartedly approve.
New area is nice looking and challenging enemies. Love the fact that the crocs chain abilities, majorly heal, etc.
Wish for REALLY big bosses, but still very nice.
Haven't seen a pink or purple yet, but I like the variety of drops I did see.
Nice being able to destroy pots (even found a green in one).

05-05-2010, 09:36 PM
i love how its so open, you do get swamped by lots of baddies at once though but its a change from long corridoors over and over

i saw a pic of the swamp and it had all this green mist, a very nice visual effect, but when i got to play it it wasnt there. at all. is this because its the iphone version and not the ipad version? or was it taken out at some point?

great lvl tho, properly hard and rewarding but all the loot i got was lvl 32 so when i levelled up to 31 i still had to wait :(

05-05-2010, 09:36 PM
oh I would like to add, is that its REALLY werid, when I get 2 shotted by a boss with Iron Blood on, I spent about 50 pots one time, holding off about 9 attackers while I waited for my partner to rez. Its really werid that I can take 330 damage in one crit, just to let you guys know....
I am not asking for change, but its really werid when a Tank with 8 h/s and 75 armor gets 2 shotted after a defense buff
Also, damage is way too low for level 35 weapons, there damage is on par with say level 22 weapons.
But yea, I like the increased challenge, but maybe you can tone down the Boss's crit damage? I the tank, got 2 shotted, and many of my teammates (when I cant get all of the monsters to agro to me) die from the boss's in one shot, mostly the enchantress and sometimes the archers.
Also, one last thing, Is it possible you could buy 500HP Pots for 6,000 gold? I seem to be burning through them.

05-05-2010, 09:37 PM
First off, the campaign was very thorough. The levels were well designed and the mobs can actually do combos and make the group work as a team which is what it should be. The drop rate for legendary and epic items is low which in my opinion is great. It separates the elite from the rest. This game is really developing well and possiblities are limitless. On the flip side, the amount of levels in the campaign seemed a bit short and the knockback distance seemed a bit too far. All and all, two thumbs up. Keep up the good work and we look forward to the next challenge you throw at us.

05-05-2010, 09:45 PM
I really like how hard it is, however healers need to have more healing spells so that we can mend the INSANE SPIKE damage of the mages, and everyone needs more health.

05-06-2010, 12:15 AM
The campaign was excellent, i'm very impressed with it. Was much more of an enjoyable and dynamic experienced compared to some of the earlier campaigns.

I think what i like the most is the new spell book, not really a campaign issue but w.e. I would like to see the spell book only include spells that we have invested points into though. The 0 point greyed out spells are annoying.

Edit: i am waiting to post my over all thoughts, quite frankly i like to play it more than a few times before giving a final assessment.

05-06-2010, 02:55 AM
-too hard for solo mages....
-magic that the bad guys use have faster regen times then ours.... should they be at least the same if not longer?
-drops hardly any good stuff and all are lvl 34 up ???? how u figure in a lvl 30-35 dungeon with no lvl 30 gear??
-would be nice to see more purples and pink drops and make them a bit more character specific... ie all i see is bird man and the pug getting all the cat face loot.... annoying
-make a lvl restriction ie i keep getting these low lvl guys like lvl 15 coming into the game and begging for res cause they die in 1 shot.... rolling eyes, im not there to lvl ppl up but to have team fun right? make it + ot - 3 lvls to enter into dungeon.

my 2 cents

05-06-2010, 05:18 AM
You can just get the leader to boot, if I am correct, the previous patches said that if someone is kicked from a game, they cannot enter again (In other words, banned from that game until its over)

05-06-2010, 05:27 AM
New bow, really weak in my and few friends oppinion.
37-39 damage, with .9 okay yes .9 is faster but this is a level 35 bow....
The damage is to laugh at in my oppinion.

40-54 1.0 damage. And it's a level 30!!!

Okay so your telling me .9 speed is such a big difference we get damaged just nerfed to hell. And these bows have a 5 level difference!?!?
Snipers = 81 dps "lvl 35"
Jewel Thiefs = 78 "lvl 30"

5 level difference! I mean come on.... Give us something to enjoy 35 with.
And also can you add 1 m/s to it, since it is snipers?

05-06-2010, 05:29 AM
its good because now warriors are even more appreciated than b4. :)

one thing about the pop up skills: it is according to the lvl the skill is attained, which means your 4 hotkeys are replaced when the popup is opened. hope u understand what i am talking about.

used to open and click the skill and the pop up will disappear, but now it is made to stay until u click the magic book icon again. which coincides with the problem above, becos u already hotkeyed the skills u always use and they r not in lvl order.

takes awhile to get use to i suppose.

05-06-2010, 08:10 AM
i would like the ability to customize the skill book (12 spell version) i want to get rid of the spells with 0 points and move my most used ones to the bottom right for ease of use

05-06-2010, 03:09 PM
I really enjoy the new dungeon, however after grinding up to almost lvl 35 now I have yet to see even 1 pink item drop for anyone in my party. It would be nice to see more higher quality loot drops please.

05-07-2010, 12:21 AM
Ancient Swamps is fantastic. The open area means you get attacked from all sides, you definitely need strategy and a good group. I've soloed all the other maps but I don't think I could here till I was a much higher level. Love the new spell book, but would like the option of customizing it. There are some lag issues and a few other things but the devs are very quick to address them so I don't worry. Great job!

When I am a higher level, I'm coming back to the swamps and I'm going to slap Frogmar the Witch silly.

05-07-2010, 08:45 AM
Must. Kill. Frogmar!

Seriously, I've played around in the Swamps a bit now, and my experience has been positive. Epimetheus doesn't often die, but he does have to chug a few health potions. Then he gets two-shotted by lousy Frogmar, even with Iron Blood going. She's tough. Killable, but very tough. That's a good thing ... even if I do want to reach into my iPhone and slap her silly.

I have noticed one annoying "feature" in the Swamps. When Epimetheus is trying to kill those red-skinned Crocs, they seem to run away from him all of the time. Well, the wide-open spaces in the Swamps give them plenty of room to run. As they run, Epimetheus follows them ... and draws aggro from a dozen green-skinned Crocs. His armour can keep him alive for a while, but only at the cost of a lot of health potions. Even then, as soon as Iron Blood wears off, Epimetheus often collapses in a pool of his own blood.....

(Maybe I need to level up Crippling Slash?)

Anyway, the Swamps are really challenging for a melee character. I'm not sure if this is a "problem" or just an opportunity to learn a new playing style. We Report, You Decide!

05-07-2010, 02:20 PM
First I want to point out that the PL and the dev team are awsome, but one major problem...
In the new dungeon "The Ancient Swamps", the ping is redicilous, I am lagging all the time, and the lowest ping I've ever had in AS is 165, and the highest is 1200, and the average is 400-650ping. Please if fix this, I would like the game to be smooth again.
And also please put in some more kinds of enemies, cause the crocs are getting kind of boring already. And by the way, could the next campaign be a dragon theme based? There is a whole big thread about the idea for dragons. I think that it would be great if the next campaign after the space campaign would be dragon theme based, or something similar with dragons in it.
I know this might be next week or something, but still just some ideas.

05-07-2010, 02:39 PM
First I want to point out that the PL and the dev team are awsome, but one major problem...
In the new dungeon "The Ancient Swamps", the ping is redicilous, I am lagging all the time, and the lowest ping I've ever had in AS is 165, and the highest is 1200, and the average is 400-650ping. Please if fix this, I would like the game to be smooth again.
And also please put in some more kinds of enemies, cause the crocs are getting kind of boring already. And by the way, could the next campaign be a dragon theme based? There is a whole big thread about the idea for dragons. I think that it would be great if the next campaign would be dragon theme based, or something similar with dragons in it.

Dude, the expansion has been out for 3 days. They aren't going to be adding any new enemies any time soon and the next expansion theme is space. Stop acting like a child. That's why all the members of your guild left.

05-07-2010, 02:43 PM
Dude, the expansion has been out for 3 days. They aren't going to be adding any new enemies any time soon and the next expansion theme is space. Stop acting like a child. That's why all the members of your guild left.

Ok, sorry, I forgot about the other campaign that is going to be coming out. I changed my post.

05-08-2010, 06:05 AM
Any chance the "trash" drop loot can be increased on the ancient swamps map?

05-08-2010, 10:45 AM
Hey whats up with the trident it has terrible stats compared to any other weapon for warrior, is it long range?

05-08-2010, 08:04 PM
Umm... I noticed that, but I don't know if it's long range or not.

05-09-2010, 06:05 PM
The general experience with this new content is basically very bad. Here's a quick breakdown:


increased difficulty
team tactics play a more important part of the game


graphics do look "better", but in sacrifice of frame rate and it's an absolutely horrible tradeoff. I don't think the smoke coming out of the cauldrons mean a lot to the game comparing to frame rate and playability.
somehow players are doing single digit damages, or inflict significantly lower damages than usual on certain mobs and it's very unpredictable. Shielded guys are generally taking correct damage values, but the magic casting crocs sometimes magically take extremely low damages and render them insanely difficult to kill in groups.
the ponds are treated as walls, and arrows can't be shot over the ponds...???
enemies somehow magically would run off at times and restore full health right before death
treasure drops are not very lucrative at all, and boss drops a ton of crap usually.
agro range is somewhat unpredictable at times, could be related to frame rate / ping

besides the above, i'd just like to mention that a lot of time Blast Shot don't explode when enemy is right at the edge of the attack radius when the normal shots would go off. It happens a lot in open areas when you hit the attack button and your character move into range to attack, and the you hit blast shot and nothing happens. It's not exactly the easiest thing to do in the world to manually move your character closer and resume attack and manage to continue to hit the same target.

you guys should also work on a diminishing effect on all skills/spells that bounce off enemies within a certain time period. As of right now enchantress can hit Firestorm, and archers can hit Repulse Shot, and Warrior can Stomp and all can stack all about the same time and blast the enemy some 10 miles away, reset your target, aggro 10 other mobs, and seriously make the game rather stupid... the effects of these similar skills should diminish if they're affecting the same mob over the first 1 or 2 seconds.

Good job on the constant update guys, but bug fixes are more important...

05-09-2010, 06:29 PM
Arazmas I'm not going to quote you because
it would take to much space.

But goodjob on listing correct pros and cons.

05-09-2010, 06:49 PM
The general experience with this new content is basically very bad. Here's a quick breakdown:

graphics do look "better", but in sacrifice of frame rate and it's an absolutely horrible tradeoff. I don't think the smoke coming out of the cauldrons mean a lot to the game comparing to frame rate and playability.
somehow players are doing single digit damages, or inflict significantly lower damages than usual on certain mobs and it's very unpredictable. Shielded guys are generally taking correct damage values, but the magic casting crocs sometimes magically take extremely low damages and render them insanely difficult to kill in groups.
the ponds are treated as walls, and arrows can't be shot over the ponds...???
enemies somehow magically would run off at times and restore full health right before death
treasure drops are not very lucrative at all, and boss drops a ton of crap usually.
agro range is somewhat unpredictable at times, could be related to frame rate / ping

Responding to your list, Some i agree with and some i do not, however i appreciate the time you took to write up a good list.

1 - It seems players with the 3g rather than the 3gs have problems, but i haven't heard many complaints from 3gs or Ipad users on graphics causing lag. The game allows you to lower your graphics resolution in several ways. Maybe trying that would help, and it doesn't seem like graphics are as important to you as others.

2-Some mobs do take very little damage. However if you buff yourself or debuff them, this will change. Specifically the greyish blue crocs with the staffs take very little damage. This is due to a high armor rating, and they also have a lot of health to boot. Also they seem to be able to hit themselves with an armor buff much like iron blood (but who knows for sure). I wouldn't call this a con, but i personally don't find it "insanely difficult" to kill anything in the ancient swamps, when attacked properly (especially in a group).

3- The ponds being treated as walls had to be put into place. If not originally, it was done because players were cheating, by using a glitch to get onto the outside of the map that has water surrounding it, and shooting into the map at enemies, thus taking no damage. Unfortunate but necessary.

4- Non boss enemies run back, but its not "magical" in any way. This is called a tether. In order to stop players from kiting enemies as far as they want to, bosses have a set range at which they will disengage the their player target and return to their spawn point. This is true of all dungeon map packs.

5- The drop rate was lowered on purpose, it was a decision the devs made based on their own experience, and at the communities request. Most players did not like that they found every weapon there was to have in less that a week, and any economy is rendered useless when there is a complete lack of demand for high quality items. This change was necessary. This also helped address players who were frustrated at a lack of content. MMORPG players want to grind in order to find rare items, not grind to find common items.

6- Can't speak to this, besides saying boss agro radius is > than normal mobs radius. Also mages have a tendency to draw long distance agro inexplicably.

7-Auto attack is being addressed by the developers in several ways in the next patch. However keep in mind you do not need to face your target to be able to attack them. You only have to face your opponent for auto attack to continue attacking. If you tap the auto attack button repeatedly with your archer while not facing your enemy, you will fire every shot successfully.

8- Yes the knockback effects are annoying and the way they stack should be limited to perhaps two knock backs taking effect. That being said a part of being "good" at pocket legends is knowing how to use your skills properly, and knowing how to control the movement of you enemy. A good warrior tank should be able to keep 1 mob in place indefinitely, or be able to knock it away. A mage should know when and when not to use firestorm. That beings said i think the excessive knock backs should be addressed, but stacking should not be completely removed.

05-10-2010, 10:08 AM
To follow up to my own post: The Ancient Swamps have been an opportunity to improve my playing style. Epimetheus doesn't have much problem with the red-skinned Crocs anymore, thanks to creative use of Beckon. So basically, his problems were caused by my lack of experience, which has now been fixed. :)

Frogmar is still a pain in his furry behind, though.... ;)

05-11-2010, 08:28 AM
Ancient Swamps is great. One thing I do notice is that there aren't many archer weapons/offhand choices. Seems like the Warriors and Enchanters have a few decent weapons and offhand items to choose from. From what I can tell, there is only 1 pink (Sniper's Bayou) and 1 purple bow (Bayou Bow of the Eagle), and the purple is an exact replica of the pink with 2 less dps? A pink talon, wing shield, and dagger choice would be nice.

05-12-2010, 04:06 PM
Very good definitely need a team to complete excellent 5+ stars!

05-15-2010, 09:34 AM
1 - It seems players with the 3g rather than the 3gs have problems, but i haven't heard many complaints from 3gs or Ipad users on graphics causing lag. The game allows you to lower your graphics resolution in several ways. Maybe trying that would help, and it doesn't seem like graphics are as important to you as others.
I'm an iPad player and the swamps don't play smoothly for me even at low detail. One of the patches they came out with recently seems to have helped (something about lowering details I think), but it's still not as smooth as I would like to see it. My ping is fine, it's just a low framerate because of the graphics. Hopefully they'll continue optimizing the game.

05-15-2010, 10:37 AM
Update 1.3 will be primarily focused on optimization.

02-08-2011, 11:33 AM
It's great, I like them beer hats:p