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View Full Version : The "You what grinds my gears" thread

12-04-2010, 06:15 AM
You know what grinds my gears... its lazy players that don't use any of there spells and just auto attack. I'm not talking about the noob leecher here either. You do realize people can see your mana always full? I need an ignore list that filters out open games if they are in that game. Can't stand lazy ppl making it harder for those that would rather spend a wopping 200g(varies) on mana potions to play twice as fast and quite easier. They are their for a reason. And yeah if the opportunity arises, I won't heal you and gladly watch you die. Then call you out for what you are if you dare say heal me. Ahhhh, I feel better now.

Now your turn.

12-04-2010, 06:21 AM
Players who join my game and tell me or the group what to do. Players who just can't listen to simple "Don't break the tubes to release mob" instructions, and don't even respond.

Nice thing is, if I'm host, I just let it go and kick them before boss.

12-04-2010, 07:32 AM
Lol i have full mana most of the time bc im a warrior so skills dont use much and i have 6m/s+! BUt i always use de/buffs, skills whenever they r available


12-04-2010, 07:33 AM
Oh don't get me started...

12-04-2010, 08:46 AM
Oo, I have a list of stuff. Mm, ok...
1. Can't stand it for people to boot me from a game because of my gear! I look like a pauper for a reason. I have a theory behind what I wear.
2. Can't STAND to rush. Even the small rush in vl to bypass aliens. When we are done with one boss, I go through portal and if I forget and don't have my finger on pots or attack, I die. So annoying.
3. Someone who calls everyone in the group noobs and then leaves cuz they are struggling. They will suck forever if no one will straighten out their game play and tell them what to do.
4. Laggggggggggging
5. Birds and bears complaining for me to heal when all I have done is spam heal. It has a cool down time!
6. Being in a mostly group of mages and I am the
only one healing? WTF?
7. Getting a phone while in battle with boss. I really don't need to talk to my mom at that moment...
Ehh have more but it would take pages.,

12-04-2010, 01:12 PM
When I can't understand what people are saying.

People who pick on my alt accounts.

Ps: Haysus and anybody who acts like him.

12-05-2010, 04:38 AM
OMG, so funny. What I want to know is WHY people would not use their skills. Skills are great. Hell, watching your team and using your skills can make the game even better. You'd think people would want to make their gaming experience better.

And totally agree about the heal thing. I got it recently from low level dungeon - my poor level 7 only had heal at like level 3 and it healed, um, ok, crap, and this bear kept going 'heal' and I'm thinking ... as I watch the cool-down ... pot! since it was obvious the bear never used hp pots.

I haven't played with any high level rude bears recently, but maybe that's because I've gotten lazy with farming. I go mostly to friends and generally those bears know what they're doing, if there's a bear at all. In a team of mages... well, LOL ...generally health isn't a huge issue.

Oh oh, the people in town who ask for your stuff... that you're wearing! LOL. Funny, but also annoying: What's that? Can I have it? What that? Can I buy it?

12-05-2010, 05:09 AM
What I want to know is WHY people would not use their skills. Skills are great. Hell, watching your team and using your skills can make the game even better. You'd think people would want to make their gaming experience better.

This. I've had to explain to a couple people how to expand their skills. I'm guessing thats why you never see people using all of them.

12-05-2010, 05:11 AM
This. I've had to explain to a couple people how to expand their skills. I'm guessing thats why you never see people using all of them.

I usually spam all of my skills.....

12-05-2010, 05:58 AM
I use all my skills on all my character. Except for maybe revive, which hasn't been necessary when I use my former level 7, now level 10, mage to lead Dark Forest groups. No one dies :)

12-05-2010, 06:11 AM
When people leave with no notice half way through the map...
When people simply won't pot for the over lord.
And when someone dies and just waits for loot and then gets void/rift/cosmos...

12-05-2010, 06:46 AM
Oo, I have a list of stuff. Mm, ok...

3. Someone who calls everyone in the group noobs and then leaves cuz they are struggling. They will suck forever if no one will straighten out their game play and tell them what to do.

This pisses me off. I AM a noob. I hit lvl 50 all of an hour ago. I've been playing for a week. gtfo.

Me and a team of friends I made while lvl'ng from 45-50 were trying to take down gurgleyourscreamswillhauntmydreamsforeverox. We didn't know exactly what to do...but we figured it out. Now we'll never forget.

The level after that (first time for almost all in the group) we got some 'pro' toolbox named jironihomo who, when he realized we hadn't fought the last boss before, spammed '4k and I'll solo,' every fifteen seconds. Then just called us noobs when we wouldn't.

If you 'experienced' players are in a team with me/someone like me, i.e. noobtastic, either explain the process of whatever boss or stfu. Idk if you've noticed, but up until ao3, every boss has been tank and spank. No experience necessary. /end rant.


P.S.--Am I the only bird in game that pulls aggro when I spam all my skills? If there's a way to spam my debuffs/sunders w/o any aggro like everyone in this thread is QQ'ing about, then please...tell me the secret.

12-05-2010, 08:08 AM
P.S.--Am I the only bird in game that pulls aggro when I spam all my skills? If there's a way to spam my debuffs/sunders w/o any aggro like everyone in this thread is QQ'ing about, then please...tell me the secret.

No, you aren't, and stunning or dying will take off the heat. =P I pull aggro all the time and good warrios and mages get them stunned or I pot spam or die. That's how it goes... maybe one of the bears skills could be bumped up to being a provoke that increases aggro...