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02-27-2014, 12:13 PM
OMG it keeps deleting my post! :\

i played back in the beta and now i need a few answers because im back!

1) can any1 explain what are the different item quality's? red normal blue pink brown etc
2) how can i get more money? atm i got only 6k :\
3) i liked the pocket legends and arcane legends on fb and still havent got the 4 platinum .. why? :\
4) It keeps saying on dungeons "Lucky! you got rerolled" what does that mean?

Thats it for now .. :0 if ill think of more ill say :)

Heres a pic of my account :)

02-27-2014, 12:16 PM
What keeps deleting?

02-27-2014, 12:18 PM
I tried adding the picture and it deleted my entire post :\

02-27-2014, 12:23 PM
I get the same thing with my phone, s3. I can only add 1 pic per post. 2 pinks lags me out or won't let me submit.

02-27-2014, 12:26 PM
i played back in the beta and now i need a few answers because im back!
Welcome back!
1) can any1 explain what are the different item quality's? red normal blue pink brown etc
Different colors represent how rare an item is, Pink being the rarest
2) how can i get more money? atm i got only 6k :\
You can farm items and sell them, or you can merch
3) i liked the pocket legends and arcane legends on fb and still havent got the 4 platinum .. why? :\
Email support
4) It keeps saying on dungeons "Lucky! you got rerolled" what does that mean?
That means you were going to get an item, but you got lucky and received an item that is more rare

Hope that helps :)

02-27-2014, 12:27 PM
Ok let me explain:
1. You have weapon qualities: grey (trash), white (common), orange (uncommon), green (rare), purple (epic), pink (legendary) and dark purple (elite).
2. Try merching, monitor auction prices and then buy low and sell high. Or, visit the guides section of the forum and find tips there (on merching).
3. Yes, go to Forest heaven and find an enchantress NPC I think her name is Ellie. Or go to your guild, must be tier 3 and buy them there (potions vendor).
4. Check if your PL account and your Facebook account have the same email address, if that isn't the case try contacting PL support.
5. If you have a combo elixir (or luck elixir of any kind). You have a chance of getting a better item then the item that you were supposed to get. For an example:
You were about to get a green (rare) drop but your luck elixir rerolled it into a purple (epic).

02-27-2014, 12:29 PM
I have gave you a more detailed explanation, if you need anything that needs explaining, send me a personal message here or IG. My IGN is Atomex.

02-27-2014, 12:41 PM
May help -


Suentous PO
02-27-2014, 04:19 PM
unless its changed again, shamus is the only elixir that makes your loot upgrade to the next level of rarity.
a normal reroll means you had a chance at a better drop, it does, and then compares the two giving the higher rarity, which might be in the same teir.

02-28-2014, 05:14 AM
Thank you very much guys ! helped abit
if ill have anything else ill ask :)
anything you suggest to buy with platinum? got 35
lvl 17 archer

02-28-2014, 05:21 AM
Save the plat for vanities, just merch and lvl. And you are good :D

02-28-2014, 05:26 AM
4. Check if your PL account and your Facebook account have the same email address, if that isn't the case try contacting PL support.

I got the plat for the likes, and I don't have and have never had a FaceBook account. There's a different issue here I believe.

Sent from my GT-P3113

02-28-2014, 05:30 AM
Should i buy any rings with the platinum? if so which ? :O
how many rings can i wear?
i was thinking of buying "fine golden band of bravery" since it adds the best stats imo

02-28-2014, 06:34 AM
This is what solved it for me.