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03-03-2014, 07:50 PM
im hosting a contest beggining march 3 i think. Ending march 17. All you have to do is submit a post 100 or less. Saying why are you here. Basically why do you come on this game everyday. Best post i see will reiceive a prize of 25k. Ill select the best one by post. Leave ur in game name so i can find u. Or if i select u pm me at miguelherbert

03-03-2014, 09:11 PM
I would first like to say that i am a day one player and always enjoyed the atmosphere of "legends" games, especially pocket legends. When i heard Star Legends was going to be released i thought about how cool it would be to run around as an astronaut fighting enemies in space. I remember waiting every day hearing when the release of this Number #1 mmo on the app store would be released. I remember waiting day after day hearing rumors about the release date and how it would come out in about a week from when i finished my research. Unfortunately, it came out 2 weeks before iphone release on the android :( But that dident stop me from playing the new STS game! :) I remember the first event where the green droids were there and they offered unique jetpacks that were sooooo awesome! besides the vanity part, my friends would hang around and run through missions and i would join in and help them out(when max level was 21). I had really fun times playing star legends, bu the most important thing is i had alot of fun with my friends and family in the virtual world known as "Star Legends" :D (And remember that time when you could pay 5 platinum to reserve your Star Legends characters name to be transfered over to Dark Legends? :D)

03-09-2014, 03:34 PM
Yeah this doeant count as 100 words or less. But if no one else submits something. The 25k is yours ^_^ and if someone does submit. ill give you 5k for your honesty and being first here. Ur amazing dude thanks for sharing

03-10-2014, 10:38 AM
Yeah this doeant count as 100 words or less. But if no one else submits something. The 25k is yours ^_^ and if someone does submit. ill give you 5k for your honesty and being first here. Ur amazing dude thanks for sharing

wait are u still accepting submissions

03-10-2014, 02:44 PM
Yeah this doeant count as 100 words or less. But if no one else submits something. The 25k is yours ^_^ and if someone does submit. ill give you 5k for your honesty and being first here. Ur amazing dude thanks for sharing

no prob, i was in ur scorn crusade game last night haha, was pretty fun, wish to see ya again!

03-12-2014, 04:06 AM
Star Legends is a game that I started playing since April 2013. Well not really because I remember playing it in around august 2012. I could remember that moment when it was downloading all the packs and the feeling that it is going to be something amazing. I started playing and I loved it, but for some reasons I deleted it(I don't know why..)in April, I though about that game that I played in August and I downloaded it again, and I am playing with this character since April everyday with friends that I made with this game.

03-12-2014, 08:21 PM
Hello everybody,

Here be a litlte biography of Dragoonclaws on Star Legends. It's summarized. There are only guidelines of my gaming experience here, only the parts I really like.

I started playing this game in july 2013. I really appreciated the game. I created lots of good links, and I found out that there is a lot of cool players. I loved and played. Then, I joined a guild "R.I.P". It was awesome. Uesaor would help his guildies, he had a napalm carbine and I was amazed. Then, I left for Blood pack Mercenaries and I met the best of best people! He had great time together, became Officer, until some problems leaded it to its disband. I joined Kingdom of Light and continued my good Officer job. Blood Pack Mercenary came back, but I got booted because me and Redrumxmurder (an Officer) were always fighting like dogs and cats (My alt joined back and the Gm knows its me, Red did same too and we are both officers). I joined The Untouchables, became officer... and continued to accomplish my Officer duty there. Officer seems so simple seen from here, but it's not. I learned a lot from all these guilds, I learned how to be a good officer, that's why I always get promoted.

Being Officer is not having an extra rank, it's way more than just having the possibility to remove players and use the officer chat. It's way more than having his name on the top guild list. It's all about helping players and doing good enough to keep the guild running, it's all about creating friendship with members and make them loyal to their guild master. It's about being cool enough to give a good image to your guild. It's all about more than all this.

Back to my story, I got some more friends and really enjoyed playing this game with them. I kept playing, waiting maybe they'll come back and we have more runs together. I made more and more good friends. I joined forums. Got involved at Fatality because i got some friends there. Now I enjoy this game because it's nice. I created my own game play, my own environment, I made good friends, and I'm happy everywhere I go in here. I run with lower leveled players, I reward them sometimes with some rares. I have a stasher character filled with little jewels (rares and epics from the low level campains). So say i got famous, but no, I just good friends.

This text is way more than 100 words, but I did enjoyed wrinting this. I don't really want a reward though.

Thank you for this usefull post, and thank you all for being that nice to me. Give me, and I'll give you more! (<<not begging here, just a deep meaning quote)

Your friend,


03-13-2014, 10:22 AM
Well, I don't even know where to begin. Um.... I actually started this game during the 26 cap and during those times, SL was actually pretty fun! I remembered how I didn't have many friends, and I wouldn't stay in one guild for too long. But over the years, I had been able to SL both grow and fall. For me, the 41 cap was the one of the best caps I would say ever happened. However, when the hive came out, I decided to quit for about 1-2 years. I didn't keep up with what I missed so when I came back, I was really shocked of the absence of my old friends. I didn't really plan to stay for too long, but I decided "eh, I might as well give another try." So, I began meeting some new people who have had a pretty big impact on my life both SL and real world. I will always enjoy this game not for the game itself but for the people you have created big friendships with. :D

William To
03-15-2014, 07:27 PM
Ok where should I start? Spacetime Studious has an extravagant list of apps. I wouldn’t call myself a starting player from Day 1, as that would be lying. But I joined here since 2010. I have capped 2 players each with the cap 41 & 46, I was foolish to pass an opportunity on cap 36. Spacetime Studios has an electrifying set of players, even though it has diminished over the previous years. What brings my attention to Spacetime studious is something that my Playstation game titles like Call of Duty just can’t match, a long lasting friendship.

03-16-2014, 05:11 PM
Last day for submissions sorry divinemyth i didnt responde faster i thought no one else would come here lol. But yeah i am accpeting till tommorw then ill call it closed and select a WINNER so if ur picked leave ur INNAME GAME and add me. But if i dont accpt at first pm me. I have 700 people and dont likw to add everyone that sends me a request ^_^ but thanks ill read them

03-17-2014, 05:20 AM
Closed i will be picking a winner soon

03-17-2014, 05:36 AM
Thank you all for sharing. Ima tell my story then tell winners

I started a few years ago when my PL friends started coming here and i really wanted to try this game out. It was fun and after i got close to the cap (i was into both PL and SL and couldnt play both as much as i wanted) i wouldnt end it and cap in full. I regret not getting the arbitar sets but once the first cap passes i couldnt get the rest. I have OCD and it would have bugged me knowing i had a part of a unobitanable set. So i started to play here more than PL at some point. A lot of old friends did. I made new ones since they left to arcane and i love them. The guild [Fatality] althought has its case of problems, also has some wonderful people, like maxi (cant spell it full brain blank atm) corns, russelwillam, human, tim-tim, even u dragoon on ur alt are there. And these are the people that are curing my depression and disorders in real life simply by talking to me. So i was faced with hard troubles but maxi is the one that i can rely on to help me throught it. And also helped me cap to 51. Well not ccapped yet lol i got 28700/28700 atm so im capped just not offically. [Saving it ffor a special moment] and wow even i didnt follow my 100 word rule. But in reality i guess our memorys cant be limited by a number ^_^

Thank you all for sharing and everyone gets a chicken (^)> and the winner is dragoon, but since he doesnt want it ill give it to divinemyth its 25k. And warlord i promised u a 5k prize for being 1st lol. Thank you all again contact me in game for ur prize. Sorry i changed my name recently to michelherbert. And have a good day. Oh and \(^_^)/ hugs for everyone that sees this lol hope u take a chicken as well

William To
03-17-2014, 06:23 AM
Congrats everyone :)

03-19-2014, 09:27 PM
I Started In 2012, As A Char Named *******, They Made Me Change It To Megabunny, Now My Names On A Capped Gun. ;) Psssss Im famous

03-20-2014, 11:10 PM
Thank you all for sharing. Ima tell my story then tell winners

I started a few years ago when my PL friends started coming here and i really wanted to try this game out. It was fun and after i got close to the cap (i was into both PL and SL and couldnt play both as much as i wanted) i wouldnt end it and cap in full. I regret not getting the arbitar sets but once the first cap passes i couldnt get the rest. I have OCD and it would have bugged me knowing i had a part of a unobitanable set. So i started to play here more than PL at some point. A lot of old friends did. I made new ones since they left to arcane and i love them. The guild [Fatality] althought has its case of problems, also has some wonderful people, like maxi (cant spell it full brain blank atm) corns, russelwillam, human, tim-tim, even u dragoon on ur alt are there. And these are the people that are curing my depression and disorders in real life simply by talking to me. So i was faced with hard troubles but maxi is the one that i can rely on to help me throught it. And also helped me cap to 51. Well not ccapped yet lol i got 28700/28700 atm so im capped just not offically. [Saving it ffor a special moment] and wow even i didnt follow my 100 word rule. But in reality i guess our memorys cant be limited by a number ^_^

Thank you all for sharing and everyone gets a chicken (^)> and the winner is dragoon, but since he doesnt want it ill give it to divinemyth its 25k. And warlord i promised u a 5k prize for being 1st lol. Thank you all again contact me in game for ur prize. Sorry i changed my name recently to michelherbert. And have a good day. Oh and \(^_^)/ hugs for everyone that sees this lol hope u take a chicken as well

:D wow, idk why im happy.

03-30-2014, 09:25 AM
I know a winner was alredy proclaimed for this contest but I still feel a need to post my reason why I play this game.

Star Legends was the first and only MMO I've ever played. I play Star Legends because as soon as I log into the game and my charachter enters Blackstar, I quickly forget about all the toils and troubles in my "real" life. Everything is always great on Blackstar and the rest of the Star Legends universe. Whenever things in my real life aren't going right, stressed from work, upset with someone, depressed, or even waiting in line somewhere, I can log into this game and as soon as my charachter spawns on Blackstar, BAAAM!!!!! I almost instantaneously forget about anything that may plague me and life is great again! I hate exercise and am rather lazy but I can get on an exercise bike and play this game at the same time and time flys. Before I know it. I'm drenched in sweat, my legs are tired, and nearly an hour has passed. I turn the game off finally and feel great all over again. I also love how many wonderful people there are to talk to all over the world on here. So many people I've talked to have so many different but wonderful stories to tell of their lives an homelands in which they live.

In closing, I'd like to say that I don't know where I'd be without this game. It's helped me deal with so many problems in my real life, and to keep my head on at least somewhat strait. Some people close to me in my real life criticise me for playing this game so much but as soon as I enter BlackStar, thier criticisms and judgements on me no longer matter to me.

As long as you don't "borrow" anyone your napalm gun, life on Blackstar will always be great!!!

03-31-2014, 07:24 PM
I come on this game to socialize help others out and the best of all see my friends :).