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12-05-2010, 03:48 PM
Soo....just had one question....who usually requests potions and how many of what kind do you usually give? Today I was surprised when an archer asked for potions...doesn't the tank or mage usually get pots?

12-05-2010, 03:50 PM
everyone needs potions. I usually give 100 mana and 100 health if we are running ao3. Generally I keep about 1000 healths and 1000 mana potions on all of my charecters.

12-05-2010, 03:51 PM
Hmm...I've never seen people ask for pots. But all classes should be using pots.

If you're refering to when people people saying "pot up" in victory lap that translates to "drink a tankers elixir or everybody will think you are a horrible noobish person and will boot you from all runs". Ish.

12-05-2010, 03:54 PM
oh...that answers it....more platinum for me then

12-05-2010, 03:57 PM
Uh I get highly turned off when people ask for pots. I always make sure to replenish my pots to at least a few hundred before starting any games. And if it does happen to slip my mind, I would spend the extra money to buy it mid-game rather than make others give me theirs. So if someone says theyre down to 5 pots and we're about to go hit the overlord, I'll wait a bit to see what happens. Sometines I'll even offer to hold their spot while they go run to buy pots. I won't give out mine, though.

But that's just me, maybe I'm too harsh.

Even worse is when they Try to 'borrow' money for elixirs. If they're a close friend, I would lend, but not some random dude who basically just proved to me he's not a very dependable player.

12-05-2010, 03:58 PM
potions don't require platinum.

lol lucky sleazy idk how many times in the middle of a boss battle someone starts trading me saying "dude i need pots and im tanking"

12-05-2010, 03:58 PM
oh...that answers it....more platinum for me then

You buy your pots with plat? 0_o

12-05-2010, 04:00 PM
I waist almost 3000 a day .... Sooo much farmed but I have the gold to spend

12-05-2010, 04:02 PM
I go through about 1000 of each a day. I don't farm as much.

12-05-2010, 05:42 PM
Only potions that can be traded currently are Mana potions and Health potions. Elixirs cant be traded, so for the mean time you should always be stocked up on Mana and Health potions both.

12-05-2010, 05:53 PM
Am i missing something - why can't everyone just buy their own hp / mana pots?? its takes 10 secs to get into the menu and pay like 750g for 25 which is hardly expensive??

12-05-2010, 06:01 PM
how are people going through so many... maybe its only because imma mage, and i heal often, but i only need to keep myself up with 400 pots and can last a few days

12-05-2010, 06:19 PM
how are people going through so many... maybe its only because imma mage, and i heal often, but i only need to keep myself up with 400 pots and can last a few days
I only go through about less than 200/week myself. Mostly mana cuz if you run with me, I'm nukeing everything and spam heal is a constant. The only time I ever use health is in a very close pinch when others are dead or lagging. It might be a build difference or probably a team difference but I think it's my ultra noobish noncosmos equip that I use which funny enough gets me booted from the game at the start. The mana is the main reason I wear such nonsense.

12-06-2010, 01:46 PM
I don't go through that many pots either, but maybe a few hundred if I run a lot that session. So, maybe twice a week...?

I've had a few people say they needs pots or gold, but not recently. I think this used to happen more before the nerf. If the group has been good, I'll give them and I'll also give them just so the group can run and see if the group is good. Usually about 3k gold or 100 pots, though I was in one group where we ran for awhile and everyone was probably starting to run short, so I just split my hp pots. Haven't seen this in a bit though.

12-06-2010, 02:39 PM
When doing VL you can usually liquidate the trash drops and have enough for a tank elixir per run if you have at least 5-10k with u, so it should almost never be a problem.

As for hp/mana pots, I just spam heal and drain life and I'm usually fine in my rift set up, using mainly mana pots along with the mana shield. In my cosmos set up I spam heal and hp pots, but I usually only need to fill up on each once a week. (1k mana&hp pots)

12-06-2010, 02:46 PM
Yep, with the new trash drops and nerfed bosses, gold isn't an issue anymore. I'm usually up a bit of gold, even after potting for OL. Hell, I think I even potted twice or four times (can't remember if I had dam pots also. LOL) recently and I was still positive on gold. I keep a certain amount on a character and "degold" when i go to stash, so it's easy to tell :)

12-06-2010, 03:58 PM
Wait. I am confuseled. Is there a cheaper way to buy pots rather than through the menu store?

12-06-2010, 04:01 PM
Vaelma, there's a potion merchant in Forest Haven who sells potions cheaper. 1500g for 100 pots is the best deal.

Don't worry, I think I was lvl 40something before I discovered it lol.

12-06-2010, 04:10 PM
Holy moley! Didn't know that and I'm not going to think of all the gold I've wasted in the menu store. Lol. Thanks! That's a much better price too.

12-06-2010, 04:13 PM
Lol yeah I wasted a lot too. I remember being confused why people would ask for pots in-game, when they could just buy it. And when I found out why, I just decided to ignore all the money I wasted and be happy I figured it out before wasting more!

12-06-2010, 09:20 PM
I think I was level 2. LOL. First thing I do in a new game is find the stores :P

All these types of games have general stuff: towns or meeting/resting type places, single use items (potions, elixirs), and more permanent items. It's usually good in a new game to wander around and learn what's available. When games don't provide maps, I'll even map. Man, I still have really elaborate paper maps :)

12-06-2010, 09:42 PM
how are people going through so many... maybe its only because imma mage, and i heal often, but i only need to keep myself up with 400 pots and can last a few days

if your a mage and your goin through 1000 mana pots a day. Then obviously your doing a pretty damn good job at being a mage :D.

12-07-2010, 12:51 AM
r u serious guys...? either im a hacker or you guys are addicted to your pot ;) I bought 2000 of each at lvl 35 on my mage and im at 1000 now.....and ive gone through ao3 many, many times....

12-07-2010, 02:22 AM
i spam spells/buff/debuff/heal all the time and lead to rush for my pally
it takes around 200 hp pots & 500 mp pots per day

12-07-2010, 05:11 AM
Like htiek, about the same, it depends if I go into a spell frenzy or if for some reason I find myself tanking OL or Keeper on my Paly.

12-07-2010, 05:35 AM
Wait is this thread about me :) im flattered.

Cuz I was actually trying to see if I can buy potions for a cheaper price from the community.

But I ended up wasting 100k on pots.

12-07-2010, 07:25 AM
if your a mage and your goin through 1000 mana pots a day. Then obviously your doing a pretty damn good job at being a mage :D.

:/ who said 1k ever? I just bought 300 of each, and it will last me the rest ofthe week.

I was in victory lap and as soon as I say pot up for Ol, my battery dies lol... T.T

12-07-2010, 07:29 AM
it happens so often that runs to OL in VL one guy of 5 dont get the pot, rushes to OL with team, then die and leech the loot even has done nothing.. such guys i boot immediatly...

12-07-2010, 07:41 AM
Hey do you ask them to pot otherwise I don't see why you wouldn't for OL, did they have the money?

12-07-2010, 07:52 AM
Hey do you ask them to pot otherwise I don't see why you wouldn't for OL, did they have the money?

Sure i do! And i say ill boot if not! not having 1500 is ridiculous... when i want to do OL i have the little money, if not i would leave.. just from clearing some room, like Desert or Keeper u gain some..

Most ppl dont give an answer to hope all rush anyway.. but not with me...

12-07-2010, 07:59 AM
if your a mage and your goin through 1000 mana pots a day. Then obviously your doing a pretty damn good job at being a mage :D.
Or you have the wrong build and gear for what you are trying to accomplish. I spam the hell out of everything, my bar gets empty a lot, but with my pauper like gear, it regens in-between mobs fast. Just take a look at the metallic of brilliance set.(yes the green one) It can put my regen through the roof. I take a hit using it ( like armor) in other places but if you use your skills right, you'll nuke before they get u. Then nuke it all.

12-07-2010, 08:01 AM
Keeper staff Build gives 16 regen. Perfectly good for between recharges. Every so often a mana pot in battle to freshen up or at bosses but otherwise Imma ok.

12-07-2010, 08:22 AM
Wait wait wait. Balonia, do you mean to tell me that not o ly are you using metallic gear, but it's GREEN metallic gear????
Wow talk about wearing a potato sack ;)

12-07-2010, 09:18 AM
Wait wait wait. Balonia, do you mean to tell me that not o ly are you using metallic gear, but it's GREEN metallic gear????
Wow talk about wearing a potato sack ;)

haha, ok I new that this would make me have to explain myself, and somehow lesrider, I knew you would see that. LOL! So I'll make a new thread. But on the topic, with the mana that set gives me, I cant deny it....

12-07-2010, 09:34 AM
Haha yep couldn't just ignore that.

So you're gonna write "Balonia's Guide to Using Pauper's Gear" ? ;)

12-07-2010, 10:05 AM
Has a ring to it... Time to bring out the tenacity items.