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View Full Version : Being a mentor

12-05-2010, 05:02 PM
This is more Directed towards the older players. We all complain about the mynas and droid gens, its a fact. So a couple weeks ago I had a great idea: everytime I saw a new player who actually needed help, I would give them a hand. This led to another idea: why don't we all take a low level under our wings? I'm not saying to power level them or give them tons of cash, but to just be somebody who they know will always answer their questions or help them kill a boss or do a quest every now and then. Then, when they become higher levels, they will actually be good players, not just in the sense of being skilled in the game but also kind and fun members in the community. This may sound stupid to some/all of you, but I know for sure that at points when I was a low level it would have been great to have somebody to answer questions for me without mocking me or trying to take advantage of me (I'll buy that vyxnaar helm for 15k, it's only worth 5k). Any thoughts?

Ps. My current protege is Drathas, say hello if you see him.

12-05-2010, 05:03 PM
I've already been doin this. Theres a difference between mynas gen and new players. New players are mentorable. Mynas gens are mega /b/ and unteachable.

12-05-2010, 05:09 PM
So for this and already do it. Most of my friends, I mentored. It helps them become better players and u get better players to run with. Some have gotten better than me. Lol. Anyway I usually run through one level with them. Then friend them and tell them to ask ? when they need. I have never power leveled them. I tell them to never use that pot. When I started in the first week of april, I too was a bit lost, but there wasn't a lot who knew anything anyway. They also tend not to become rude in the game.

12-05-2010, 05:13 PM
Add wheyfocused if you don't mind helping out with a few questions here or there . been playing a couple of days, long time mmo'er tho (WoW 3x glad/raider)

12-05-2010, 05:20 PM
i would do this if i could get friend folders, so as to have an "apprentice" folder lol. as it is, I almost always take the time to answer questions, unless im like in the middle of fighting the overlord.

12-05-2010, 05:21 PM
I help new players all the time...and friends too, incredible how you were able to level Sleazyliberal from level 4-40 in a day *cough* ;)

12-05-2010, 05:24 PM
Olhar. Lvl 50. Help me get dialed in with the end-game bosses and I'll in turn help lower levels with quests. :D

12-05-2010, 05:30 PM
I help new players all the time...and friends too, incredible how you were able to level Sleazyliberal from level 4-40 in a day *cough* ;)

Hmm, I guess it's just a mystery. I guess we can "wrap" this question up :)

12-05-2010, 05:33 PM
I did this for my friend tmgkroniix who is currently level 50 helped him since lvl 3 :)

12-05-2010, 11:10 PM
No thanks I already have enough friend Requests, free items, and fan mail. :cool:

12-05-2010, 11:56 PM
Entropia universe (game like,second life) has a mentor sysytem. I think this game could have one. You help out newbies until certain requirements are met and then get a random item. They learn, you earn. Give ppl one more thing to do at lvl 50.

12-06-2010, 12:00 AM
Tales of Pirates has a mentor system. You take on mentoring players and you get star points for every level they gain *Basicly its powerleveling but it takes foreeevvverrr to level still* so people get to talk with high level players and learn still.

(Star points was the only way to purchase top gears)

12-06-2010, 08:37 AM
Well I found some lv45 Mage that is VERY suspiciously mynas gen equivalent. 3k kills, said he needed gear, had 80 str for "health".
Decided to reverse the damage.

I will now try looking out for him. Gave him a staff of ra for mobs, and a dark matter for bosses. Prob today if he is on will join in on him and fine tune some issues I find...

12-06-2010, 01:57 PM
I think many experienced players already do this. I see questions in towns getting answered pretty quickly and I'm not the only one who joins low levels games (whichever toon I'm playing) and asking people to use their skills, gather mobs, etc. I think new players are great, and no, nothing like the Mynas/droid, etc. crowd.

The new players just want info and are very receptive to gaming information. Plus they're usually already trying out their skills, so a little guidance is not an issue. I usually pick an area where I want to run a bit, join games with the smallest, lowest level groups and clear until we all return to town. If i do this for an hour or so, I will usually encounter many of the same people, end up with some new friends, and see some leveling, which of course, everyone enjoys, especially if they are new. After a bit, some of the new friends will figure out to join your games, which gets pretty fun. There is a certain comfort to running with a known group, even if I'm trying to meet new people :)

I also give my greens/purps to one of my lowbies and have them gift items out in the appropriate towns. It seemed a shame to liquidate items when there are appreciative people out there.

Wooo, Arterra, that's brave. Good luck. I find that high level "horrible" players don't want to listen to me. They just want gold, stuff, gold++stuff, or free levels where they do not contribute to the group, or they're the ones sending the mobs around the world, or the ones taking the orbs, or they run around after you asking for your sword, or your eye shield, or plats :P Hopefully, the one you found is better.

12-06-2010, 02:55 PM
I agree as well. I have been doing this since starting in June. When I reach a higher level and acquire better gear, I pass my used gear on to upcoming people that are running the levels and are decent players.....gives them a leg up and earns you some friends....I had some higher level guys just randomly drop some pinks on me that I needed when I was around lvl 30....was a great feeling that I pay forward every chance I get.....

12-06-2010, 06:46 PM
I try to help where I can, but am thinking of giving it up. I get hammered with invite spam (really, you can handle Forest Haven quests on your own. Truly. And twenty requests will not make me any more inclined to help than two.), hammered with questions, followed by ever-increasing demands for answers right now (sorry, but I'm trying not to get run over by Gurgox. Please leave a message.), and being asked to make decisions for them about everything from which maps to buy to whether or not they should friend a particular person. If it's a RL friend or relative of someone I know, I'll help them out. Or I'll do hit and run helping with no further relationship involved beyond the run. Otherwise, I'm stepping out of the mentoring so I can actually play an appropriate level without getting guilt-tripped about not helping someone gather tomes.

12-06-2010, 06:51 PM
I try to help where I can, but am thinking of giving it up. I get hammered with invite spam (really, you can handle Forest Haven quests on your own. Truly. And twenty requests will not make me any more inclined to help than two.), hammered with questions, followed by ever-increasing demands for answers right now (sorry, but I'm trying not to get run over by Gurgox. Please leave a message.), and being asked to make decisions for them about everything from which maps to buy to whether or not they should friend a particular person. If it's a RL friend or relative of someone I know, I'll help them out. Or I'll do hit and run helping with no further relationship involved beyond the run. Otherwise, I'm stepping out of the mentoring so I can actually play an appropriate level without getting guilt-tripped about not helping someone gather tomes.

agreed. Some rude players out there that think they are entitled and we are REQUIRED to give them answers. Soo annoying..

12-06-2010, 08:53 PM
Don't forget to unfriend those people. Helps.

I don't find myself being spammed that much, but maybe it's because generally it's not my level 50s I run through lower level dungeons. And I don't usually friend immediately. It takes a game or two before I'll do that. I like to only friend those trying to use their skills or trying to learn. I'm also prone to just not answering, which, as I've said before, after a few tries, most people give up. I also do not feel like I have to answer questions if they are asked at an inconvenient time. Some people get answers 15 minutes later :P or if they don't show up on chat log (I think most tells do though), then never. Or I'll say, "blah blah blah go check out the forums."

12-06-2010, 09:10 PM
50% of questions I redirect to forums.

12-16-2010, 08:54 PM
It doesnt hurt to do a little mentoring in pvp as well. A lot of the time when I find another enchantress in pvp who is new to it and seems to be having some problems, I'll ask about their skill build and such. I'll usually let them know about my own spells and much of the time I'll arrange a little 1v1 match. Go easy on 'em and try to teach them a few combos. I've had people that I've mentored come back and kick my butt later. That's when I know I've done a good job ;)

12-16-2010, 09:04 PM
Everyone pit out a hand. What else do u have to do? Do a farm run only to get a purple you liquidate? Come on!
I always try my hardest to help others.

12-16-2010, 10:43 PM
I forgot about this old thread.

I gave up on mentoring. After I helped some guy from lvl 1-40 and fine tuned his stats for him. I also taught him everything he needs to know about the game. What does he do? He removes me and flames me out because I refused to buy him gear that was worth like 300k. Noob helper no thankyou...

12-16-2010, 11:31 PM
Opposite for me. I helped drath for a couple weeks. Once he got all geared up, he farmed a Vyx helm and gave to me. Karma is awesome.

12-16-2010, 11:33 PM
I'll go under someone's wing...I'd like to have a a super tight group myself.