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View Full Version : Are there any 50 level only guilds? Or is anyone interested in starting one?

12-05-2010, 08:48 PM
I'm interested in a casual max level guild that does group pvp as well as run end level campaigns quickly, easily and efficiently.

I'm particularly looking for a group of people with good attitudes and are fun to play with, and know their characters roles, and can manage crowd control, dps, healing, yadayada.

Preferably small, structured, and with a good mix of characters.

Maybe make a few dungeon runs a night then loot swap after.

If there's not one already. I'm willing to start one. Although, if that's the case I'd also want people a little older with maturity, work ethic, team work, and experience in a structured organization.

I ran a couple of guilds in the early days of Wow (which I quit a few years back because it was way too addictive). I ran a large (like 500) people all level pvp guild (before the areans and such. We did a lot of World PvP). Then, I bowed out of that because it was a nightmare to manage. Then, me and a couple of people started a successful endgame guild which had some of the best pvpers on the server, and some great raiders.

So I have a ton of experience running guilds and such from different angles, and I'm pretty good at mapping out group direction. Although, I don't want to do anything really extensive. Just small, structured, easy and efficient.

I have a level 42 warrior right now, so I'm not in a rush to join a guild or start one, but I'm just exercising some foresight. Although, I do wanna be in a level 50 only guild, once I'm maxed. I'm definitely not looking for a charity guild, what I'm looking for a is tight team.

I live in Hawaii, so Pacific time works best for me, so I guess people from the west coast US and Asia would be in that demographic, and Hawaii of course.

Let me know if you're interested in bringing me into the guild or interested in chartering one.


12-05-2010, 08:52 PM
Most of us oldies here are max capped and will always be capped within a week on expansions. Just know us and add us as friends and run with us. You dont really need a guild per se as we run together all the time anyway. If you really want to start one when u r level capped we can join but seeing how we all have done everything in the game already like quests, top gear, etc we dont really grind in PL for horus on end anymore.... at least I dont.

12-05-2010, 09:14 PM
That sounds awesome! I'll contact you next time I see you on.

I like the sound of it. I'm really only looking for a good group of casual players to team up with. I'm still learning the game myself, but would to love to run some stuff with you guys. Also, it'd be cool to have a team of player to grind out new stuff when the expansions come out.

Do any of you pvp as well? I like do more of that in the end game, but I probably need to respec, which I'll probably do when I max out.

In any case, thanks for contacting me and I look forward to meeting you in game!

12-05-2010, 09:21 PM
That sounds awesome! I'll contact you next time I see you on.

I like the sound of it. I'm really only looking for a good group of casual players to team up with. I'm still learning the game myself, but would to love to run some stuff with you guys. Also, it'd be cool to have a team of player to grind out new stuff when the expansions come out.

Do any of you pvp as well? I like do more of that in the end game, but I probably need to respec, which I'll probably do when I max out.

In any case, thanks for contacting me and I look forward to meeting you in game!

Usually what I do is find 2 other guys which use characters that is not your main class..... ie I am a Mage and I find a bear and a bird. I dont need to play with them but as an agreement, on new expansions, any new drop pinks or not, we give to the class that can use... after all 3 of us are in top gear we farm for our other characters... yes of course u need to know these other guys and trust them.

thats how i do it anyway.... much better then to buy and sell.... and chances are I will end up with a few of the top mage gear on the way and I trade for myself or the other two classes and it s a very quick process... you are welcome to join me when expansion ever comes out... as long as you are not a mage :)

I have given countless rft items to Griz, Violentsaint, etc and Mystical have given me a few cosmo gear, etc... its a sharing process with us but of course we all know each other pretty well....

just run with a few of us and get to know us.

12-05-2010, 09:34 PM
Cool...I have a loose arrangement like that with a couple of players. That's basically how I want to play the game, I think that's a good system, but I'm still fairly new and still getting to know people. I'll definitely come along, if you guys decided to do any runs, I'm already starting to get a bit frustrated with people random dropping in and out of groups.

Haha...I usually tend to like mele classes, and classes that are kinda gimp. I'm just kind of a sadomasochist like that, so a bear fits my play style pretty well. So you wouldn't have to worry about me changing classes. Also, I'm liking the crowd control strategy of the bears, which is another reason I want a good group, so we can come up with creative crowd control strategies and whatnot...I just like figuring stuff out.

I should be maxed out in the near future, so maybe we can do some runs and such.

Just let me know!

12-06-2010, 08:17 PM
hey im looking for a guild/more friends im on casually and would be interested if u made a guild pm me in game jellix ^^

12-21-2010, 03:52 PM
I'd be really interested in a guild/group like this if you still are, Blaque

12-21-2010, 04:17 PM
AEO is the way to go ;)

12-21-2010, 04:58 PM
Estraz's Club is the way to go.
Check out the site: http://club-estraz.blogspot.com/

12-21-2010, 05:01 PM
Estraz club best club ever!