View Full Version : So I booted a guy for low intellect...

12-05-2010, 11:42 PM
I wont name names, but I just booted a guy for low intellect and he replied back asking for and explanation, "If it is because I have only 1 INT this my special STR/DEX bird."

LOL. No moron, Intellect is the ability to learn and reason; the capacity for knowledge and understanding. A person of great intellectual ability.

Next time, don't speak gibberish and play as a part of the team.

Made. my. evening.

12-05-2010, 11:53 PM
Lol but why'd you really boot though? Was he no good?

12-05-2010, 11:55 PM
first of all, why does that have to make you mad? if they're dumb, let them be dumb.

second, you dont have to let your anger out on a thread.

12-06-2010, 12:00 AM
first of all, why does that have to make you mad? if they're dumb, let them be dumb.

second, you dont have to let your anger out on a thread.
The troll is back

12-06-2010, 12:02 AM
The troll is back

smoae i don't have time for your trolling.
Go troll somewhere else if you feel the urge to troll. But beware, there are some cautions:

1.) Don't get so trollish that you bang your head on a door.
2.) DO NOT EVER breathe flame like a severely-diseased troll, like yourself.
3.) Use a psychologist to treat your troll diseases.

12-06-2010, 12:04 AM
first of all, why does that have to make you mad? if they're dumb, let them be dumb.

second, you dont have to let your anger out on a thread.
Lol he never said it made him mad. Sounds like it entertained him. And he didn't give the name, so no one's harmed. Plenty of people tell their booting stories. Jeez. Coming from someone who Actually DID let their anger out on a SPECIFIC, NAMED person, this is quite funny to read.

12-06-2010, 12:05 AM
Lol he never said it made him mad. Sounds like it entertained him. And he didn't give the name, so no one's harmed. Plenty of people tell their booting stories. Jeez. Coming from someone who Actually DID let their anger out on a SPECIFIC, NAMED person, this is quite funny to read.

actually it did make him mad because he then edited his post saying "Made. My. Day."

This is obviously sarcasm, and no that's not funny to read.

12-06-2010, 12:06 AM
smoae i don't have time for your trolling.
Go troll somewhere else if you feel the urge to troll. But beware, there are some cautions:

1.) Don't get so trollish that you bang your head on a door.
2.) DO NOT EVER breathe flame like a severely-diseased troll, like yourself.
3.) Use a psychologist to treat your troll diseases.
Cool story bro

12-06-2010, 12:06 AM
No, I was saying YOUR comment was funny to read.

12-06-2010, 12:08 AM
No, I was saying YOUR comment was funny to read.

I know, I meant that.

12-06-2010, 12:08 AM
actually it did make him mad because he then edited his post saying "Made. My. Day."

This is obviously sarcasm, and no that's not funny to read.
And also he meant made my day in a "lol" fashion, it added affect by putting a period after each word. Simply expressing how he thought it was funny.
Someone needs a language iterperataion class... (not mentioning names, but ^^^^^^^^^^)

12-06-2010, 12:10 AM
And also he meant made my day in a "lol" fashion, it added affect by putting a period after each word. Simply expressing how he thought it was funny.
Someone needs a language iterperataion class... (not mentioning names, but ^^^^^^^^^^)

I think I need to spoon feed you little details.

Do. Not. Troll. Did you get that? No. Let me break it down further. D O. N O T. T R O L L.

Wow never mind, you're not getting this at all. This means that YOU need language interpretation class.

EDIT: Get appointments every day for the next few months...if not, years.

12-06-2010, 12:12 AM
Don't so rude next time in game.

Ask em nicely of yur irritation.
For one, he might be a 5th grader.
Second, booting for "low intellect" is kinda broad. Tell him straight up, in a nice way.

Also for people flaming.

Do it else where. Who knows what the TS was expressing. Could be anger or enjoyment.

End the flame. And there is no lorwell in here

12-06-2010, 12:13 AM
Yikes ok I feel my IQ disintegrating from this thread. My new rule is I avoid LightningLord from now on to preserve my brain cells.

12-06-2010, 12:15 AM
Yikes ok I feel my IQ disintegrating from this thread. My new rule is I avoid LightningLord from now on to preserve my brain cells.

You may blame it on someone else, but it is the one, you, who thinks that way.

12-06-2010, 12:20 AM
I think I need to spoon feed you little details.

Do. Not. Troll. Did you get that? No. Let me break it down further. D O. N O T. T R O L L.

Wow never mind, you're not getting this at all. This means that YOU need language interpretation class.

EDIT: Get appointments every day for the next few months...if not, years.
"do not troll" is an expression that would most likely be used in a serious context and not a sarcastic one. Therefore it makes sense that it would taken more seriously if used with a period after each word.

Made my day is a term that could be used in a serious or sarcastic context. Therefore, it would make sense if he was expressing in a way that followed the theme of the first part of the post, which was meant in a funny way.

12-06-2010, 12:26 AM
America's IQ Solution: Step 1.) Get a helmet. Step 2.) Put on the damn helmet.

12-06-2010, 12:30 AM
Ima use my famous comment post:

/last poster

12-06-2010, 12:31 AM
America's IQ Solution: Step 1.) Get a helmet. Step 2.) Put on the damn helmet.
For those of us who are too lazy to find a damn helmet...

1) attempt to be smart by making up fancy words like "extracradential" and "essentialize" 2) Sit on your lazy fat a** and f*** around

Did someone say lightninglord?

12-06-2010, 12:36 AM
Stop flaming on lightninglord67, cut the guy a break. I haven't seen him do anything wrong or trollish so far, You guys are accusing him based on past actions.

12-06-2010, 12:38 AM
Stop flaming on lightninglord67, cut the guy a break. I haven't seen him do anything wrong or trollish so far, You guys are accusing him based on past actions.
Look at the second post...
Not a big troll but a troll nevertheless

12-06-2010, 12:46 AM
I'm not judging based on anything but what I've seen today. I never even met him before.
First he trolled Balonia's thread to say he's happy Myst or Twink (forget which one) got banned. Completely unnecessary, and I'm not sticking up for them, bc I don't even know them well. I just think t was the wrong place to say that. And then he goes all crazy and accuses ME of trolling.

And here he's Calling everyone trolls yet again. Seems the troll is having an identity crisis.

Anyway, I thought you had to be 13 to use the forum? This is the first time I've doubted someone's maturity on the forum. Usually people are able to have civilized conversations without name calling.

And furthermore, this forum has been a great place to vent frustrations on idiocy witnessed in-game. No harm was done with this thread, so no need for him to go all crazy on us.

12-06-2010, 01:32 AM
He's a sensitive chappy.

12-06-2010, 02:00 AM
I didn't need to explain every detail of why he was booted, that wasn't part of the humor. If you would like to have a laugh, have your laugh. If not, please keep quite. I wasn't intending to start a flame war.

Like someone already pointed out, I didn't release the name for a reason. I do know who the person is on the forum, they are actually a pretty well respected, active community member. Turns out, he actually isn't an idiot at all, he just happened to be playing terribly (trying to solo everything), and rambling incessantly without our reply. (Most of us were voice chatting instead of typing.) It is also notable that we have a regular group we run with and he popped in and potted up, blocking a friends spot. I tried to be nice and wait till his XP pot expired, only to have to suffer through his poor mesh with the rest of the team.

This wasn't about trashing an individual. IT WAS FOR THE HUMOR of it all. This would only happen in an MMO with people like myself that play way to many video games :P

Damn you Pocket Legends!

PS: Lightning, I didn't add the last line with an edit. I made changes to the definition so that it was a little bit more concise. ;)

EDIT: turns out he is an idiot.

12-06-2010, 02:40 AM
I didn't need to explain every detail of why he was booted, that wasn't part of the humor. If you would like to have a laugh, have your laugh. If not, please keep quite. I wasn't intending to start a flame war.

Like someone already pointed out, I didn't release the name for a reason. I do know who the person is on the forum, they are actually a pretty well respected, active community member. Turns out, he actually isn't an idiot at all, he just happened to be playing terribly (trying to solo everything), and rambling incessantly without our reply. (Most of us were voice chatting instead of typing.) It is also notable that we have a regular group we run with and he popped in and potted up, blocking a friends spot. I tried to be nice and wait till his XP pot expired, only to have to suffer through his poor mesh with the rest of the team.

This wasn't about trashing an individual. IT WAS FOR THE HUMOR of it all. This would only happen in an MMO with people like myself that play way to many video games :P

Damn you Pocket Legends!

PS: Lightning, I didn't add the last line with an edit. I made changes to the definition so that it was a little bit more concise. ;)
I agree and I think lightning needs to GTFO before he gets yet another thread locked. That would make it 27?

12-06-2010, 03:34 AM
Stop flaming on lightninglord67, cut the guy a break. I haven't seen him do anything wrong or trollish so far, You guys are accusing him based on past actions.

He does start problems on almost every thread he touches... I'm unbiased usually but I stand with les and smoae on this one.

12-06-2010, 06:58 AM
Yeh you guys know your all just defending each other so you guys don't have to get so over protective. Lighting is supporting the random n smaoe is defending big so there's nothing wrong having different opinion.

12-06-2010, 07:42 AM
Daum, when did all the women join the forum?

12-06-2010, 08:52 AM

I was the bird.

You have to consider the situation: right before the keeper I am booted for "low intellect" so I assume it is some mynas noob who thinks something about int (no idea why he would, but hey a mynas is a mynas)
So I message asking what exactly that meant. He replies he was only letting me stay long enough for my exp pot. I reply that he still hasn't answered question. He says he was being nice. I say look, int is not an issue, this is a dual spec (as if a mynas noob would understand) and then around that time i get no more responses.

And still, you have YET to say exactly what my "low intellect" was.

12-06-2010, 08:56 AM
Ooo this is getting interesting.

12-06-2010, 09:02 AM
Ooo this is getting interesting.

Or at least I will make it so.

Let's see.. What did I do... So teamplay you say. Mummies barely need teamplay of the kind that you either know or your out. By that time of the night (12:34) I pretty much gave up on getting close enough to blast shot combo and so started using a blaster lol. Problem? Ask for change.
If not that...
I can't remember if that was the one time I died by the aliens. I did once yesterday, but nice little spike caused my pot finger to slip before I reached the armor orb. Usually I take out the my entire alien side before the team is done with theirs lol. I miss the regen on my now unusable Osiris gear...

12-06-2010, 09:11 AM
Well anyway... While I'm in </vent> mode, might as well say you did me a favor lol

Got off bird, whent on Mage, had a chatty murder fest with Haikus in a all bird and one Mage (me) victory few runs. Absolutely nothing good dropped, but was fun to try balancing team hp, skill spam, aggro watch, and sword range at same time as team was chatting it up while mynas is pumping out aoes... Lol an I'm asked why I didnt say much.

12-06-2010, 10:08 AM
Eh, I'd just chalk it up to a lesson not to join games uninvited.

Guess the mystery is solved, onto other things.

12-06-2010, 01:25 PM
"AWESOME REVELATION TIME!!! I was the bird."
I woke up to a text message today, "Arterra should be banned from the forum for low intellect."

You just couldn't let it go. Tell me how revealing yourself is helping you at all? (or why you felt the need to post three times consecutively?) #facepalm

"Or at least I will make it so."
Actually, the thread has quite died off since you joined. (Beside your own repeated spamming.)

"you still have yet to say what my low intellect is"
I was implying you were a bumbling bafoon. You keep affirming that with every post you make. My intentions weren't to give everyone a play by play on how you went about it, but you are giving them a pretty good example.

"Mummies barely need teamplay of the kind that you either know or your out."
When executed properly, entire mummy/alien hordes can be nuked in one solid group blast. In order to do that everyone has to work together. You were making this excruciatingly frustrating when you wandered off to solo things instead of playing your part as a team member. May I again point out that you also never shut up.

"By that time of the night (12:34)"
I played till 4 am last night. If you were truly too tired to play, you should have already logged.

"Usually I take out the my entire alien side before the team is done with theirs lol."
Do you always play with incompetent retards? or are you telling stories...

I hope this helps satisfy your curiosity, Arterra. As I have already stated, this wasn't meant as a hate thread. If it continues to become one, I'll ask the Devs to lock the thread.


Daum, when did all the women join the forum?

75 percent of the people I play with are women... they have been around for awhile. ;)

12-06-2010, 01:48 PM
Notice, I said forum. But keep on pimpin', playa. ;)

12-06-2010, 01:56 PM
Notice, I said forum.

I literally LOL...

12-06-2010, 03:32 PM
"You just couldn't let it go. Tell me how revealing yourself is helping you at all? (or why you felt the need to post three times consecutively?) #facepalm"
So your saying I should try hiding a 'fail' instead of 'owning up' as you are putting it? is that how you play? The way I see it you felt it necessary to go and post what could have been a minor episode and make it a bigger. I see no reason why, and so headfirst plunge into my own personal defense.
It doesn't have to help me necessarily. you could have friends wrapped around your finger ready to back up any statement, so I am not aiming to bring you down. just to show you cant just go enlarging minor occurrences for the sake of digging at another player.

"Actually, the thread has quite died off since you joined. (Beside your own repeated spamming.)"
you are prob on another time zone, wasnt on when it started. what will you have me do?
as for spamming, well yes, it is kinda annoying to find a thread that is practically a personal digg, even if nameless. a vent never hurt anyone, and i felt like making more of a point by semi-bumping each time instead of editing in something people might miss if they already read it. i tried to sort things out, but there you go...

"I was implying you were a bumbling bafoon. You keep affirming that with every post you make. My intentions weren't to give everyone a play by play on how you went about it, but you are giving them a pretty good example. "
Let me get one thing straight: you are imposing a leet attitude, and that is as bad as 'bumbling' around. better explanation below.

"When executed properly, entire mummy/alien hordes can be nuked in one solid group blast. In order to do that everyone has to work together. You were making this excruciatingly frustrating when you wandered off to solo things instead of playing your part as a team member. May I again point out that you also never shut up."
kind of hard to tell the mettle of the team unless someone speaks up and makes a command. if you want something from me, how about actually saying something so as to make yourself clear? if you want me to get into gear with the team instead of playing for the sake of the game itself, ok then, insta-kill time. being silent is just as bad as not knowing what to do, even worse since you do nothing to correct it. if you want your game in order, step up and actually fix it at the start.

"I played till 4 am last night. If you were truly too tired to play, you should have already logged."
i do not like giving details on personal life, or explaining/excusing myself, but weekend was damn hectic. leaving this point there, you have proven to have more endurance. you win a prize yay.

"Do you always play with incompetent retards? or are you telling stories... " as a matter of fact I play random games with usually normal players. example #2 of imposing 'leet' expectations, get over it not everyone has the time nor care to stay up till 4 or be a game-meister. nor that does that make them incompetent. genuine tactic in captive audience is to split up. this is just a smaller scale version, meeting up in the middle.

"I hope this helps satisfy your curiosity, Arterra. As I have already stated, this wasn't meant as a hate thread. If it continues to become one, I'll ask the Devs to lock the thread."
oh come on.

I was implying you were a bumbling bafoon. You keep affirming that with every post you make. My intentions weren't to give everyone a play by play on how you went about it, but you are giving them a pretty good example.

LOL. No moron, Intellect is the ability to learn and reason; the capacity for knowledge and understanding. A person of great intellectual ability.

Next time, don't speak gibberish and play as a part of the team.

/\ stop sipping the haterade

i dont feel up to posting any pics. this thread has gotten to the point where anything can and will be used against you. i await your riposte.

edit: banned, if I feel like stepping up to something instead of lying down, i can do so. also... i dont see the reason for your alleged ban... hey if your joke to him fine but my face to your reaction to my attempt to clear things up was like :/ If after all you are not the texter, then forget this.

editedit: I have been fearfully waiting till the day someone started an issue with me. just not worth it for either party in the end.

12-06-2010, 03:37 PM
I'll help out.

12-06-2010, 03:47 PM
"You just couldn't let it go. Tell me how revealing yourself is helping you at all? (or why you felt the need to post three times consecutively?) #facepalm"
So your saying I should try hiding a 'fail' instead of 'owning up' as you are putting it? is that how you play? The way I see it you felt it necessary to go and post what could have been a minor episode and make it a bigger. I see no reason why, and so headfirst plunge into my own personal defense.
It doesn't have to help me necessarily. you could have friends wrapped around your finger ready to back up any statement, so I am not aiming to bring you down. just to show you cant just go enlarging minor occurrences for the sake of digging at another player.

"Actually, the thread has quite died off since you joined. (Beside your own repeated spamming.)"
you are prob on another time zone, wasnt on when it started. what will you have me do?
as for spamming, well yes, it is kinda annoying to find a thread that is practically a personal digg, even if nameless. a vent never hurt anyone, and i felt like making more of a point by semi-bumping each time instead of editing in something people might miss if they already read it. i tried to sort things out, but there you go...

"I was implying you were a bumbling bafoon. You keep affirming that with every post you make. My intentions weren't to give everyone a play by play on how you went about it, but you are giving them a pretty good example. "
Let me get one thing straight: you are imposing a leet attitude, and that is as bad as 'bumbling' around. better explanation below.

"When executed properly, entire mummy/alien hordes can be nuked in one solid group blast. In order to do that everyone has to work together. You were making this excruciatingly frustrating when you wandered off to solo things instead of playing your part as a team member. May I again point out that you also never shut up."
kind of hard to tell the mettle of the team unless someone speaks up and makes a command. if you want something from me, how about actually saying something so as to make yourself clear? if you want me to get into gear with the team instead of playing for the sake of the game itself, ok then, insta-kill time. being silent is just as bad as not knowing what to do, even worse since you do nothing to correct it. if you want your game in order, step up and actually fix it at the start.

"I played till 4 am last night. If you were truly too tired to play, you should have already logged."
i do not like giving details on personal life, or explaining/excusing myself, but weekend was damn hectic. leaving this point there, you have proven to have more endurance. you win a prize yay.

"Do you always play with incompetent retards? or are you telling stories... " as a matter of fact I play random games with usually normal players. example #2 of imposing 'leet' expectations, get over it not everyone has the time nor care to stay up till 4 or be a game-meister. nor that does that make them incompetent. genuine tactic in captive audience is to split up. this is just a smaller scale version, meeting up in the middle.

"I hope this helps satisfy your curiosity, Arterra. As I have already stated, this wasn't meant as a hate thread. If it continues to become one, I'll ask the Devs to lock the thread."
oh come on.

/\ stop sipping the haterade

i dont feel up to posting any pics. this thread has gotten to the point where anything can and will be used against you. i await your riposte.

edit: banned, if I feel like stepping up to something instead of lying down, i can do so. also... i dont see the reason for your alleged ban... hey if your joke to him fine but my face to your reaction to my attempt to clear things up was like :/ If after all you are not the texter, then forget this.

editedit: I have been fearfully waiting till the day someone started an issue with me. just not worth it for either party in the end.

Hmm, I couldn't exactly fully understand your post, since you type like a gorilla with no fingers. But realize something, that post was made before you decided to "step up". So please, don't bitch at me, or I'll have to paint you a new vagina. ;)

EDIT: Okay, I re-read that statement three times, I'm still confused. Texted? I don't think we're talking about the same thing, do you have me confused with someone else?

12-06-2010, 03:54 PM
Hmm, I couldn't exactly fully understand your post, since you type like a gorilla with no fingers. But realize something, that post was made before you decided to "step up". So please, don't bitch at me, or I'll have to paint you a new vagina. ;)

EDIT: Okay, I re-read that statement three times, I'm still confused. Texted? I don't think we're talking about the same thing, do you have me confused with someone else?

oh man, not you Banned... i was writing in such a constrained style, especially tried not to mean anything when added message to you... ah well


*when forced, the internet squid squirts a cloud of truth and revelation*

editing to white stuff
edit: well, he says someone texted him about my post. then you directly answered to it, even gave a joking correction. correlation fits. :/

12-06-2010, 03:56 PM
I would totally boot a mage for low intelligence ...

12-06-2010, 04:00 PM
I'll help out.

lol xkcd reference for the win!

12-06-2010, 04:00 PM
oh man, not you Banned... i was writing in such a constrained style, especially tried not to mean anything when added message to you... ah well


*when forced, the internet squid squirts a cloud of truth and revelation*

editing to white stuff

I retaliated because you called me out on post that had NOTHING to do with you(I was commenting on the LightningLord thing).

12-06-2010, 04:08 PM
ah k. misunderstanding resolved. :) kind of hard to tell what is what when a topic serious to you goes offtopic before you even get to it lol

edit-outs all around? or leave it up due to lesson of learning context/trolls come in any shape or size or reason to post/laziness on all parties lol

12-06-2010, 04:14 PM
"So your saying I should try hiding a 'fail' instead of 'owning up' as you are putting it? is that how you play? The way I see it you felt it necessary to go and post what could have been a minor episode and make it a bigger."
I'm saying this shouldn't be a deal at all. There was nothing to make bigger, nothing to own up to. You are just looking for an argument and personal attention by doing what you did. I'm not even going to read the rest of that. This isn't an argument, this is about a giggle.


Edit: May I also again point out that you NEVER SHUT UP.

12-06-2010, 04:20 PM
ah screw the quotation marks lol

"So your saying I should try hiding a 'fail' instead of 'owning up' as you are putting it? is that how you play? The way I see it you felt it necessary to go and post what could have been a minor episode and make it a bigger."
I'm saying this shouldn't be a deal at all. There was nothing to make bigger, nothing to own up to. You are just looking for an argument and personal attention by doing what you did. I'm not even going to read the rest of that. This isn't an argument, this is an every one get a giggle thread.

so what is your reason to post at all? people go through things like this every day. internet connectivity is not the best way to communicate and so things are oft left badly interpreted. still, i see 0 reasons to post this thread at all.
cmon, just one valid reason.

also, i disagree with 'argument'. i again say personal digg/attack and, yes, now even say trolling.

12-06-2010, 04:47 PM
I've already explained my reason. If you can't comprehend it, that's not my problem. You were not required to post on this. No one forced your hand. No one even politely asked you too. People have however asked you to do just the opposite and yet you continue to ramble on.

yes, now even say trolling.

Trolling is what you are doing by dragging this on and trying to start arguments. It wasn't personal until you made it personal. I already told everyone else that this wasn't an argument and they stopped.

I don't understand your need to constantly be talking.

I was implying you were a bumbling bafoon. You keep affirming that with every post you make.

This will be my last comment towards you on the matter.

12-06-2010, 05:07 PM
I wont name names, but I just booted a guy for low intellect and he replied back asking for and explanation, "If it is because I have only 1 INT this my special STR/DEX bird."

LOL. No moron, Intellect is the ability to learn and reason; the capacity for knowledge and understanding. A person of great intellectual ability.

Next time, don't speak gibberish and play as a part of the team.

Made. my. evening.

I can see your grammar is worse than mine. :)

I admit you are a genius.... Never mind, it's opposite day. :)

12-06-2010, 05:10 PM
What the hell?
Are you guys...never mind. None of you aren't understanding what I'm saying.

First of all, I am not a troll. You guys just think that way because you want to blame your pathetic lives on someone. Unfortunately it's me, the same person who has to forcefully point out that all of you have pathetic lives. Oh and denying this FACT just makes it worse, so give yourselves a break and don't deny it.

Second, I am not an idiot. I can show you a picture, literally a picture, of my straight A's report card NON-PHOTOSHOPPED. And once again you blame your pathetic lives on me.

Third, all of this proves that ALL of you are trolls, and I don't even need to explain this because it is a given FACT.

Fourth, Balonia, you just lied. I know that you got mad after that low-intellect person, but you are denying my hypothesis because you want to be on the 'side' with many people. I'm on the side of 1, unfortunately, because I am the only non-troll on this thread. So you went on the trolls' side just so you wouldn't be trolled/flamed at. I truly hate people like you.

P.S. I was in a good mood just now, and since all of you decided to burn this thread down, I am willing to do so myself because now I am in a bad mood.

P.P.S. You just got: OWNED.

12-06-2010, 05:17 PM
LL, dude, go chill, this aggressive stuffs wearing thin mate.

12-06-2010, 05:21 PM
Ugh, Lightning, I thought you died or something. Seriously man, learn to chillax. No one is out to get ya'.

12-06-2010, 05:21 PM
Lighting lord, you don't have to prove anything to us.... Just the man upstairs....

....Chuck Norris...

12-06-2010, 05:25 PM
Lighting lord, you don't have to prove anything to us.... Just the man upstairs....

....Chuck Norris...

Chuck Norris is out to get you since you talked about him badly behind his back.

12-06-2010, 05:29 PM
LMAO... THIS WAS A FUNNY READ!!!! Lot of girls on here I see....hahahahahahahh. Put some skin on will ya

Arterra OR any other supposed "Low intellect', feel free to jump on with LESRYDER or I for leveling. We can die together!!!!!!

I actually know of a couple of folks that would be perceived like that and even though they’ve been on a while, asked the most interesting questions that would really make you question them. I either choose to answer or defer to someone else. If they play lousy, then I always have the chance of taking the slack and IF necessary pot up to cover. Future runs I may be more selective.....hehehehe

12-06-2010, 05:46 PM
Fourth, Balonia, you just lied. I know that you got mad after that low-intellect person, but you are denying my hypothesis because you want to be on the 'side' with many people. I'm on the side of 1, unfortunately, because I am the only non-troll on this thread. So you went on the trolls' side just so you wouldn't be trolled/flamed at. I truly hate people like you.[QUOTE]

Lmao! WTF!?! I don't remember posting earlier?. I am assuming you are talking to someone else, because I have no idea at all what you are talking about. But I have to ask, lightinglord76, have you been dreaming of me lately, on your mind lately?? This is the second time in the last couple days you flamed me for nothing. The other one you flammed my name to someone else in the chatbox. lol. Did I piss you off or did I turn you on, which one. Confess to us all now.....

12-06-2010, 05:49 PM
Fourth, Balonia, you just lied. I know that you got mad after that low-intellect person, but you are denying my hypothesis because you want to be on the 'side' with many people. I'm on the side of 1, unfortunately, because I am the only non-troll on this thread. So you went on the trolls' side just so you wouldn't be trolled/flamed at. I truly hate people like you.[QUOTE]

Lmao! WTF!?! I don't remember posting earlier?. I am assuming you are talking to someone else, because I have no idea at all what you are talking about. But I have to ask, lightinglord76, have you been dreaming of me lately, on your mind lately?? This is the second time in the last couple days you flamed me for nothing. The other one you flammed my name to someone else in the chatbox. lol. Did I piss you off or did I turn you on, which one. Confess to us all now.....

allright, at first, I thought you were just a internet-troll. Now I see that you are a pedo. And you sir, really, need to get off this forum. "Did i piss you off or did i turn you on, which one"

WTF? I'm not g@y dude, so don't treat me like that.

12-06-2010, 05:52 PM
Bal is a girly LL

12-06-2010, 05:53 PM
Girls? Who knew we had so many children.


12-06-2010, 05:54 PM
Uggggg!!! OK, enough is enough! Can someone close this thread... think its a bit out of hand here.

12-06-2010, 05:56 PM
Uggggg!!! OK, enough is enough! Can someone close this thread... think its a bit out of hand here.

Why do you care? Simply close the window if you can't handle it. Or better yet, go back to watching The Care Bears!

I'm jokes.

12-06-2010, 05:57 PM
Ok, I know this is like a car crash, I can't help rubbernecking. As much as it hurts my brain, I keep coming back to this thread.

In all seriousness, isn't there an age minimum on the forums? Bc I really don't think LL has reached it.

12-06-2010, 06:01 PM
Ok, I know this is like a car crash, I can't help rubbernecking. As much as it hurts my brain, I keep coming back to this thread.

In all seriousness, isn't there an age minimum on the forums? Bc I really don't think LL has reached it.

And ONCE AGAIN you blame your pathetic life on me.

12-06-2010, 06:05 PM
Bye, thread.

- Cinco