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12-06-2010, 04:41 AM
So I joined a group the other night in Victory Lap.. looked like a decent group everybody had their rift or void armor, good bird ratio.. anyways after i join they all start argueing about when he spawns (obviously the first run and i could tell it was desert because of the drops) then they engaged ploth and everyone was yelling at mage to heal.. obviously a fail because next thing everyone was yelling rez... i give props to the mage for livng so long that he could still rev everybody 3 1/2 minutes later lol (exageration but might as well been)... but while all this was going on i just sat at the spawn because i wanted no part in this mess.. but couldnt leave due the epic fail-o-meter :D.. so anyways they all rev back, yell some more about stop pushing the mob out of bounds, next thing you know they all die... they started cursing at each other and went back and forth calling each other noobs for a good minute and then everybody left haha!!

Idk maybe youd have to be there but i found it hilarious, if you got a good fail story please share :cool:

50 Bird Oldgveteran / 50 Pally Oldg

12-06-2010, 05:14 AM
Sometimes all it takes is one in a group of experienced players to ruin everything.

This happened earlier in one of my victory laps. I was with a group of decent "Know-how-to" players, cleared up all bosses left gurgox. One player left after OL, so we continued with only 4 players. In the middle of the fight, a noob lvl 50 bird (Non-void) joined, ran to site and start jogging around the perimeter of the room, leaving no orbs for the rest of us... The 4 of us got nuked, and he got chopped down a few seconds later. I commented politely on his actions, and he called all of us noobs instead. LOL...

I just couldnt help but laugh

12-06-2010, 05:55 AM
Im betting that non void lvl 50 bird didn't know what the orbs did. Maybe next time, instead of letting the whole team wipe you could have told him what to do?

Sounds like you were the noob for not making sure everyone knew what was going on? Elitist end-gamers ftw!

12-06-2010, 06:03 AM
Im betting that non void lvl 50 bird didn't know what the orbs did. Maybe next time, instead of letting the whole team wipe you could have told him what to do?

Sounds like you were the noob for not making sure everyone knew what was going on? Elitist end-gamers ftw!

Uctiger, if he was grabbing the orbs, he had SOME, even if the tiniest, idea of what they do. And he did join a game that was almost full. If he wasn't sure what to do, he could have asked instead of doing his own thing.

I think people have every right not to want to be wiped by some random noob.

12-06-2010, 06:18 AM
Pre-emptive strikes of kindness are generally effective and rarely offered.

12-06-2010, 07:05 AM
Im betting that non void lvl 50 bird didn't know what the orbs did. Maybe next time, instead of letting the whole team wipe you could have told him what to do?

Sounds like you were the noob for not making sure everyone knew what was going on? Elitist end-gamers ftw!

In my opinion every level 50. Void / Rift .. regardless should have an idea of how to play the game... if there are 5 orbs in a room, i dont care what color or what shape, and i have a group full of 5 people im not going to be the jerk to take them all.. even if i have no earthly idea of what they do!!! is there 5 of these colorful things for a reason possibly?? in this circumstance id call that a complete lack of common sense and respect for your group. Now if the noob just keeps getting his clock cleaned, he will soon figure out that they r there for a reason and therefor learn his lesson and be better for it. But i agree with lesrider. I have the right to not be wiped out by random noobs and it is not my intention on screaming a step by step how to kill gurg for dummies everytime. The game doesnt provide me with enough hot keys therefor have an idea how to play the game or GTFO. I promise you will be booted before you have the chance to call me a noob for not explaining it :D haha

50 Bird Oldgveteran / 50 Pally Oldg

12-06-2010, 08:35 AM
Just wanted to add one thing. Uctiger, they were farming Victory Lap. Anyone who had made it to victory lap has had to go through all the bosses at least once. So therefore they would have had to learn how to beat them. If they decided to leech those stages and let someone else unlock while they did nothing, then they should make sure they learn how to it right before joining random games and doing whatever the hell they want.

When Ao3 came out, even after I unlocked all the levels, I still felt noobish with them for a while. So my farming started with plothozz, and as I got better and more comfortable, I added gurg, mynas, etc one by one. I would never just join a random team if I didn't know what I was doing. If someone did invite me, and they were doing a boss I wasn't so comfortable with yet, I'd tell them, and usually they would either explain, or at least do enough damage so I wouldn't be causing too much trouble.

Point is, let people know you don't know what you're doing. We're not mind readers and are not going to explain every time we see a new person. I used to do that, and let me tell you, it's tiresome. When you've been farming for so long, you just want to be able to go in with a good group and not have to explain anything to random noobs!

Ok, end of rant.

12-06-2010, 11:38 AM
Uctiger doesnt make sense. Who will have time to tell the guy "take only 1 orb when he screams!" after he have already taken every single orb in the room? The guys have already started fighting gurg, talking would most likely mean death.

12-06-2010, 11:44 AM
So I joined a group the other night in Victory Lap.. looked like a decent group everybody had their rift or void armor, good bird ratio.. anyways after i join they all start argueing about when he spawns (obviously the first run and i could tell it was desert because of the drops) then they engaged ploth and everyone was yelling at mage to heal.. obviously a fail because next thing everyone was yelling rez... i give props to the mage for livng so long that he could still rev everybody 3 1/2 minutes later lol (exageration but might as well been)... but while all this was going on i just sat at the spawn because i wanted no part in this mess.. but couldnt leave due the epic fail-o-meter :D.. so anyways they all rev back, yell some more about stop pushing the mob out of bounds, next thing you know they all die... they started cursing at each other and went back and forth calling each other noobs for a good minute and then everybody left haha!!

Idk maybe youd have to be there but i found it hilarious, if you got a good fail story please share :cool:

50 Bird Oldgveteran / 50 Pally Oldg

So if perhaps this group of 4 was actually a team of 5 they might have done better?

12-06-2010, 12:04 PM
So if perhaps this group of 4 was actually a team of 5 they might have done better?

There is just no helping some groups. Really.

12-06-2010, 12:26 PM
So if perhaps this group of 4 was actually a team of 5 they might have done better?

haha perhaps.. but as soon as i entered they were cursing and trying one up each other over something as simple as when he spawns.. I dont enjoy grouping with people like this so no, i didnt put on my speed pot and rush out to help... and are you suggesting ploth is hard to kill with a group of 4 fully geared people?? since when?? and then just call each other noobs and leave?? haha... you can argue it anyway you wish but it was still a pathetic display.

50 Bird Oldgveteran / 50 Pally Oldg

12-06-2010, 02:10 PM
Worst thing about noob teams is that they make me spam health pots too much(for Pally specifically). This destracts from my kill/time ratio. Yuck

12-06-2010, 02:14 PM
Hey Oldg I'm platinumarrow we farmed for a couple hours the other day lol...

12-06-2010, 02:14 PM
I think I would have tried to run to help, but it sounds like they would have died first. LOL. Plus they were talking way to much if they were really having trouble killing. Should have been re-grouping.

And the player taking all those orbs is really annoying. I still remember a couple of those games -- stupid players -- and a time or two when I tried to tell a group that mages get orb-priority and got called all sorts of neat names for suggesting that, because you know, the orbs are meant for bears (!!) :P Sooo dumb.

I don't see that too often anymore, but really...

Oh, of course, full gear does not mean the player knows how to play. I remember a couple games in the last two days with quite a huge difference in play, in VL and in Nightmares. The good group pretty much rushes through; the others die some, throw mobs all about, has a hard time dealing damage and have mages with full mp bars... HUGE difference.

12-06-2010, 03:04 PM
Just wanted to add one thing. Uctiger, they were farming Victory Lap. Anyone who had made it to victory lap has had to go through all the bosses at least once. So therefore they would have had to learn how to beat them. If they decided to leech those stages and let someone else unlock while they did nothing, then they should make sure they learn how to it right before joining random games and doing whatever the hell they want.

When Ao3 came out, even after I unlocked all the levels, I still felt noobish with them for a while. So my farming started with plothozz, and as I got better and more comfortable, I added gurg, mynas, etc one by one. I would never just join a random team if I didn't know what I was doing. If someone did invite me, and they were doing a boss I wasn't so comfortable with yet, I'd tell them, and usually they would either explain, or at least do enough damage so I wouldn't be causing too much trouble.

Point is, let people know you don't know what you're doing. We're not mind readers and are not going to explain every time we see a new person. I used to do that, and let me tell you, it's tiresome. When you've been farming for so long, you just want to be able to go in with a good group and not have to explain anything to random noobs!

Ok, end of rant.

Yeah, taht's true. You and Old are right about that. They would have had to go through the each level at least once, and if they were leeching w/o learning, then it IStheir fault.

I guess I'm just defensive because I'm having to learn the hard way how to clear the bosses and the 'pro' players that I sometimes team with are less than willing to teach a new lvl 50 how to not get stomped. Even the posts on some of the forums from people asking for help getting techniques down are met with 'QQ NUB, GO LERN2PLAY.'

Anyways...my bad. I try to be a good noob. >.>

12-06-2010, 03:08 PM
Easy way to tell a good team when joining a VL group. When full, without saying anything, the entire group kills the lore dudes in the middle and goes straight for the Keeper.

12-06-2010, 03:12 PM
Eh, Fluff a lot of people aren't bothering with Keeper anymore since most of his drops are worth next to nothing now. I don't mind if we do or don't, so I'll usually just let my friends decide.

12-06-2010, 03:14 PM
Eh, Fluff a lot of people aren't bothering with Keeper anymore since most of his drops are worth next to nothing now. I don't mind if we do or don't, so I'll usually just let my friends decide.

Was thinking about that. Guess it's harder to tell now, because IF you are going to kill the keeper at all, a good group does him first. But I guess now not all groups kill him.

12-06-2010, 03:29 PM
Was farming with oldg, and then later too, and we only did desert mynas and OL

12-06-2010, 03:59 PM
Thumbs up! http://www.lolgifs.com/pictures/1048a31749692d7.gif (http://www.lolgifs.com/image-671)

12-06-2010, 04:02 PM
Was farming with oldg, and then later too, and we only did desert mynas and OL

yeah just my preference, if group decides gurg should be done im cool with it. But IMO keeper lost his excitement after nerf, his drops are hardly worth anything and its too bad the best mage staff in game is now selling for 80k... I remember someone shouting in fort after nerf "the only way they could make keeper any easier is by replacing him with a christmas tree".. haha had to laugh.. so true.

12-06-2010, 04:04 PM
yeah just my preference, if group decides gurg should be done im cool with it. But IMO keeper lost his excitement after nerf, his drops are hardly worth anything and its too bad the best mage staff in game is now selling for 80k... I remember someone shouting in fort after nerf "the only way they could make keeper any easier is by replacing him with a christmas tree".. haha had to laugh.. so true.

Lol I think that was me. Well, I said it at some point, anyway. And I still say it when people complain the bosses are too hard ;)

Maybe for Christmas all the complainers will get their wish!

12-06-2010, 08:39 PM
Im betting that non void lvl 50 bird didn't know what the orbs did. Maybe next time, instead of letting the whole team wipe you could have told him what to do?

Sounds like you were the noob for not making sure everyone knew what was going on? Elitist end-gamers ftw!

My dear friend, I have never, not once, considered myself an elitist, or a pro whatsoever. I am just like everyone of us here, a PL player. Over the last few months every since I was on the leaderboards I have been called a noob, hacker, no-lifer, etc. And I just take it with a laugh, like the gugrox game I mentioned earlier.

This game is all about having fun in your style of play, even if it means you are a noob, or team up with one. Take it easy man.

At the end of the day, when you hit the home button and put away your idevice, nothing changes. :)

12-06-2010, 09:31 PM
if have withdrawals should i seek help?..

12-06-2010, 10:02 PM
um er I have to side with UC on this. I've seen noobs go through and ride on the coat tails of others and not know how to do certain bosses..... Im one here that if the person did not show any sort of common sense and teaming, I would have booted after 45 seconds of attempts.... its about team play, not nerfing the other.


12-06-2010, 10:11 PM
My dear friend, I have never, not once, considered myself an elitist, or a pro whatsoever. I am just like everyone of us here, a PL player. Over the last few months every since I was on the leaderboards I have been called a noob, hacker, no-lifer, etc. And I just take it with a laugh, like the gugrox game I mentioned earlier.

This game is all about having fun in your style of play, even if it means you are a noob, or team up with one. Take it easy man.

At the end of the day, when you hit the home button and put away your idevice, nothing changes. :)

I was another bird that joined and I accidently took your orb. Everyone died and you didnt get mad. I respected you for that. I am an experienced player but I just messed up. Btw i was the lvl 49 bird.

12-06-2010, 10:37 PM
I was another bird that joined and I accidently took your orb. Everyone died and you didnt get mad. I respected you for that. I am an experienced player but I just messed up. Btw i was the lvl 49 bird.

Ahh i remember you. U didnt do anything wrong. Everyone would like to get a chance to grab the nearest orb when the growl starts. Sometimes you just happen to take one that a mage is after. Its the other lvl 50 bird i was talking about, that took all. Come to think about it again maybe he did it on purpose...

Maybe I should try that once too... ride the orbs, get everyone nuked but refuse to resurrect them while i kite Gurgox..... that will be classic!! LOL.

12-06-2010, 10:40 PM
My favorite was a couple of nights ago. I was with full group with one bear lev 48 or 49. Not sure level. We were doing Krush The Keeper. Group decided to kill Sniper then Keeper.

Keeper is the last mob and we were killing him. It was going fairly quickly I thought compared to how long it's taken to kill him in some other lower level groups I've been in before.

We got him to 3/4 health within a minute or so, and in the middle of the fight the bear said: "this is boring" then " theres no xp" and then "rmk," lol and he was gone.


12-06-2010, 10:42 PM
Lol today I hit lvl 50 and it was my first time hitting gurgox, I died once not knowing his blast, but thEn figured it out quick. That's stupid that he took em alll. No I needa know how to kil OL.

12-06-2010, 10:42 PM
Wow if he did it on purpose, that would be even dumber. Why would anyone want to kill their team off and end up soloing for no reason?

My team of good friends kept stealing my orbs last night, causing the bird to have to solo. If they weren't such close friends already, I prob would have stormed out of there lol. But since I know them, I just yelled at them a bit and remade, went flawlessly :)

12-06-2010, 10:45 PM
Lol Les, Mysticaldream once did this too me. I was already cranky at the time due to real life stress and flipped out on him. Although whenever we do orb stealing and hi jacking now. It's all fun and laughs :)

12-06-2010, 10:49 PM
Lol Yeah I kinda flipped, too. I was taking a break from Vyx to farm some ao3 with them and it seemed like everyone suddenly forgot how to play lol. But it's all good, everyone makes mistakes once in a while :)

If another Mage steals my orb I just laugh. But if I'm the only Mage in the group, make sure I get an orb!

12-06-2010, 10:49 PM
I am sooo trying this out tonight... Meeting up with a few PL players for dinner at Mcdonalds, and a good few games after... LOL.. I hope I dont get punched in the face later...

12-06-2010, 10:52 PM
Haha Orei, I haven't seen you in game in a while? Maybe because I have you added on bodyguardz? I use my bird now mostly. You should add me on my bird, rangepwnsmeel

12-06-2010, 11:02 PM
Lol I love it when this happens.

12-06-2010, 11:22 PM
hahahahahahahahhahaha, yeah I remember.... soooo funny!!!!! If I recall right, you GAVE UP on healing anyone. LMAO

Wow if he did it on purpose, that would be even dumber. Why would anyone want to kill their team off and end up soloing for no reason?

My team of good friends kept stealing my orbs last night, causing the bird to have to solo. If they weren't such close friends already, I prob would have stormed out of there lol. But since I know them, I just yelled at them a bit and remade, went flawlessly :)

12-07-2010, 04:10 AM
If I see a mage after my orb, I try to veer off. I figure both of us will survive better if the mage gets the orb. Not to mention, if I'm on my bird, quite often Gurg misses him for some reason, which is cool :)

And yeah, some people running around getting orbs on purpose. I think they think its funny or something, because they're laughing as they do it and the group fails. And they don't listen if you talk to them. I figure those people are a waste of my time.

When I started farming VL, I always started w/ Mynas, so it's funny people are doing that again. Mynas always seemed easier to me than Ploh'toxx, but if the mage insisted...

12-07-2010, 10:29 AM
Found a way to avoid a lot of death time waste. If you are in the OL area, and people decide they do not need to pot, then I need to leave. I have not once (other then terrain glitching) seen a group take down OL with out pots. This pertains to VL only, This Ends Now is a different story.

12-07-2010, 10:36 AM
Found a way to avoid a lot of death time waste. If you are in the OL area, and people decide they do not need to pot, then I need to leave. I have not once (other then terrain glitching) seen a group take down OL with out pots. This pertains to VL only, This Ends Now is a different story.

I've learnt that if there's a new player in the party who I'm not used to playing with, I ask them to pot up first. If they don't pot up after several requests, I boot them. Just not fair to the rest of the team. Unforunately, sometimes we're in the habit of just going in and potting up, that if someone leaves and gets replaced by someone else, it's hard to break the habit. So if we end up all potted, and the new guy still ignores our requests to pot up, I'll boot him and we go with four. Usually four decent, potted players have no problem, just takes slightly longer. And that way we don't have nay leeches.

12-07-2010, 03:56 PM
Fluff, I have been in very good groups with bears who do not pot up for OL and we do great.

However, I don't think a non-STR bear could do that. Definitely not mages or birds. I was in a group recently with a level 49 bird. The rest of the group was good; I was familiar with them, we ran well, blah blah. So we got to OL, everyone was potted except our tank and that bird. That bird was clobbered in like 1/2 a second and basically laid around being flat the 10 seconds or so we took to kill OL. Our tank was fine and me and the other bird did a good number on OL. Hopefully the level 49 bird learned how to do OL after that :)

12-07-2010, 03:58 PM
Wow Fyrce, you're nicer than I am -- I'd have booted him. Hate leechers.

12-07-2010, 06:25 PM
Found a way to avoid a lot of death time waste. If you are in the OL area, and people decide they do not need to pot, then I need to leave. I have not once (other then terrain glitching) seen a group take down OL with out pots. This pertains to VL only, This Ends Now is a different story.

I've seen it. I had the luxury of joining easily one of the best groups ever last night. We cleared the entire dungeon at lightning fast speeds with no pots. (Other then lores). When we got to Overlord I just buffed up my mage. Overlord was down before my buffs even had the time to wear off. Thus no potions needed :D.

12-08-2010, 01:50 AM
Les, I don't remember the exact circumstances of the group but I'm pretty sure I joined a friend. I seem to remember it was a typical group, which usually means most are friends. And I think we did a bunch of runs before that one and that was our last run. I think we did a lot of the level without that bird. He wasn't very high damage, but our bear was good, our mage was good, and our two other birds kicked *** so our leecher wasn't an issue. I was curious how long he'd survive and maybe others wondered as well. I don't remember him at Gurg so maybe he left. We were still going fast, so other than rush, damage, I wasn't paying attention. LOL.

Also I tend not to boot or ask about boots because you never know. Sometimes the new player isn't bad and we did have someone leave. I think another birdie. I wondered about the new guy's damage ability, but hey, he got a chance. Maybe he learned something. Once in awhile, the level 48 or 49 turns out to be a good player and I'll add them to my friend list. I think I even saw a good level 36 tank in Keeper a few weeks ago, who I added as a friend. I'd imagine he's about level 50 by now.

12-09-2010, 04:08 AM
As far as the orbs go I usually try and ask everyone to leave the orb to the left of the bosses starting point. You leave that 1 orb= you get Rez :)