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View Full Version : Ahh its a Recession!! and not just in real life!!

12-06-2010, 04:34 PM
there is probably already another post about this but i think its worse now than ever.. everybody who knows anything about our auction market knows item prices have been crashing, but i cant help but feel that there could be a way to fix it.. or atleast delay the market from crashing.. I find myself hording gear that ive looted because I dont feel like undercutting someone by 5k, just to be undercut 5 mins later by 15k, therefor crashing the price of yet another good rare!!!.. (or so i feel thats the effect)

Over the last week I've been kind of playing with a couple different items, one being the Scimitar of Rift.. I had a few stacked up and was waiting until they went back up to sell them (hoping they went back up)... well just day before yesterday i saw about 10 or 11 of them, 5 of them being between 135k-160k... I watched all night and all of them got bought up or expired.. there was only 2 of them left on the market at around 7am my time. One for 200k, and one for 225k i believe??... so i figured what the hell, I posted one for 175k, it sold in about 10 mins.. so i put another one up for 180k.. sold in about an hour (being the cheapest on the market at the time since everybody was either sleeping or doing whatever they do)... Im not sure wether i just landed 2 eager people or wether the buyers were just not educated to the flow of things, either way it felt like progress :D

I have also played with other items trying to do the same... that didnt work so well... one example the OL Rift Helm

anyways besides all the non sense numbers, does anyone believe there is anything we can do to preserve the market (or atleast delay) it from crashing?? or is it just a fail until the new dungeons are released?? any advice or comments invited

50 Bird Oldgveteran / 50 Pally Oldg

12-06-2010, 04:41 PM
find what it is exactly that is causing crash, and offer alternative. you are asking for the answer, when what you need is the question (reference!!!)

12-06-2010, 04:43 PM
You could always decide to become a communist and randomly give stuff and gold away!

12-06-2010, 04:47 PM
You could always decide to become a communist and randomly give stuff and gold away!

I support this!

12-06-2010, 05:00 PM
Um, the boss nerf caused all this. But I mentioned it to Cinco and he seemed to think it was perfectly acceptable for a void wing to go from 350k to 75k in a week. So not really sure what we can do about it.

12-06-2010, 05:04 PM
Pinks for the people

12-06-2010, 05:04 PM
Guys read my post here and tell me what you think.

Heres what i think. Every lvl 50 needs 3-8 pieces of lvl 50 rares, so as long as all the lvl 50s get about that many rares in drops, the economy could be stable. But now many of the pros loot about 2-4 rares everyday, and it will stack up day by day and bias (im not sure if it is the right word to use) the average rare drops per lvl 50 to 10+, thus making many of them uneeded and sold for cheaper. This is just a theory and the real case differs a lot from this.

And dont forget where all the gold come from. Most level 50s expect to get gold from rare drops, but in fact all the money in the game come from gold and junk drop from mobs. Nowdays people are all farming victory lap and captive audience, getting about -1000 to 3000 gold every run. A player base with less gold will pay less for items, and a player base with more money will pay more for items.
!!So if we increased the gold drop from mobs in ao3 again, the prices will go up!!! (another one thats only theory)

12-06-2010, 05:06 PM
Yeah but if everybody gets more gold and all prices go up then it all cancels out doesn't it?

12-06-2010, 05:14 PM
So in that context there is no problem now. I think that the prices now are ok, Cosmos is ****, 300k is already too expensive. Void and rift are about as good as each other, so they are as expensive as each other. But dont you see one problem? I want to see more gold in my bag! Every day i wake up, i want to see millions and millions of gold in my inventory, but instead i see a ****ty 1.7 mil. We need item prices to go up again.

12-06-2010, 05:18 PM
The only things worth money now, really, are the armors.
Honestly, I haven't been farming ao3 much anymore bc I don't find it nearly as exciting since the nerf, and when you do get a cosmos/rift/void item, the excitement lasts about 5 minutes until you realize it's worth about as much gold as you could farm in a low-lvl dungeon in a few hrs.

12-06-2010, 05:18 PM
I guess that more and more player can get those items now so they are less rare. If they would open up higher lvls and new dungeons with new items these items would be worth a lot until the time where lots of players are selling them off...

12-06-2010, 05:55 PM
The problem is instant gratification and lack of a system to dispose of excess pinks.

Make it so you may not see how many items are on the market and their prices. Before you get on ranting that this is like runescape grand exchange hear me out. Remove price ceilings and price floors, allow average prices to set with no dev control. Remove 24 hour limits and total item buy/sell limits *example: You may only buy or sell 100 items a hour*.

Tada! You have the perfect market system! This works because item prices wont be dropped by lowballers and also a price may set itself so there is no guessing of what to sell at. (When you purchase/sell a item you submit an offer that stands until completed, rent time ends, or it gets taken off by you).

SOLUTION 2: Make some sort of system that allows disposal of valueable pinks in a effective way (Stat boosting gears, forging, ect).

SOLUTION 3: Lower price of rent on Consignment shop, part of the reason items are always listed lowest is because they just waste time and gold when they list higher and nobody buys because someone else lists.

12-06-2010, 06:03 PM
Totally have to agree with Pharcyde and LesRyder on this. I know myself I like to sell at a lower rate just to get the quick sale. Now imagine several folks doing the same. It drops the price rather quick and the higher items end up being cancelled to sell at a lower rate. Sort if a viscious circle.

12-06-2010, 06:06 PM
i agree more and more inventory is obviously stacking up, but it seems that with the people leveling new 50's, plus the upcoming virgin 50's, as well as respecs, there should be a way to not settle for selling certain items so cheap... i know thats an idealistic thought, but it seems to me that alot of the problem is just a war on who wants to get their money first, and they dont care if they take a 30k cut because they're broke or need their new items... (and they can buy their new items cheaper so why wait around for 30k?) sadly I can understand why the void wing and void talon are so cheap.. they nerfed it so damn hard it should be part of the fate gear now.. but even void armor dropped from 700k to 500k overnight.. The hardest decision for me i guess is wether to hang onto my rares and hord them until the right moment, or wether to sell them now before we hit the ever so possible dark ages lol...

50 Bird Oldgveteran / 50 Pally Oldg

12-06-2010, 06:11 PM
The problem is instant gratification and lack of a system to dispose of excess pinks.

Make it so you may not see how many items are on the market and their prices. Before you get on ranting that this is like runescape grand exchange hear me out. Remove price ceilings and price floors, allow average prices to set with no dev control. Remove 24 hour limits and total item buy/sell limits *example: You may only buy or sell 100 items a hour*.

Tada! You have the perfect market system! This works because item prices wont be dropped by lowballers and also a price may set itself so there is no guessing of what to sell at. (When you purchase/sell a item you submit an offer that stands until completed, rent time ends, or it gets taken off by you).

SOLUTION 2: Make some sort of system that allows disposal of valueable pinks in a effective way (Stat boosting gears, forging, ect).

SOLUTION 3: Lower price of rent on Consignment shop, part of the reason items are always listed lowest is because they just waste time and gold when they list higher and nobody buys because someone else lists.

Good response, I dont agree 100% but I do believe that their should be some sort of bidding system instead of a flat "buy it now".

12-06-2010, 06:11 PM
Honestly. Given the evolution of change and how the games continues to change with each new level introduction, why hang onto rares? In the end its about having the cash to do what ever you want. I have several stashes of 240, however have given the regulars away and have sold the rares WHILE the process are higher. I loved to stash but have got to the point managing it is more pain than its worth.... of course if you like hanging around town and selling. Personally I like to play. Anyone want to give my a vynnxar helm? I need two, one for myself and another for a friend!!!! Right Les? LOL

12-06-2010, 06:13 PM
I usually sell what I don't need right away, so I don't get stuck with less money from it (that's happened a few rimes when I held onto something for a day or two instead of selling on the spot).

I agree with Pharcyde, the listing fees probably play part in it. I, personally, would rather put w slightly lower price and sell it, than have to keep losing my listing fees. I'm sure many others feel the same, except for the multibillionaires who have money to burn. Those are usually the only ones putting higher-than-average prices on items.

12-06-2010, 06:23 PM
Honestly. Given the evolution of change and how the games continues to change with each new level introduction, why hang onto rares? In the end its about having the cash to do what ever you want. I have several stashes of 240, however have given the regulars away and have sold the rares WHILE the process are higher. I loved to stash but have got to the point managing it is more pain than its worth.... of course if you like hanging around town and selling. Personally I like to play. Anyone want to give my a vynnxar helm? I need two, one for myself and another for a friend!!!! Right Les? LOL

evolution of money plays into evolution of change. Next dungeon(s) are likely to have higher cash farms and items worth more (So I think we will see some much higher prices then ever seen on pocket legends before). So with a always evolving game it is good to have more than enough money to dominate the new changes. Think about it this way too, Devs have planned up to level 99, were only on lvl 50. The fact that lvl 50 gear is still packin as much as they are is a good indicator that at level 99 the gears will most likely be extremely costly and hard to get. So stashing as much money as possible right now is the best solution. (Kids are already packin 9.99 million or more, so I think a level 95 rare gear is gonna cost like 15 mil. But hey... who knows 15 mil might be the new 1.5mil).

12-06-2010, 08:29 PM
It seems to me the goal is to get the sellers good money, and everyone good gear. To accomplish this prices will fall, drop rates increase, demand greatly increases, and the capability of the average player to be able to acquire/buy greatly increases. Many complaints would (in my mind) be alleviated if the money rate was increased to 75% of prenerf. However I have but a small knowledge of real economics(not Keynes economics...) and the idea is very open to criticism.

12-06-2010, 08:49 PM
This is what happens when I don't inject 5m a day into the economy

12-06-2010, 08:52 PM
My opinion, players should be able to post items up for auction for no fee, and all items are posted for 3 days. This system would balance prices more. Not losing gold on trying to sell purples or greens to people who can't afford pinks. Item rarity is the real price controller. Supply and demand people, when people want the gear, they are willing to pay more for it. Prices are always fluctuating in every market. You can't fix economies by pumping more money into them. The value of the money just drops. Then you have to increase the price for your good because the people have more money to play with and can buy all the items they want, then there won't be items in AH and demand will skyrocket, and prices will skyrocket.

12-06-2010, 09:57 PM
hahahah Funny Vyvin.... Obamatactics...see where thats gotten us....doh!!!! You infuse 5m into me a day and watch me share!!!!

This is what happens when I don't inject 5m a day into the economy

12-06-2010, 10:36 PM
Yea i do agree with the prices jumping around everywhere. but yea it is supply and demand, I wish Cosmos was worth more so i can make money off of it :P

12-06-2010, 11:06 PM
Just wait until the price is high then sell for lower. If someone undercuts it then just try again. Just two days ago, I saw a zuraz lance for 90k. I wanted to sell for higher than 89k, so I waited. Today there was just one for 150, so I sold for 145. Got bought in an hour, then an hour later price was back down to 100k. Just gotta know how to sell and when.

12-07-2010, 10:16 AM
To the OP, the prices were inflated. Now they are coming back to normal. Before the Consignment Shop, Wraith Armor of the Void was going for about 320-350K. Immediately after the CS opened the price went up to over 1M. Now they are down to 550K.

So you see, it is not a Recession, it is a recovery from Inflation.

12-07-2010, 10:22 AM
The issue will always be supply and demand. There is a limited supply, but they will never truly run out of void wings, talons, whatever. So, as long as those are always around, the # of the people in market will get smaller and smaller to the point people willing to pay 100K is gone, then the people willing to pay 90K are gone, and so on.

When new items come up, they will sell for ungodly amounts, because no one has them, everyone will want them and will pay whatever they have to. However, eventually the same thing will happen to those items.

12-07-2010, 10:34 AM
When new items come up, they will sell for ungodly amounts, because no one has them, everyone will want them and will pay whatever they have to. However, eventually the same thing will happen to those items.

Wait- aren't you talking about Idevices or Androids now?

12-07-2010, 10:41 AM
To the OP, the prices were inflated. Now they are coming back to normal. Before the Consignment Shop, Wraith Armor of the Void was going for about 320-350K. Immediately after the CS opened the price went up to over 1M. Now they are down to 550K.

So you see, it is not a Recession, it is a recovery from Inflation.

Wraith armor didn't go up in price bc of the shop, it went up in price because they crushed the rush at the same time. People did not want to clear Captive Audience to 14 aliens over and over. Now it's going back down in price because more people are doing just that.

12-07-2010, 11:52 AM
Les, perhaps you are correct in your analysis that there were additional causes, but that does not change my conclusions regarding the Inflation and the Recovery.

12-07-2010, 01:31 PM
anyways besides all the non sense numbers, does anyone believe there is anything we can do to preserve the market (or atleast delay) it from crashing?? or is it just a fail until the new dungeons are released?? any advice or comments invited

I think the problem is that item are becoming more popular the longer the maps sit around. Simple supply and demand. The item are still "rare items" but they aren't one in ten items. they are one in maybe hundreds or more.

EDIT: I also agree inflation was a part of it. The market is still finding a median. The same thing happened when they first introduced trade.

12-07-2010, 01:40 PM
Les, perhaps you are correct in your analysis that there were additional causes, but that does not change my conclusions regarding the Inflation and the Recovery.

My point was that the changes caused by 1.5 and the following patches are what threw the economy out of whack. If nothing had changed, including the difficulty of the bosses, I'm pretty sure prices would have stayed around the same. The changes are what caused the huge price drops or price hikes. Just like when a new map comes out, these items will be worth even less.
The prices were not inflated before the changes. They were appropriate for the difficulty of the bosses and the rarity of the loot. But the updates changed this and brought the prices down.

12-07-2010, 02:06 PM
oh c'mon silly, the 1.5 made it interesting to say the least... Look at all the banter!!!! LOL

Personally I am game for the high prices with exception..... As stated in previous unrelated threads, its keeps people persuing the next item. Prices before were low but then you had everyone lvling to max with NO growth. Runs became routine, at least now they are routine for some of us elitest with others lowers coming on. Don't kill my source of funds by making it too easy and cheap, especially when I have to run 2-4 hrs just to get a GOOD drop. For those of us with limited time to play, the NERF wouldn't make me leave but rather the funding or lack there of would.

12-07-2010, 02:40 PM
Speaking for the minority of players who have a limited time to play, but enjoy the game immensely, the prices are a little high on most everything. I don't have hours and hours just to farm for the void armor or rift armor so I have to be content to play the game and try to build up enough cash to buy them someday....I have been fortunate enough to get some good drops and also buy/trade rather cheaply with people I am running with that get a good drop that they can't use. Having 3 lvl 50 characters and trying to catch onto a good group when I do get time to play is challenging......been spending time recently helping some friends level up while i pot farm.......just don't like to hear people crying about how they can't sell all their stored rares for tons of gold.....

12-07-2010, 02:51 PM
hmmm, thousands of people playing daily, able to reach max level in a couple weeks with nothing else to do but replay the lower levels over and over and over.

i think the lack of content is what made your market crash. i think they should remove pinks and purples from drops permanently. only get pinks by crafting a bunch of purples which can only be got by crafting a bunch of greens which with yellows and whites should be the only drops. unless they want to add a lot more items so we are after more than just something to wear.

12-07-2010, 03:32 PM
Um, it doesn't take that long to farm occasionally. Join a good group and since drops are random, you can get a good drop in just one game. It's worth it to occasionally farm EQ for yourself. I've collected most of the pieces for 3 level 50s just from a few farming runs a week -- maybe total 5 hours per week? If I'm lucky double that, but usually not. I'm good for sitting around AFK and forgetting to log out of my iPad to find hours later that I'm still in the game :P but farming I do rarely and yet, little by little, I've collected a respectable amount of stuff for my toons. I would guess one good rare drop per two sessions, so about 3-5 hours, since I'm rarely running the whole time.

There's only one more expensive item I need so if I was dedicated this week, I should be complete. But then, I might get distracted by Christmas. Yippee!

12-07-2010, 06:18 PM
Lesrider, my point is simply that the prices are NOT artificially low, as the original poster claims, but that the prices were artificially high, and they still are. Your analysis of why they were artificially high may be true, but those are merely additional causes, They only serve to support, not to refute, what I wrote.

For what it's worth, I think we should boycott all sellers who list items at those outlandish prices. I refuse to buy anything that costs that much. And frankly, when I read that someone is hoarding items and trying to artificially raise the prices, well... let's just say, I can not find much in the way of respect for such a person.

12-07-2010, 06:27 PM
Guys, when the holiday campaign comes around the market will pick up.
Trust me.

12-07-2010, 06:35 PM
To the OP, the prices were inflated. Now they are coming back to normal. Before the Consignment Shop, Wraith Armor of the Void was going for about 320-350K. Immediately after the CS opened the price went up to over 1M. Now they are down to 550K.

So you see, it is not a Recession, it is a recovery from Inflation.

inflation is when the value of money drops so stuff costs more. This isn't inflation in pocket legends. 1 gold will always be worth 1 gold. Stuff in the market got so high because it got hoarded to epic proportions. Now the market is flooded with gears and no system to dispose of it. New players are the only way right now. But if you have noticed there are still a lot of new players with only 1-2 parts. Then there are people who farm 24/7 or get lucky, catch my drift? Supply is much greater then demand and if it drops anymore the demand curve will change and so will the supply. Yeah that works but once new better gear comes then ao3 pinks will be total junk.

Lesrider, my point is simply that the prices are NOT artificially low, as the original poster claims, but that the prices were artificially high, and they still are. Your analysis of why they were artificially high may be true, but those are merely additional causes, They only serve to support, not to refute, what I wrote.

For what it's worth, I think we should boycott all sellers who list items at those outlandish prices. I refuse to buy anything that costs that much. And frankly, when I read that someone is hoarding items and trying to artificially raise the prices, well... let's just say, I can not find much in the way of respect for such a person.

prices WILL get artificially low if no system to clear excess pinks. Keepers staff should not be 80k. Its dropped as commonly as a 200k sword or bow. Prices shouldn't get low because top gear shouldn't be easy to get. Not everyone in the game should be running around with void or rift you know.

12-07-2010, 06:47 PM
I think another factor is that there are so many players in game who don't know/understand the actual value of an item. Think about all of the times you're checking the CS and you see 3 of the same item listed at 30k, and 1 listed at 5k. Obviously they may just be undercutting substantially, but perhaps they don't know what the value of said item is?

Instant gratification is certainly the biggest issue. Here's the mindsets: "Well, this guy has so and so item listed at 100k, I'll list it for 98k. Afterall, what's 2k?" So that mindset is applied to all potential sellers, and a 100k item is now selling for 50k. In my instances, a plethora of a particular item might be listed in the CS because people are just trying to get something back from their initial investment before it's worth nothing.

They need to just start adding some sets at different intervals between 1-50 that are rare/exclusive (can't be sold or traded). Even if they released sets that were only marginally better than the elite sets, I think this would balance stuff out so much more; both economy and game play.

12-07-2010, 07:01 PM
Not everyone in the game should be running around with void or rift you know.

I disagree. *shrug* which was probably obvious before you replied to me.

12-07-2010, 07:02 PM
Guys, when the holiday campaign comes around the market will pick up.
Trust me.

Trust me... New lewt = people will start to buy the new items. The current items may drop in value more soon so... Sell them.

Also most items have been out for awhile..such as the ao3 pinks. Ao3 pinks will drop in price more and more because I doubt people liquidate rift items.. So there are more in game, making them common and the prices drops.

12-07-2010, 07:04 PM
Trust me... New lewt = people will start to buy the new items. The current items may drop in value more soon so... Sell them.

Also most items have been out for awhile..such as the ao3 pinks. Ao3 pinks will drop in price more and more because I doubt people liquidate rift items.. So there are more in game, making them common and the prices drops.

Agreed, but selling right now could potentially be bad, but it also could be good. When new items are released, it's possible that there's certain aspects of those items that are better than current ones, but it's also possible that some of the current ones might have certain stats that are more beneficial to a persons set up. It basically just equates to the stock market.

12-07-2010, 07:08 PM
Gold is just way too overrated in this game. What is the difference between a player who has not much gold and someone with millions? IMO, no difference, just two pocket legends players.

I am surprised to see this thread even started... Recession?! In an online game?! Recession is something that affects governments, nations, people and their family, careers, liabilities, etc. Things that really matter in a person's life.

Obviously too many kids or students who have yet to step out into the working society are playing this game.

12-07-2010, 07:09 PM
Agreed, but selling right now could potentially be bad, but it also could be good. When new items are released, it's possible that there's certain aspects of those items that are better than current ones, but it's also possible that some of the current ones might have certain stats that are more beneficial to a persons set up. It basically just equates to the stock market.

As soon as I see a new level cap increase my items will be in the auction house.

And if you sell them now, it would be a benefit. I don't think people will farm a03 when they are trying to hit 55 :)
But that could increase the value of those items because people wont farm ao3 when they are leveling. I doubt it though.

12-07-2010, 07:15 PM
I disagree. *shrug* which was probably obvious before you replied to me.

Why do you disagree? If everyone had top gears then what point is there in playing the game? If I wanted to play with myself I would certainly find other ways >:P. (Gear clones).....

12-07-2010, 07:17 PM
Why do you disagree? If everyone had top gears then what point is there in playing the game? If I wanted to play with myself I would certainly find other ways >:P. (Gear clones).....

Pharcyde, don't bother. I've had this argument with him several times. You could talk till you're blue in your face, it won't change anything.

12-07-2010, 07:19 PM
Well, I have been here for a long time and generally prices slowly drop until the next campaign comes out, then they plummet. The only time I ever saw prices increase was when they made the consignment shop (and nerfed the rush ... nod to Lesrider). And then, only certain items increased: AO3 elite pinks. You should have seen the insane asking prices for a Ryylox in the pre-OA3 days.

But some items, twink items especially, will never lose their value, like Dreamer's Darkbolt.

Wraith Armor will not hold its value. Sell now, because it will go below 500K soon, and willl not come back up.

12-07-2010, 07:19 PM
Pharcyde, don't bother. I've had this argument with him several times. You could talk till you're blue in your face, it won't change anything.

lol I thought using the term "Playing with myself" might actually get people to pay attention.. Did it work? YES!

Well, I have been here for a long time and generally prices slowly drop until the next campaign comes out, then they plummet. The only time I ever saw prices increase was when they made the consignment shop (and nerfed the rush ... nod to Lesrider). And then, only certain items increased: AO3 elite pinks. You should have seen the insane asking prices for a Ryylox in the pre-OA3 days.

But some items, twink items especially, will never lose their value, like Dreamer's Darkbolt.

Wraith Armor will not hold its value. Sell now, because it will go below 500K soon, and willl not come back up.

dreamers darkbolt is down to 50k average now yo.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that we need a system to liquidate or dispose of pinks. Like in PvP you can go into high risk matches where if you die you loose your gear. Then your opponent gets some of the cheese.

12-07-2010, 07:44 PM
Gold is just way too overrated in this game. What is the difference between a player who has not much gold and someone with millions? IMO, no difference, just two pocket legends players.

I am surprised to see this thread even started... Recession?! In an online game?! Recession is something that affects governments, nations, people and their family, careers, liabilities, etc. Things that really matter in a person's life.

Obviously too many kids or students who have yet to step out into the working society are playing this game.

It was kind of meant to be a joke within theory, i think your just over analyzing it buddy.. lol..

12-07-2010, 09:32 PM
Well, I have been here for a long time and generally prices slowly drop until the next campaign comes out, then they plummet. The only time I ever saw prices increase was when they made the consignment shop (and nerfed the rush ... nod to Lesrider). And then, only certain items increased: AO3 elite pinks. You should have seen the insane asking prices for a Ryylox in the pre-OA3 days.

But some items, twink items especially, will never lose their value, like Dreamer's Darkbolt.

Wraith Armor will not hold its value. Sell now, because it will go below 500K soon, and willl not come back up.

I agree with this. 95% of what you are saying is true. But... If the devs added in a new zone, like balefort goblin zone. This ended up harming the sale of some twink items but it helped other items gain value.

Snake, I should of told you this right after I saw the decline in AH value, Do Not Play the Market until next campaign level cap raise. Should of told you this 3 weeks ago when I started to see a decline in my sales. I have not resold in weeks lol.

Here is my example. I bought a few level 50 Ryylox lighting blasters when the auction house came out at 9k.

Resold them at 14k -15k

Next week did the same. But The blaster I found were 7k and I sold them for 9 each.

Next few days they dropped but I could find them cheap.

Recently I bought 3 ryylox lighting blaster level 50 for a total of 4k....

I had trouble selling them... They ended up selling ranging from 2.2-4.5k


12-08-2010, 11:09 AM
Wraith Armor was at 420K last night. I wouldn't say it will never go back up, because Void Wings and OL Helms were selling for 75K a few days ago and were over 100K yesterday. However, they were back down to 60-70K this morning.

Hoenstly, I think the market depends a lot on time of day. I wake up in the morning and check the CS and see product overload, however, yesterday afternoon there was 1 OL Helm. Obviously, prices fluctuate as supply does. This could be utilized to all sellers benefit if they worked it correctly, but 1) the communication on that would be impossible and 2) why wait 4 days to sell for 25K more when you can sell for 75K now and farm for another in the process?

12-08-2010, 12:52 PM
Im enjoying watching the market crash just,out,of,

12-08-2010, 01:52 PM
Like in the real world, 1) you lose when you try to time the market, and 2) markets are ruled by greed or fear.

The prices are high when sellers find willing buyers. That's just fair market value. When the smarter players decide that they can wait or farm the items themselves, then the demand falls and/or supply increases, and prices fall. That is what's happening now. Farming Captive Audience over a couple hours yesterday, I saw three wraiths drop. If drop frequency isn't as bad as it used to be, then prices will continue to fall, and I would put those items on sale as fast as I get them. I can probably buy them cheaper in just a couple of weeks if I really want the item in my stash.

If there's one thing I learned in this game, it's that prices will always drop when enough farmers get interested in an item. e.g. green ice.

I remember when zuraz lances were going for a million. Now they're about 100k. Those who paid 10x as much are either kicking themselves, if they did it to profit, or shrugging their shoulders since they found enjoyment in using them when they needed them.

in the end, it's just a freaking game. Profits here don't even translate to the real world. It can provide a good education on market actions, though. :)

12-08-2010, 05:53 PM
i love low prices!
i collect :p

12-08-2010, 06:02 PM
I gave up trying to read all the posts so I don't know if anyone thought of this. There is a big amount of Droid players now (myself being one of them ;) ) more people farming means rares aren't so rare anymore. More competition means lower prices.

12-08-2010, 06:27 PM
Voodoo economics.

12-08-2010, 06:58 PM
Balonia, I'm still waiting for your Voodoo Guide to All Things Pocket Legends.

12-08-2010, 10:03 PM
Here's my thought, after an item has been equipped, it should no longer be able to be traded. Not sure how much that would take for coding, but basically after the gear has been equipped, it will now be bound to that account. By non-tradeable I mean something along the lines of how the vanity items or plat purchased items act. In this system the gears will not be recycled in the auction house, as the only solution would be to liquidate it. Right now all these rares are being farmed, but as soon as someone finishes with one it's right back onto the market, they never disappear so the amount never decreases, and instead increases. More quantity = lower prices. If there was a system to get rid of the items then Lower quantity = higher prices.

12-09-2010, 05:36 AM
I say leave the market alone. It's all fake money anyways. It's just one means to get things. The other way is to pop it. That's part of the game.

12-09-2010, 05:57 AM
You could always decide to become a communist and randomly give stuff and gold away!

you have a bad idea of comunism if you believe giving equals it. lol. Communism is BAD! Coming from an ex-exploited guy from communists. (Romania).

12-09-2010, 09:26 AM
you have a bad idea of comunism if you believe giving equals it. lol. Communism is BAD! Coming from an ex-exploited guy from communists. (Romania).

Tsk tsk tsk. Just give it away and do not question the system. It may seem unfair now but in the long run everybody will win.

(Once the market crashes and everything is dirt cheap because of the nice giving away I can come in and stockpile until the communism phases out of the game. I'll be rich. huh... I mean... nvm.)