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View Full Version : best passive and gems and weapons and spells for pvp to have at level 31

03-10-2014, 04:34 AM
what are the best items to have spell gem passive and weapons wise

03-10-2014, 06:45 AM
what are the best items to have spell gem passive and weapons wise

Am a pve player so know basically only the theory regarding pvp, but think its save to say , u want high defense and health and reasonable dmg/dps( points in Blood shield and Vamp vitality ), regarding gems u might want to use 'Form' stones ( Green gems wth lots of dodge chance), possibly a Kriegberg stone ( Raid / lvl 26?) and myby an Obs Crystal ( lvl31).
Depending on ur playstyle ( active skills ) and strategy u want more or less dmg\dps. Vermin Swarm isnt affected by high dmg/dps but Fatal burst, leap, brimstone are affected.

03-10-2014, 08:50 AM
thank you phant

03-10-2014, 11:31 AM
I only tried pvp at lvl 31 very briefly and I was never very good. The only other thing I will add is that Blessing counters Vermin Swarm so a lot of pvp players use it.