View Full Version : Leachees getting the loot..><

12-08-2010, 12:30 PM
I hate when some people get into a dungeon and don't do anything leave all the work to the others and then they get the best loot. I am grinding the hidden gate and people enter don,t help and then they get the loot.

Is there a way to stop people from entering the dungeon you are in? Some people do help but others all they do is get free exp and items.

12-08-2010, 12:34 PM
If you are the host simply click on their name and click "boot" and type a reason.

12-08-2010, 12:41 PM
Can't boot from public place, and this brings up a point I wanted to make.
A level 15 in the Balefort Grate is NOT a leech.
A level 20 in the Fathom Sarcophogus is NOT a leech.
A level 25 in the Fridge area is NOT a leech.
A level 30 in the Swamps Brawl is NOT a leech.

They are not in YOUR area, you are in THEIRS.

12-08-2010, 12:44 PM
Good Point Fluff....Meaning if you are a lvl 50 and farming Dark Forest for low lvl pinks and lvl 10 joins...You shouldn't boot them because they are the correct lvl for that Dungeon.

12-08-2010, 12:47 PM
I think that leeching is more a behavior than a level thing. Some players like to try and get through a AO with a level 5 character. As long as they try and play it's fine by me. Rather play with one of those than what I consider a true leech (not too long ago I seen a level 48 following a group and he never attacked anything... not even once).

Leeches are a behavior independent of level, in my view. What I do not get is that the game must be boring playing like this... it is a fighting game after all.

12-08-2010, 01:01 PM
I am a level 14 and the problem is some people enter the dungeon and don't do anything except stay close enough to get exp and items. Some of the low levels I talk are levels 4 and 5.

I don't want to boot anyone I just want to enter grind for exp and be able to get the items I fight for.

12-08-2010, 01:03 PM
You could always just change the instance you are in.

12-08-2010, 01:13 PM
I am a level 14 and the problem is some people enter the dungeon and don't do anything except stay close enough to get exp and items. Some of the low levels I talk are levels 4 and 5.

I don't want to boot anyone I just want to enter grind for exp and be able to get the items I fight for.

Here is an idea. Tell them you'll boot them if they don't pay the protection fees (give you gold)!

12-08-2010, 01:16 PM
Shemron, THAT is the definition of a leech! Simply put I would call out publicly that they need to participate or leave. If they don't and you can't boot, You always have the option to go to another.

12-08-2010, 01:25 PM
Eh leeches love Vyx's lair for xp. I got a lvl 1 in there and they actually have the nerve to request an escort from the entrance.
Not all low Lvls are bad, tho. Some are pretty cool and are fun to chat with. They also help (usually the alts), and know how to stay alive. It's the ones who are demanding and useless that I can't stand. They die constantly and expect you to go looking for them to revive. If you can't stay alive in a dungeon on your own for two seconds, you shouldn't be there.

12-18-2010, 12:10 PM
Good Point Fluff....Meaning if you are a lvl 50 and farming Dark Forest for low lvl pinks and lvl 10 joins...You shouldn't boot them because they are the correct lvl for that Dungeon.

And then they get the pink.. and you go.. "hey, ill give you 5000 gold for that"

12-20-2010, 12:13 AM
Has it been stated by the devs or proven that a pink obtained by a player could have gone to someone else? I only ask because there's no loot pool or anything so it seems like everyone is allotted a chance for an item separately. They have a chance of receiving no loot or a specified list of random loot including legendary items. So if a level 5 player happens to join in and grab a rift item, it wouldn't matter since you wouldn't have gotten it anyway.

This is just my take on things.

12-20-2010, 04:47 AM
I hate when some people get into a dungeon and don't do anything leave all the work to the others and then they get the best loot. I am grinding the hidden gate and people enter don,t help and then they get the loot.

Is there a way to stop people from entering the dungeon you are in? Some people do help but others all they do is get free exp and items.

Problem Sir?

12-20-2010, 08:54 AM
I think the OP is referring to the level 50 leeches under the sarcophagus, the ones who go AFK because they can't die. That is, technically, leeching, and I have seen them get pinks, too. All I can say is this complaint has been being made since before AO3, but there seems to be little anyone can do. No, you can't make a new instance. If you leave and come back the jerk is still there. Many suggestions have been made, particularly the idea of a timeout (auto boot after five minutes of inactivity). When AO3 came out, this behavior stopped, but now that there are bored level capped players who have no shame, it seems to be happening again.

12-21-2010, 04:33 PM
Make your own room and put a password on it.

Problem solved.

12-21-2010, 08:23 PM
Yahhh... I hate newbies that leach xp, then get pinks.

12-21-2010, 10:31 PM
OMG ihave a crazy story i was in crush the keeper and we were killing mynas there was a lvl 5 who was there but we couldnt do anything cuz we werwnt the host so the lvl 5 is just stamndiong there doing absolultly NOTHING telling us to hurry up! WELL when we killed mynas it got a sunblessed scimitar! another time the same thing happened in the same place witha lvl 12!! idk how they got there but they looted a...... wait for it.... SCREAMING SKULL SHIELD THING!