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View Full Version : A modest proposal for gear/stats/etc for End Game

03-17-2014, 04:26 PM
I was about to reply in a thread and decided I should make my own post about it... please read through this entire thread before responding.

So in end game PvE/PvP, each class has two sets of weapons to choose from. Strength users can choose from a sword & shield or a 2h smoldering boulder; INT users can choose from a wand/bracer or a staff; Dex users can choose from a talon/shield or a bow.

A little background information before my proposal:

A big reason why some classes can outcompete other classes unfairly is because PL doesn't have a system where gear is class-specific. Any class can choose any type of gear, so long as it meets the attribute points and level. HOWEVER, we can see that as long as you're using the "OP" set, you're practically invincible. When everyone is "invincibile", nobody truly is. Because nobody is truly "invincible" then it diminishes skill and team play over time. Hate to break it to you guys, but our community has absolutely no skill and understanding of the game mechanics because we just spam our skills and run into action. People hardly know how to play their class respectively.

So... here's what I propose.

Each class has two sets of weapons, right? There are two important factors to this proposal.

1. Both sets (1h vs. 2h weapons) focus on either OFFENSIVE capabilities or DEFENSIVE capabilities.
2. Weapons designed for class provided boosts/upgrades/etc. for the specific class(es).

Let's begin with 1.

I think this game would be a lot more fun and diverse if STS made use of the underpowered weapons. For instance, we have these sweet smoldering boulders for STR users, but nobody uses them because they're useless stat-wise! Why can't we adjust the stats on them to balance out with the other weapons?

To narrow it down for STS... or for the matter of more simplicity, each set of weapons should focus on 3 stats and lack the rest.

STR users 2h weapons advantages (Smoldering boulder): Damage, Skill Damage, Critical
STR users 1h weapon advantages (Sword+shield): Armor, Dodge, HP/HP regen

INT users 2h weapons (a staff): Damage, Crit, Skill Damage
INT users 1h weapons (Wand+bracer): Armor, Health points, Mana points/Mana regen <-- encourages a support class = more team play

DEX users 2h weapons (Bow): Damage, Crit, Skill damage
DEX users 1h weapons( (Talon+Shield): Dodge, Armor, Hit Percent

Obviously all the classes will be balanced properly according to what class you're actually playing (a bear's STR 2h gear will always grant more armor than a mages 2h gear... role of classes).

*The next part of my suggestion to end game sets (and all sets) is COMPLETELY NECESSARY. Without this part of the idea, everything written above is completely useless.*

It's really cool that PL allows players to use different gear regardless of their class. But this then promotes HUGE inflations of prices for gear, lack of diversity, lack of teamplay, etc. I guarantee 85% of end game uses the STR sets... it's absurd - no other community is like this.

SOLUTION: Provide incentives for using your class specific gear. What do I mean by this?

Bare with me here:

As a mage, I would side towards buying a savage set. How can we prevent this? INT gear needs to provide separate stats that grant boosts/perks for the mages specific skills. For example, if I buy a int gear, then my spell called "Lightning Storm" will do +45 damage. MAKE PLAYERS TEMPTED TO USE THEIR CLASSES GEAR. That, however, does NOT mean players have to choose their class specific gear. It just promotes more diversity and more teamplay.

Other examples of this "incentive" method on gear:

A.) If you're a Rhino or a Bear, using (insert STR equipment) will increase your duration of "Stone Armor" or "Iron Blood" by 3 seconds.
B.) If you're a Fox or a Bird, using (insert DEX equipment) will increase the spell "Rapid Bite" or "Blast Shot" by +30 damage.
C. If you're a mage, using (insert INT equipment) will increase the range of all debuffs by 2m.

INCENTIVES. People will use the gear that makes their class as OP as possible. Make people forced to master their skills rather than the gear. This promotes better gameplay, fewer excuses, and an overall positive side to the game.

I kind of threw this together, so please ask questions or add ideas below. I know STS won't make many changes in the near future, but this is just for thought.

03-17-2014, 04:29 PM
Sorry for the double post, but I tried emphasizing on the second factor more than the first factor. Both are important, but if I had to choose one, it would be the second factor to balancing gear/creating diversity.

03-17-2014, 04:44 PM
Well written, will.

03-17-2014, 04:53 PM
Awesome, would stop all these nub str sets everywhere save the birds :)

03-17-2014, 05:16 PM
Thanks for the responses guys! Appreciate it :)

03-17-2014, 05:20 PM
Good idea never thought of it like that. thumbs up for you will �� lets hope a dev replys with their thoughts on thread too

03-17-2014, 05:32 PM
Good thoughts, Will! Practically speaking, I'm just not sure how it would look like (this statement isn't meant to be negative or positive. I'm just stating that I genuinely don't know what would happen), but in concept, this is a very smart idea.

03-17-2014, 05:41 PM
I agree.

But still, as a l76 Rhino who plays a large amount of pve and some pvp, rhinos need something other than an armor boost. I can amass well over 80 armor with my buffs alone, which is enough. DMG received - Armor= DMG gained, which is subtracted on my health. Rhinos do not have any problems tanking, or being a pure support class.

I understand that a rhino was made that way. Well the truth is, support classes aren't used much anymore. Nowadays mages have 4x/3x combos and have no need for a pure tank support.

With the lack of dmg and an aoe combo Rhinos are useless in most situations. If there was non-elixired pugs then I believe that Rhinos would be wanted right off!

Even in slayer, I'll get booted even though I have a 3x or a Shamus on. Something has to be done?

Possibly making charge + redemption an aoe combo, or even better, making might have a slight root effect, and combined with wind, a knock back lightning combo.

Increasing the rhinos starting health a bit to compete with an ursans? Also a decrease in armor or an increase in dmg. Fix the one terrible buff as well lol.


03-17-2014, 05:46 PM
I like how any class can equip any items. I enjoy the freedom and I feel like if the system was used better it would add more diversity and build types rather than simplifying them.

03-17-2014, 05:50 PM
I like how any class can equip any items. I enjoy the freedom and I feel like if the system was used better it would add more diversity and build types rather than simplifying them.

You did not read the entire thread. I'm not taking away the freedom to use different gear, but having a better focus on using your gear for your particular class creates a more positive atmosphere overall by promoting teamplay and more knowledge of legitimate skill. People still have the ability to use any type of gear they want.

@Micah - Thanks for the response. This is all in a very broad perspective - just taking a completely new approach that still seems reasonable, even though it may be a stretch statistically and time-wise. But still just another look at things.

@Argy - To reassure that Rhino's get more damage when applying it to my concept: In this case they would be more suited to a 2h weapon that ALSO grants them a perk (such as +50 damage on every charge attack). The sword + shield would grant them more defensive capabilities and would be for support/tanking. After all, a Paladin is a secondary Tanking class... it's more for support (in my opinion, but that's generally the role of Paladin's in many MMO's).

03-17-2014, 06:18 PM
Very nice post. I would have to say for all gear sets though, not just end game. Pretty sure alot of 51-56 mages are tired of beckon stomp im so pro bears. If certain sets for mages offer less mana loss during ms or bears got a few seconds of extra health regen over the "op" gear pretty sure alot of people would switch.

03-17-2014, 06:32 PM
Very nice post. I would have to say for all gear sets though, not just end game. Pretty sure alot of 51-56 mages are tired of beckon stomp im so pro bears. If certain sets for mages offer less mana loss during ms or bears got a few seconds of extra health regen over the "op" gear pretty sure alot of people would switch.

Yes, I stated that this should be implemented for each level range. It's more directed towards higher levels because the stats are gradually more blown out... this would be a challenge to scale, but again - just a possibility/new aspect to the game.

03-17-2014, 06:36 PM
Great idea!!!!! However, not to be rude or anything, but you may want to fix a little error: switch up the 1h and the 2h weapons as it may confuse some folks. (e.g bow is 2h wep not 1h)

03-17-2014, 06:59 PM
I agree.

But still, as a l76 Rhino who plays a large amount of pve and some pvp, rhinos need something other than an armor boost. I can amass well over 80 armor with my buffs alone, which is enough. DMG received - Armor= DMG gained, which is subtracted on my health. Rhinos do not have any problems tanking, or being a pure support class.

I understand that a rhino was made that way. Well the truth is, support classes aren't used much anymore. Nowadays mages have 4x/3x combos and have no need for a pure tank support.

With the lack of dmg and an aoe combo Rhinos are useless in most situations. If there was non-elixired pugs then I believe that Rhinos would be wanted right off!

Even in slayer, I'll get booted even though I have a 3x or a Shamus on. Something has to be done?

Possibly making charge + redemption an aoe combo, or even better, making might have a slight root effect, and combined with wind, a knock back lightning combo.

Increasing the rhinos starting health a bit to compete with an ursans? Also a decrease in armor or an increase in dmg. Fix the one terrible buff as well lol.


I've got a bit of a mini guide on how to boost rhinos without being OP, Ill see if I can get links up.

All for one, and one for all.

03-17-2014, 07:13 PM
Great idea!!!!! However, not to be rude or anything, but you may want to fix a little error: switch up the 1h and the 2h weapons as it may confuse some folks. (e.g bow is 2h wep not 1h)

Oops, sorry. Thanks!

03-17-2014, 07:18 PM
Hs should also be 10m max. Bears are for up close and tanking. Birds and mages should have an ability to kite it

03-17-2014, 07:20 PM
Why would bow focus on armor? shouldn't the bow focus more on damage.

03-17-2014, 07:21 PM
um also another thing. anyone notice how all the elite weps are 2h? y not add elite weps and shields and add set bonus upon those. So now we activate these effects through weapons that force you to use the proper skill spec. just trying to add on :) good idea i think. especially when i see more and more endgame mages around me go to str int.

03-17-2014, 07:41 PM
Yes, I stated that this should be implemented for each level range. It's more directed towards higher levels because the stats are gradually more blown out... this would be a challenge to scale, but again - just a possibility/new aspect to the game.

Definitely would be a welcomed possibility. Wont argue there and definitely better then the same old "new ring idea read now plox" threads. Keep it fresh

03-17-2014, 08:34 PM
As a Player who is playing halfway across the globe having only luxury of 3G internet with a ping that will never ever experience green, i will still stay strength regardless what are the changes, some of players like me need to be strength not because we are lazy to master the int skills sets, its because we are darn slow and to squishy:tongue:, 486+ average ping vs 50 average ping players is suicide, its like a Ferrari vs Toyota Prius, most players who have never experience the condition that we have here will always say bad things that we are useless and have no skills using str sets, i wish i live in Austin, Texas where the server is but than the reality is I have no luxury of a good ping and i'm just a useless unskilled strength Pro noob.

03-17-2014, 09:20 PM
As a Player who is playing halfway across the globe having only luxury of 3G internet with a ping that will never ever experience green, i will still stay strength regardless what are the changes, some of players like me need to be strength not because we are lazy to master the int skills sets, its because we are darn slow and to squishy:tongue:, 486+ average ping vs 50 average ping players is suicide, its like a Ferrari vs Toyota Prius, most players who have never experience the condition that we have here will always say bad things that we are useless and have no skills using str sets, i wish i live in Austin, Texas where the server is but than the reality is I have no luxury of a good ping and i'm just a useless unskilled strength Pro noob. I agree Str isnt Skill less But it does give a huge advantage over int.

03-17-2014, 09:31 PM
Nice job! I like the ideas :)

03-17-2014, 10:40 PM
As a Player who is playing halfway across the globe having only luxury of 3G internet with a ping that will never ever experience green, i will still stay strength regardless what are the changes, some of players like me need to be strength not because we are lazy to master the int skills sets, its because we are darn slow and to squishy:tongue:, 486+ average ping vs 50 average ping players is suicide, its like a Ferrari vs Toyota Prius, most players who have never experience the condition that we have here will always say bad things that we are useless and have no skills using str sets, i wish i live in Austin, Texas where the server is but than the reality is I have no luxury of a good ping and i'm just a useless unskilled strength Pro noob.

Can't argue with that Bg :) - It's definitely impossible to play INT mage without a stable, fast connection.

Thanks for the feedback.

03-17-2014, 10:40 PM
Why would bow focus on armor? shouldn't the bow focus more on damage.

Oops sorry, should focus on damage. I was editing this and made a few errors, thanks!

Clinto Facto
03-17-2014, 10:44 PM
As a Player who is playing halfway across the globe having only luxury of 3G internet with a ping that will never ever experience green, i will still stay strength regardless what are the changes, some of players like me need to be strength not because we are lazy to master the int skills sets, its because we are darn slow and to squishy:tongue:, 486+ average ping vs 50 average ping players is suicide, its like a Ferrari vs Toyota Prius, most players who have never experience the condition that we have here will always say bad things that we are useless and have no skills using str sets, i wish i live in Austin, Texas where the server is but than the reality is I have no luxury of a good ping and i'm just a useless unskilled strength Pro noob.

Bg too pro

03-18-2014, 09:10 AM
Hey, i see you used the same "modest proposal" title like my thread ha ha

Nice ideas. There certainly could use some tweaking on those sets to help balance things out. :)

03-18-2014, 11:10 AM
nice one Ghost.But just need a few things change like 2hand sword.Imo,we should put more defensive like more armor and dodge plus hit.Critical wont be a issue.for 1hand its should be more offensive like more hit but lower dodge and armor.More hp will more be good.the damage can remain same or reduce it at some point which all int and dex set can beat it.Just my opinion.I just want courage more people use 2hand str blade because seems people less use it even on PvE.Or not use it at all time.

Iforgot about debuff and buff skill.We should use attribute stats to make the debuff work properly in balancing pvp.Like this,when a bear put 157 rest dex,the debuff like hs should be lowered to 45% or less and the rage damage buff should be 45 or 60 damage.When bear put 300 str or pure,the hit less on hs should be 60% or more and the rage damage buff should be 90 damage or more.The more you put dex attributes on your toons,the less debuff damage and buff you got.I think the main attribute should be a backspine for skill to make PvP a balance one.And for PvE,I think it should be same too.Its because,idont see many player str escpecially bear use 2hand blade on PvP.This things same goes to mage,bird,fox and rhino.

03-18-2014, 03:48 PM
@Chopper - Yeah dude, it's a nice title!

@Leon - Good insight. As for particular stats, I just threw some out. As long as 2 handed weapons focus on Offensive capabilties and 1 handed weapons focus on Defensive capabilities, then it would be much more balanced.

03-18-2014, 04:24 PM
sts doesnt have time for this like other suggestions , they will just ignore it doe nice

03-18-2014, 05:10 PM
sts doesnt have time for this like other suggestions , they will just ignore it doe nice
You probably just don't want your savage nerfed and you're OPness to go away, don't you.
They DO have time for this, but they don't do it because it does not produce as much profit as they would with AL.
Sorry to de-rail Will.

03-18-2014, 05:40 PM
I think that the 2h weapon should give the same amount of health as 1h+shield, but the armor on the 1h+shield is greater than 2h. The dmg on the 2h should be greater, also the hit and crit.

03-18-2014, 07:10 PM
@Shadow - No need to apologize, I mean he does speak the truth afterall. This is all just for thought - a concept.

@Argy - You make a good point, I see what you mean.

03-18-2014, 08:21 PM
@Shadow - No need to apologize, I mean he does speak the truth afterall. This is all just for thought - a concept.

@Argy - You make a good point, I see what you mean.
If there were some way to get more people into PL, that would be good. Currently, AL success over PL was mainly because of the population. Because of the large amount of population, devs decided to butter them up more, resulting in many updates.
PL doesn't have as much, so devs dont bother working as their profit will be low with this population.

03-19-2014, 03:10 AM
You probably just don't want your savage nerfed and you're OPness to go away, don't you.
They DO have time for this, but they don't do it because it does not produce as much profit as they would with AL.
Sorry to de-rail Will.

yawn pls nerf my savage , i never talked about if i want or not. I just said that its a good idea but sts will not consider this suggestion like others as they dont have time... Y r u trying to change the topic, such a dissappoinment of personality *face palm* anyways no need to make the thread close ima leave it

03-19-2014, 08:01 AM
Nice idea Ghost, as usual, stg should hire you in PL dev team :). You're very patient, you made tons of awesome suggest and devs/mods never took them in consideration or showed they do ( as far as what I remember ). And you continue!
This would be perfect its just boring to fight only savage sets. Thats why I prefer 1suggest because savage would be more op than those specific stuff buffs.
But if I stay realist, we can't for a lot in PL. Every updates makes game worth ( maybe a strategy to close game ), so imo StG should work on ONE nerf, rebalance or whatever you call it, instead of 3 useless updates.
Last nerf was a great thing for endgame I think but twinks got affected way too hardly. Its just boring birds aren't playable on 50-61 range ( for I've tried ) so pls StG stop updates or work on ONE awesome update like what Ghost suggested.

03-19-2014, 03:53 PM
Nice idea Ghost, as usual, stg should hire you in PL dev team :). You're very patient, you made tons of awesome suggest and devs/mods never took them in consideration or showed they do ( as far as what I remember ). And you continue!
This would be perfect its just boring to fight only savage sets. Thats why I prefer 1suggest because savage would be more op than those specific stuff buffs.
But if I stay realist, we can't for a lot in PL. Every updates makes game worth ( maybe a strategy to close game ), so imo StG should work on ONE nerf, rebalance or whatever you call it, instead of 3 useless updates.
Last nerf was a great thing for endgame I think but twinks got affected way too hardly. Its just boring birds aren't playable on 50-61 range ( for I've tried ) so pls StG stop updates or work on ONE awesome update like what Ghost suggested.

Thank you! Really appreciate it :)

03-20-2014, 04:13 PM
i like to add abit to the proposal for gear/stats, its good idea to make changes to balance gear/stats according to class so as to promote skills/team play and avoid depending op sets to win, but there will be another problem will come out, people will now will START to depend on 3pc rings, black dragons sets stats, humania face, egg and lastly the founders. with all that combine it will still be an OP issue, i admit i have all 4 of that minus the founders and going against a player with just a dragon ring is really easy, if i have founders i will be more of a advantage. i think we should look to all possible corners to iron out all the possibilities and balance the pvp properly than we can promote better skills to players old or new.

i left out the ping issue coz stg cannot help if you cannot get a good internet, i have a good internet and its fast to our standard here but as to other country ours is the slowest because we have a very tiny population and the money to support faster internet is not viable.

03-27-2014, 07:21 PM
i like to add abit to the proposal for gear/stats, its good idea to make changes to balance gear/stats according to class so as to promote skills/team play and avoid depending op sets to win, but there will be another problem will come out, people will now will START to depend on 3pc rings, black dragons sets stats, humania face, egg and lastly the founders. with all that combine it will still be an OP issue, i admit i have all 4 of that minus the founders and going against a player with just a dragon ring is really easy, if i have founders i will be more of a advantage. i think we should look to all possible corners to iron out all the possibilities and balance the pvp properly than we can promote better skills to players old or new.

i left out the ping issue coz stg cannot help if you cannot get a good internet, i have a good internet and its fast to our standard here but as to other country ours is the slowest because we have a very tiny population and the money to support faster internet is not viable.

Hmmmm what country?
Nice thread ghost,
Perfect way to nerf beckon stomp dex auto nub bears and create more diversity in the pvp community, however in low lvl pvp, I think the stats should be only a 10-15 dmg or armour boost or else it'll be very unbalanced.
Wonderful idea, but as always sts looks through this, ignores it and works on al again.
May I also add that gear isnt the only problem, class is a huge problem, each class should play a specific role:
Bear-close ranged dmg dealer and tank, weakness:LOW DMG(no 60 dmg rage buff)
Mage- Ranged support class and ranged dmg dealer, weakness: Low health points
Bird- Fast ranged dps/dmg dealer, weakness: low defense
Fox:Melee dps dealer, weakness: low defense
Rhino: close ranged dmg dealer and support, weakness: low dmg
If classes are like this, people will consider using their 2 class attributes( bird needs to be dex and int and fox needs to be dex and str though) and NOT just create 1 overpowered toon and beckon stomp

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03-27-2014, 08:07 PM
I saw cold with a fiery set the other day :sulkiness:


03-27-2014, 09:22 PM
@Bg and Impact - Thanks for the responses, some really good feedback :)

for the lulz
03-29-2014, 05:43 AM
i didnt feel like reading it but there are so many likes so i strongly support your idea bro !

03-29-2014, 09:05 PM
[QUOTE=Impact;1546473]Hmmmm what country?
Nice thread ghost,
Perfect way to nerf beckon stomp dex auto nub bears and create more diversity in the pvp community, however in low lvl pvp, I think the stats should be only a 10-15 dmg or armour boost or else it'll be very unbalanced.
Wonderful idea, but as always sts looks through this, ignores it and works on al again.
May I also add that gear isnt the only problem, class is a huge problem, each class should play a specific role:
Bear-close ranged dmg dealer and tank, weakness:LOW DMG(no 60 dmg rage buff)
Mage- Ranged support class and ranged dmg dealer, weakness: Low health points
Bird- Fast ranged dps/dmg dealer, weakness: low defense
Fox:Melee dps dealer, weakness: low defense
Rhino: close ranged dmg dealer and support, weakness: low dmg
If classes are like this, people will consider using their 2 class attributes( bird needs to be dex and int and fox needs to be dex and str though) and NOT just create 1 overpowered toon and beckon stomp



Brunei Listeni/bruːˈnaɪ/, officially the Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace[10] (Malay: Negara Brunei Darussalam, Jawi: نڬارا بروني دارالسلام), is a sovereign state located on the north coast of the island of Borneo, in Southeast Asia. Apart from its coastline with the South China Sea, it is completely surrounded by the state of Sarawak, Malaysia; and it is separated into two parts by the Sarawak district of Limbang. It is the only sovereign state completely on the island of Borneo. The remainder of the island's territory is divided between the nations of Malaysia and Indonesia. Brunei's population was 408,786 in July 2012.

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03-29-2014, 10:46 PM
Thanks Bg, you're a wise guy! :D