View Full Version : Need Double Chance Super Gem Weekend

03-20-2014, 03:38 AM
Need double chance super gem weekend because i want to upgrade all my items.

03-20-2014, 03:43 AM
who doesn't;)

03-20-2014, 03:54 AM
Sts already add Double chance super gem weekend last time before the expansion launch..

03-20-2014, 10:56 AM
Nid da pree respec weakNdd!

03-20-2014, 11:03 PM
Sts already add Double chance super gem weekend last time before the expansion launch..

Its before expansion. And now Expansion. All players want double super gem weekend.

03-20-2014, 11:06 PM
Id personally prefer free respec to test out those new skill points.

Super gem weekend I don't find it overly useful because to get the most out of it ideally one would have to use lots of plat since each socketing (and resocketings) can go anywhere from 8-48 hours with only five upgrades at any given moment , won't exactly get that many tries during the weekend on the free route.

Milan Lame Man
03-21-2014, 12:13 AM
With the staggered release of new gear, you would ask for a double supergem chance every month, twice.
Also remember how the weekend killed gem market after it. I believe it is not entirely desirable.
It fits better with the idea of staggering to keep the chance as is, with supergemmed items slowly coming to the market.