View Full Version : Pulling teeth

12-09-2010, 04:31 PM
Guys im going to the dentist tomorow, they are going to pull 4 teeth to make place for braces. Wish me good luck :'(
(they are pulling 4 teeth to make every side proportional, but imo one is more that enough)


12-09-2010, 04:37 PM
i had to pull out 4 teeth as well when i first had braces. the dentist used a syringe on the roof of my mouth and god it hurt like hell. some dentists use other techniques to numb your mouth. my friend said it didn't hurt at all while i was clenching my fists so hard because of the pain. good luck and i hope you it doesn't hurt as much as it hurt me.

12-09-2010, 04:50 PM
Guys im going to the dentist tomorow, they are going to pull 4 teeth to make place for braces. Wish me good luck :'(
(they are pulling 4 teeth to make every side proportional, but imo one is more that enough)


Don't Smoke! (yes, good advice always)
I got my wisdom teeth (all four) pulled and the doctor was going to drug me on IV. Said not to eat or drink or have a cigarette for 12 hours before procedure. Well, I kinda missed that last one and had one right before. Well it made it so she could not give me the IV, and was like, huff some of this (Nitris) and got started. Unfortunately though, this was NOT my worst dental experience.
Worst was when I was getting a Root Canal and the week before the doctor gave me a prescription for anti biotics 'just in case' Well I never got it filled or took it, and the day of the procedure the doc shot some novocane in and started drilling ... The problem was tooth had gotten so full of bacteria, that it actually blocked the novocane. I was just sitting there screaming in my head because I thought it was SUPPOSED to hurt. Ended up taking 21 shots to get the tooth numb.

12-09-2010, 04:53 PM
Fluff, that story just made my OWN mouth hurt.
Ugh I hate dentists.

12-09-2010, 05:09 PM
i feel your pain on the root canal, my front 4 teeth at the top are all crowns with no nerves now - smashed them off when i fell off a skateboard when i was little and had to have new ones made!

12-09-2010, 10:21 PM
Hm i cound endure the numbing needle pretty well when i as a kid, but i thought the real **** is after the pulling where i have to flush out the galons of blood. I also heard that after the numbing wears off the places that are missing a tooth are going to hurt a lot.

12-09-2010, 10:24 PM
Best of luck. I remember my wisdom teeth operations. Not pretty.

12-09-2010, 10:26 PM
Hm i cound endure the numbing needle pretty well when i as a kid, but i thought the real **** is after the pulling where i have to flush out the galons of blood. I also heard that after the numbing wears off the places that are missing a tooth are going to hurt a lot.

Don't fear my post, it is just horror stories of things gone wrong caused by my own stupidity. You will be fine. At most you will have some pressure and 'discomfort' but no real pain. Just keep the area clean, eat soft foods and for the love of all that is holy, do what the the docs tell you :)

12-09-2010, 10:31 PM
Thanks that really eased up the stress (if what you said is true). But theres so much else i stress about anyways, like the end term grades, trying to get to cambridge and making 9mil gold.

12-09-2010, 10:35 PM
One more thing, do they have to give one numb shot for every teeth and how long will the entire process take?

12-09-2010, 10:38 PM
where r your teeth first? if they are near each other, one big tube of numb shot for your gums is enough xD
entire process around 30 min, thats how long it took for my sister
I am one of the fortunate few who have teeth that do not need braces or anything pulled out *shiver*