View Full Version : Good news: Twinktastical and Mysticaldream

12-09-2010, 07:37 PM
for all those who dont know,
Twinktastical will be back to the forums at around 9:00 am
Mystical will be back 24 hours later

12-09-2010, 07:40 PM
I can already tell twink will post a picture with the words "Guess who?" at exactly 9:00 am.

12-09-2010, 07:42 PM
we hada forum party a few days ago and we had a huge "welcome back TT" spam and he screenied like 6 ppl saying it,
i think thatll be his first words

12-09-2010, 07:51 PM
Why was mystic sentenced longer?

12-09-2010, 07:52 PM
Why was mystic sentenced at all

12-09-2010, 07:54 PM
Why was I not invited to this forum party? ;)

12-09-2010, 07:58 PM
We were streaking. Need to do another once the swamps town is out.

12-09-2010, 08:03 PM
Lol yea, we were, I have some great pics!
Hahaha the party started out with me, bigsleazy, TwinkTastick and kossi

then we moved the party to glumdoll

then it got wild and varking showed up

then we ran all the way to forest haven- and people followed-including lonearcher....grrrrr

I have a ton more pics, but this was a nudist party and most of them have inapropriet language in them........... Like when we were at the giant bong..........

12-09-2010, 08:17 PM
god i cant stand lonearcher, he thinks hes invincible because he has 34k pvp kills
i remember when i first saw him, i was a lv 38, and asked him to teach me to pvp.
he then asked for 600k, pfft like i had that money
he then said he was the nicest person in the game, and he gave away over 20 million gold (total bs)
well, i do have good memory, here almost exactly how the conversation went

(noob)kossi: omg ur good at pvp!, teach me to pvp plokz
thelonearcher:lol ok, for 600k.
kossi:0mg wow thats alot
thelonearcher:not really, my build is great
thelonearcher:i have given away over 20 mil, i am probably the nicest person in this game
kossi:i dont have 600k..or even 60k, please?
thelonearcher:nope (leaves)

any doubts will be terminated.

12-09-2010, 08:19 PM
he drives me crazy!!!!! im just glad you and TT are friends

12-09-2010, 08:46 PM
I'm the biggest twink fan. You all fail in comparison

12-09-2010, 08:48 PM
i think lones not bad....

12-09-2010, 08:55 PM
I feel like a loner i wasnt invited :(

12-09-2010, 09:21 PM
Whoever thinks they are awesome or pro just because they have a position in the leaderboard is a joke.

12-09-2010, 09:26 PM
Umm, Kossi, Lone is very nice though, well to me at least and he wasn't lying about giving away over 20 mil. He has given me over 1.2 mil as well.

12-09-2010, 09:29 PM
Lol it does seem to be a trend that most (not all) of the wealthiest players are not really fun to play with...

12-09-2010, 09:30 PM
Well, I'm not one of those wealthy players :) I used to be, but blew it on giving gifts.

12-09-2010, 10:00 PM
It seems that lone is very... Lonely. The only way for him to get friends (all his age, and in similar circumstances) is to attract desperate kids to be his avid followers. He is like a parasite- he feeds on the prepubescent teen fawning from all the no lifers who are more than willing to be his friend. He could also be described as the (iWish) koolkid who acts like he is better than everyone else. Also to accentuate this 15 year old desire to be with the koolkid, he hands out money (basically bribes disguised as gifts), an action the further exacerbates the created koolkid image. Around him you will see a koolkidklan, which basically is everyone who sucks up to lones parasitic need for fawners(disguised as a "Mr. Nice Guy").

12-09-2010, 10:40 PM
dude, he seriously is awesum.....^^^^-_________-

12-09-2010, 10:42 PM
Ive known lone And been friends with him longer than anyone else, only time ive ever gotten money from him ive gven back. He is a good friend of mine and you should not claim things about people you dont know that well, because i know him a lot better.

12-09-2010, 10:48 PM
That party was quite a bit of fun. Nice break from farming for sure.

12-09-2010, 10:50 PM
Seriously guys you don't really know him at all. He has tried to push 1mil gold on me, bought me a shock lance, bought me cosmos, and thousands of health and mana pots. I've been friends with him for a long time. We've gotten in fights, but we always make up and he is by far one of my best friends in PL. I know I can count on him and he is a lot of fun to be around. He has helped me with pvp without asking for a penny. I have also given him gifts even though I don't have much money. I often try to repay or decline gifts but he refuses to take no for an answer. He is always there to help his friends out.

12-09-2010, 10:52 PM
Seriously guys you don't really know him at all. He has tried to push 1mil gold on me, bought me a shock lance, bought me cosmos, and thousands of health and mana pots. I've been friends with him for a long time. We've gotten in fights, but we always make up and he is by far one of my best friends in PL. I know I can count on him and he is a lot of fun to be around. He has helped me with pvp without asking for a penny. I have also given him gifts even though I don't have much money. I often try to repay or decline gifts but he refuses to take no for an answer. He is always there to help his friends out.
completely true, he has done the same with me for a long time.

12-09-2010, 10:53 PM
Yup that's right the whole gang is here to protect lone so back off him! But if you know lone closely you will realize he is not what people make him out to be. The truth is people are jealous, thus misinterpret/start rumors/exaggerate situations, thus placing the person in bad light. And all you people who are saying whatever you are saying about him... Doesn't that make you just as bad as you think lone is, by publicly trying to humiliate him on forums. Just send him a pm or tell it straight up to his face. Lone however, is a true friend despite what other people say. And though lone has given me plenty of gold. I have done the same back to him, he often times just won't take no as an answer :(

12-09-2010, 10:58 PM
I'd like to mention also that his friends do not fawn over him and aren't all that young. I'm 18 and residentevl is 19. We all respect each other and communicate with one another on a mature level.

12-09-2010, 11:00 PM
I'd like to mention also that his friends do not fawn over him and aren't all that young. I'm 18 and residentevl is 19. We all respect each other and communicate with one another on a mature level.
Exactly lady, I'm 16 and can speak to him on a mature level, you are all blowing this way out of proportion and just stereotyping him as some immature kid, but when you get to know him, he really isn't.

12-09-2010, 11:24 PM
I am not saying that he is immature or unintelligent or even that he is not capable of being very nice.. I am merely stating my observations and deductions of his psychological state.

12-09-2010, 11:41 PM
Y'all say that lol. But getting invited to games by him and immediately getting booted isn't cool. Or the way he constantly flames people who are friends with Tt. Or you guys comparing how many reports you managed to get in at our little party. Thats not healthy for the game and is not going to earn lone any respect.

12-09-2010, 11:51 PM
Y'all say that lol. But getting invited to games by him and immediately getting booted isn't cool. Or the way he constantly flames people who are friends with Tt. Or you guys comparing how many reports you managed to get in at our little party. Thats not healthy for the game and is not going to earn lone any respect.

You are making an assumption of the kind of people we are, we have given you no reason to think this about us. it seems far more likely that you would do this kind of thing since you thought it up.

12-09-2010, 11:52 PM
when you say that about him going at twinktastic you dont realize why. twink goes after lones friends, including myself. lone is just one who is more open about it. there are a lot of things id like to say sometimes, but i monitor myself.

12-10-2010, 12:16 AM
Team Lady and Res unite to defend Lone! It's on! -Goes to bring some popcorn. Oh wait those ramen noodles are coming back.- (Lady and Res you know what I mean)

12-10-2010, 12:21 AM
Team Lady and Res unite to defend Lone! It's on! -Goes to bring some popcorn. Oh wait those ramen noodles are coming back.- (Lady and Res you know what I mean)

omg parth. i love you. popcorn sounds good. HUNGRY. heheh have fun

12-10-2010, 12:22 AM
Team Lady and Res unite to defend Lone! It's on! -Goes to bring some popcorn. Oh wait those ramen noodles are coming back.- (Lady and Res you know what I mean)

well at least you know the seat is warm and you have plenty of angel soft.

12-10-2010, 12:23 AM
yay twink is coming back!
booo! mystic is coming back -_-.

12-10-2010, 08:16 AM
I'm friends with all three. I personally told twink AND lone that I'm taking no sides.
I never got along with lone lol I didnt like him very much, but am I really gonna judge someone through a game?


So I got over that and became friends with him again.
From what his defenders are saying, lones given them all over 1mil or offered it, or given them expensive gift,
But being one that hasn't received any of that I still won't go against him cause overall he's a nice kid

He has his moments a lot lol but keep in mind he's not as old as the rest of us (I'm 20 btw)
So just knock this team twink/team lone bull**** out and all be friends

I PROMISE you the game will be more enjoyable and ban free that way

12-10-2010, 09:08 AM
THANK GOD, WE CAN ALL FINALLY SLEEP AT NIGHT! I mean that with the upmost sarcasm.

12-10-2010, 09:25 AM
Lol, I don't have much against lone except that he's not very nice to me and kinda tried to ruin our party by following and spamming mean things at us. I'm on TT's side cuz he done a ton for me when I was just learning. I have nothing against his friends however, he just isn't very nice to me when I'm around him. I wish I was on better terms with him.

Lesrider I agree we should all be friends and focuz on the game.

12-10-2010, 09:28 AM
Well, I'm both of their friends I was just defending Lone because people just started flaming on him for no reason not because I am choosing sides

12-10-2010, 09:40 AM
Eh My beef is that players like lone and trueplayer boot you after your friend invited you. If a close friend invites me, I join. I don't know that it's not their game, yet the second I show up, boot?
If it's a locked game, you have to understand that friends' friends are going to show up. If you don't want them there, explain it but don't just boot. I've left games to join a friend just to be booted. Granted, this has only happened a couple of times (since I mostly host my own games) but I learned not to join if people like lone or trueplayer invite me.

12-10-2010, 09:42 AM
The thing about Lone is he can be an Unbelievably Nice person AND an Unbelievably Rude person. If you have only seen one side, then arguing with someone who has only seen the other is useless because you are BOTH right. Just my .02.

12-10-2010, 10:05 AM
ps... i hate Lonearcher but Trueplayer is ok :D

12-10-2010, 10:42 AM
What's bad about him he was nice to me when I was lvl 36 Jeaz guys not everyone should share secrets if I had a build that good I would make ppl pay more seriously u are asking him for like the biggest secret. Giving away that would be like making everyone invincible seriously think about it guys !

12-10-2010, 05:07 PM
ps... i hate Lonearcher but Trueplayer is ok :D

other way round for me... i have at least played a little with lone lol
idk... in pvp i have seen tru once, and dint make good impression on me. seemed thrice arrogant, even when dying. i gave up on his pve game a loooong time ago.
with lone, i joined in one a short-ish while ago, got booted for "full". asked what full meant when i remember asking beforehand if party was full, and he had actually said no a minute ago. he actually responded nicely, gave a good reason (prefers playing with known friends) and after that actually pleasant conversation i actually got invited to stay in a couple of his games.
thou... in every single on of them i either lagged out, battery died, or randomly disconnected. his impression of me must worsen every time lol

12-10-2010, 05:19 PM
lone is very nice to all of his close friends, but hes still pretty arrogant to everyone else.

i have begged lone... of time for just hints of his combo and he wouldnt even do anything for me.

around my 200th attempt i asked what his thorn wall was at because i was about to respec, and he said..not tellin...that is the definition of paranoid.and arrogance.

about the party, yea he did try to crash it and followed and flamed us cus we were with TT

he made me so mad, because after i called him arrogant, he went off and told solvoc the combo free of charge, just to make me mad -.-

and he makes other people pay 600-2.2M for it...

12-10-2010, 05:25 PM
It's just teen angst.

12-11-2010, 04:40 AM
It's just teen angst.

Hahahaha nice.

Wait, is this good news or bad news? jk.

12-20-2010, 11:30 AM
If u don't have anything nice to say don't say it or stuff like that happen.

Although I don't like solvoc ad his characters he ripped menoff in a trade once by saying he had this guys sword and he would sell me it of couse the guys was away so I couldn't ask him so I bought a limb chopper of destiny for 30k (thinking it was a Sunblessed scimitar) looked at it and relized he had run away (to the same town lol) so I complained and he eventually gave back 25k but lost the other 5. I do like the lone archer he is nice when u ain't asking for stuff like his build•_•

12-20-2010, 11:34 AM
Hang on we talking about same guy cause in talking about thelonearcher who is this lone archer

12-20-2010, 11:39 AM
Thelonearcher is known as the best archer in pvp. His build is very sought after and in order to obtain it you must be one of his very close friends or pay a hefty price of 600k to 1 mil. This is completely reasonable, considering if you had the best pvp build in the game, you wouldn't randomly want to give it away. He is thinking like a business. If said business had a very successful product, they would not want to reveal the information necessary to build this product to the rest of the world and competition to see. If other people were in his position, I'm sure they would do the same exact thing.

12-20-2010, 12:06 PM
ahah no way..
i would be nice to anyone..i give out my build to anyone who asks...
even my twink builds that get me 5:1 K/D ratio i give out
lonearcher is simply greedy, thats all :)

12-20-2010, 11:44 PM
thanks for the heads u folks