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View Full Version : Wow what happened

12-09-2010, 08:27 PM
Hey just Started up the pocket legends app for the first time in months to see if anything cool got added. Some of you old timers might recognize me as nicooooooo I was a hard time farmer and seller back in the day...but here I go rambling living in the past as some of you guys might say.

Sad to say though that pocket legends has really taken a turn for the worst. Honestly the layout was awful and just horrible to look at. Also I thought I might purchase the new map with what plat I still had left over only to find that the new map cost 20 platinum!! That's a bit ridiculous I spent probably about 15$ on this single app and they are still charging me more? Sounds a bit desperate to me. What happened to maps costing 10 plat don't u think that that was enough already.

Seriously it's greedy things like that why pocket legends will never go back to being a success. Also what happened to the etiquette that use to be in pocket legends I joined a town and immedietly got spammed being asked for money non stop. One creep even went as far as asking me if I wanted to have sex.

Cheers guys pocket legends is now deleted of my phone forever cya guys some other time. And to all u old timers out there it was fun too bad it had to end.

If you disagree don't even bother posting I'm not gonna bother arguing with u trust me I was a diehard fan until I realized how much they nickel and dime you. Just ask lonearcher :).

12-09-2010, 08:32 PM
Nickel and dime has never been more true for a game. Nickels and dimes is what this game costs. Just saying.

12-09-2010, 08:33 PM
1) reason you got spammed with for money and...others...you were prob in forest haven, no?
2) thelonearcher really got....annoying, just try to take a vote on who likes him..he wont even give a coin to impecunious new players.

12-09-2010, 08:51 PM
just an fyi, forest haven is now noobville
all the normal players are in balefort castle towne, where the consignment shop is
leave lol idc
Pocket Legends is growing every day, just check facebook and the forums

12-09-2010, 08:58 PM
This is where would have placed several rational and logical reasons against several of your stated facts, however as you have said your not interested in deviations from your stated facts, ill just leave this picture instead.

12-09-2010, 09:14 PM
Hey just Started up the pocket legends app for the first time in months to see if anything cool got added. Some of you old timers might recognize me as nicooooooo I was a hard time farmer and seller back in the day...but here I go rambling living in the past as some of you guys might say.

Sad to say though that pocket legends has really taken a turn for the worst. Honestly the layout was awful and just horrible to look at. Also I thought I might purchase the new map with what plat I still had left over only to find that the new map cost 20 platinum!! That's a bit ridiculous I spent probably about 15$ on this single app and they are still charging me more? Sounds a bit desperate to me. What happened to maps costing 10 plat don't u think that that was enough already.

Seriously it's greedy things like that why pocket legends will never go back to being a success. Also what happened to the etiquette that use to be in pocket legends I joined a town and immedietly got spammed being asked for money non stop. One creep even went as far as asking me if I wanted to have sex.

Cheers guys pocket legends is now deleted of my phone forever cya guys some other time. And to all u old timers out there it was fun too bad it had to end.

If you disagree don't even bother posting I'm not gonna bother arguing with u trust me I was a diehard fan until I realized how much they nickel and dime you. Just ask lonearcher :).

be like me, just log in once a week and look around then leave.... its better then quitting all together

12-09-2010, 09:15 PM
Wasn't this thread closed before?

12-09-2010, 09:17 PM
its new.....

12-09-2010, 09:18 PM
its new.....

My post is still here, but coulda sworn there was a 'Care and feeding of trolls' manual attached.

12-09-2010, 09:25 PM
And it was closed. I had to correct Kossi's spelling in chat ;) (impecunious)

I guess G had a change of heart.

12-10-2010, 12:21 AM
Every game has a oldie that comes back and absolutely hates the game. Hate to break it to ya but the golden age is over, so don't complain that you hate the game when you stopped playing during the golden ages.

Plus it sounds like from your post that your hanging out in noobville.

20 platinum for maps is so that devs can fund the game yo.. Sorry that it might sound money hungry to you but running a server based game costs ALOT of money. So why don't you just chip in your 2 dollars and buy the map?..

12-10-2010, 05:20 AM
This is a funny thread. To sum up what was said, he wrote that he no longer likes the game, and to only post if you agree. If you do not agree with him, don't post.

12-10-2010, 05:39 AM
I will post anyways.
I think for a game with that much playing time, the money I have spent on it so far is well-spent, the Devs and the servers donīt work for free, and the game is constantly (!) being developed and maintained.

Quit yer whining. Stuff changes, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse - it all depends on your attitude.

12-10-2010, 06:50 AM
Ha lonearcher? U wana know wat he's best at? He likes to dress in noobs outfit running VL and when he sees others got gd drop, he will begged for the item like he's a noob. But he's super rich, he's supposedly to have stacked more than 10 mil...

12-10-2010, 06:55 AM
I will post anyways.
I think for a game with that much playing time, the money I have spent on it so far is well-spent, the Devs and the servers donīt work for free, and the game is constantly (!) being developed and maintained.

Quit yer whining. Stuff changes, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse - it all depends on your attitude.

I agree with xenosapien, the Devs are doing a fine job and a job that deserves to be paid :) Nothing in this world is really free... :p

This is a small price to pay compared to games that has a monthly fee... Give it another chance :)

We get new updates every so often, new items, new quests, new content... all of these need time and money to develop.

And every so often, ideas by players actually get implemented. The Devs listens and responds...

They can't make everyone happy, no one can... but I think, they are doing a fine job.

As to bad apples (players that make you not happy), there's always the ignore button :p

So peace, and cheers! :)

12-10-2010, 07:29 AM
I won't bother arguing I'm just saying I love pocket legends all though I do really hate creeps and all that but it's still fun hang out in balefort it's fun and why did u post this do u hope to stop other from playing sounds like a pointless post to me a nice farewell would be just as good not this big post -_- And the post above me is really true I totaly agree ;)

Other people do not be discoured!!!!!

12-10-2010, 07:42 AM
I disagree with everything i love this game as for nickle and dimeing. OMG would you work for free the devs work very hard with this game. as for people asking for money thats no problem the devs cant control that. just rise above it.

i love a good debate cough (arguement)

I will defend this game and the devs

so just bring it lol

12-10-2010, 06:21 PM
hey thug! you got plat!

12-10-2010, 06:29 PM
one creep even went as far as asking me if i wanted to have sex.
lmfao that is hilarious

12-10-2010, 06:57 PM
im an oldie started bak in april but i dont hate it an yes it has changed and a nickel an dime but i jus took a vac from it i go into town every now an again, it jus sucks playin on a freakin iphone 4/ im ready for pc then i will dedicate more time to it or a ipad for christmas which if everything works out i be buying as a christmas present to myself