View Full Version : Please Devs Take heed

King Richie
05-06-2010, 11:04 AM
I am currently attending college in Dublin , Ireland to become a games designer and we are currently making a small 2-D rpg game and in the Few weeks we (a class of 10) have been making the game we created more unique items and rare items of loot then PL has. Im not trying to brag or anything, im a devoted PL player and i always will be but you really need to put more effort into loot, all classes need new weapons with new procs like lightning bows and nightmare bows and also ice bows (that actually have an ice effect).. The choices are limitless and that is what my class are currently doing we think of something and add to it then add MORE ! ! but the most important thing is you really have to stop reskinning old items put the effort into designing new looks .. I know that costs money and time but remember you have a dedicated community ready to do anything to help.. Ask for their ideas on graphics, ask for Sketches WE WILL PROVIDE !! For the cost of just seeing our item in game.

Pl is a fantastic game but the lack of effort put into loot is letting us down. I personally know how busy you probably are but ask the community you have 1000+ free workers awaiting your call. I have put much time into thinking of this and thinking on how to write it down so i would love a response from the devs thank you very much for this fantastic game and for being the most active development team i have ever came across

Here are some pics of items we have created WE HAVE NEVER ONCE RESKINNED ! I know its only 2-D but making them 3-D is not much work !

Dont worry like this is only a mess game were makin so theres no worrys about me giving out these images




Ok i will admit we got some of our item ideas from other games just b4 ppl notice =)

05-06-2010, 11:20 AM
We actually have a lot more items (and visual appearances/effects for items), but we are spreading them out over 100 levels, platinum store items vs. vendors items vs reward items vs quest items, etc.


King Richie
05-06-2010, 11:24 AM
We actually have a lot more items (and visual appearances/effects for items), but we are spreading them out over 100 levels, platinum store items vs. vendors items vs reward items vs quest items, etc.


This is great news but Like for swamps the sniper bayou bow was some let down it loos like trash like you could have put weeds hanging off it or something like that .. like i hope that these items u are thinking of are good because no offense if there like that i wouldnt be getting to excited ! like posiblities are endless just please try and add something to every item that makes ppl no what it is and be like ZOMG HOW DID U GET THAT !!

05-06-2010, 02:00 PM
They need the system they used for "Borderlands"...
J/K :)

King Richie
05-06-2010, 02:04 PM
that would be pretty cool !! 1000000000 weapons =)

05-07-2010, 01:29 AM
It is actually not that easy to translate a 2d weapon into a 3d weapon, furthermore making sure the classes can use it with out looking awkward. (ever see a bear hold a staff? yeah, awkward)

05-07-2010, 02:13 AM
I agree with the weapons part of it all I mean they all Just look so alike I mean vines on the bow or shields or even swords would be a smart and awsome look for ancient swamps map and for the armor visual part of it all some changes definately need to be make in the future patches because just changing the colour pattern on the armor doesn't do very much we need some sickkk lookin armor that completely change the perspective on chars but honestly I do love this game I'm heavily addicted and will always be a proud supporter of PL but I'd just to see some new looks that's all and those free maps u promised us :) thanks alot devs keep up the awsome job !

Proud LEGENDS member:D

05-07-2010, 02:24 AM
We will get more variety with visual appearances when we work on player customization.