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View Full Version : Ao3 Items are going to totally bomb in prices :).

12-10-2010, 11:51 PM
haha so I noticed that everyone stopped doing keeper since his loot was now dead cheap. How Ironic that now keeper drops the most shards most commonly. But either way all ao3 bosses are getting farmed a lot more than usual due to the quest. (At least for me). I havent ran ao3 in ages then when the quest came out I have now ran it to 60 totems. I got a power armor of the rift and gurgux eye :). If stuff like this is happening to others then prices are going to BOMB! :p.

12-11-2010, 01:24 AM
IKR! i knew this would be a problem as SOON as i recieved the quest from the black man in the mynas lair

12-11-2010, 01:32 AM
Maybe the devs want gold to be useless?

12-11-2010, 04:01 AM
I think that Devs have been trying to control the gold for a long time. So glad I offloaded my gear instead of hoarding it.

12-11-2010, 04:26 AM
The prices gonna drop? whats the matter with that? dont you know the kopesh tornado times?

12-11-2010, 04:41 AM
Ok now before I go off on a tangent, what kinda of _______ comment is the " I think devs are trying to control gold" seems to me to be a noob comment! Please elaborate!!

12-11-2010, 07:36 AM
The prices of wraith armor just dropped from 470 to 350 in a couple hours, and it wont stop dropping since no one will buy them. Almost the same thing with power armor, currently at 350 and showing no signs of stopping to drop.

12-11-2010, 10:10 AM
The comment i made about Devs trying to control the gold is not a noob comment.
Ive thought long and hard about the implication of gold and how it affects
game play ever since it was introduced.

Lets examine the current game. Ever since swamp days, premium pinks have
been increasing in prices from the 100K of swamp days to the over 1 million
in AO3 now.
If we were to follow this natural progression, the next dungeon will have
premium pinks selling in the 1 to 1.5 million range.

Only hard core farmers who farm 10+ hours a day everyday can hope to accumulate
the gold needed to buy these items. Certainly not the casual player
who spend less than 1 hour a day every other day.
Why do you think TheLoneArcher has 9.99 million in their account and the casual
player thinks having more than 100k makes them so rich in the game. A casual
player even with 200K cannot even afford a wraith armor, which was selling
for 600-700k for the last month.

To the casual player, getting to Lvl 50 right now has meant they have used
a lot of gold already in pots levelling up. When they get to Lvl50, they have
the usual lower end pinks and maybe 1 or 2 premium pinks, certanly not
enough for a VOID set . And there are also many players who have no premium pinks
and want to farm for them. Imagine the frustration these players feel
when they finally get to Lvl 50 and can now truly start to farm, and getting
booted out of every game because they dont have the gear to stay in groups.

And now we have the new droid players who are bringing a lot of money to STS and
are starting to play the game and imagine their dismay when they get to Lv 50 and
find they cant play because they have no good gear. They are just as likely to
give up and go on to other games because they dont feel like spending 10+ hours
on this game to earn money and farm.

Obviously the devs at STS have seen this and are trying to find a solution
to satisfy both new up and coming players as well as veterans

And i think the Devs have done an EXCELLENT job on implementing this quest.
It both allows for casual players to get good gear that will enable them
to keep on playing as well as letting farmers concentrate on getting
the premium pinks with set bonuses.

My comment of devs trying to control the money is outlined above.
I've been both a casual player playing less than 1 hour a day every other day
to a full time 6+ hour farmer during summer vacation and i've felt the frustraion
of not having good gear as well as being booted from game for not having the
right gear.

I applaud the Devs for trying to curb the money, and finding a way for both
casual and hard core gamers to have a reward for their time spent.
Gold should not be the sole goal of this game.

Again, this is only my opinion. YMMV

[Lt] Shiny
12-11-2010, 10:18 AM
Wrote so much... o__0

12-11-2010, 10:25 AM
They are dipping, but somehow I'm not too worried that my 200k will get me a full set of rift anytime soon. Even if it does, then there will be a new bar for separating the casual from the dedicated player. Part of what makes the best gear cool to have is that players like me will never get it. It's not like there are any dungeons you can't have fun playing in a modest crap pink gear set.

12-11-2010, 10:36 AM
The overlord rift helms are diving in price ... make sure you sell yours quick before they drop below 25K ...

Oh, BTW, Buying Overlord Rift Helm for 30K ... ;)

12-11-2010, 11:45 AM
Haha i remeber me without a void set. It SUCKED because you basically see a bird tjat just runs through te entire map without dieing once, and u die after the first 5 creeps. And now imagine playing a nice round of victory lap when players like thelonearcher just run through the portals without killing the aliens in middle. I have basically seen 4 ppl who got booted cause they keeped dieing by the prozess of getting in the portal. That happened like 2days ago wheb i played with him.

12-11-2010, 11:48 AM
I bougut void talon or like 140k , shield for 170k, abd ol helm for 120k . Now all 3 are worth like 50k? I wss so frustrated yesterday that i gave my ol helm away as an early christmas gift cause theres no way that i can resell that thing for more then 20k..

12-11-2010, 05:09 PM
Thanks for that overview Rogue. While understandably laid out and in my opion I see two problems with that.

#1. Have not seen nor heard/read any DEV statements indicating they want to control Gold. As you said it was an opinion nevertheless its an assumption. As in real life money is what makes the world go around and much of the social and financial aspect is within the game. I don't see words into DEV's mouths perhaps is a good thing or an assumption we'd want to make.

#2. Choices....hmmmm, not sure what to say here. I am both a casual player and at times run with the farmers, however everything you outline is about CHOICE and CHOICE alone. That its not wrong but doesn't mean because of your choices or decisions regarding your play experiences that others don't or can't afford it. Perhaps its different because I share or give people at times gold or expensive items but thats me. The benefit to me is they generally return the same. For me I made a choice to befriend folks who naturally were helpful. Folks that are about themselves or what they can get just to sell, well I don't really run with them. This being said, I understand but don't really see the economical points you made because its about choices. Again my choice :)

This could also be an older player view..... so take it with a grain of salt. As long as I am ok and can play Im good with sharing with my friends lists.

If your having a problems getting items because of price, friend some genuine nice players and get to know them. They will return the favors as they did me.

The comment i made about Devs trying to control the gold is not a noob comment.
Ive thought long and hard about the implication of gold and how it affects
game play ever since it was introduced.

My comment of devs trying to control the money is outlined above.
I've been both a casual player playing less than 1 hour a day every other day
to a full time 6+ hour farmer during summer vacation and i've felt the frustraion
of not having good gear as well as being booted from game for not having the
right gear.
I applaud the Devs for trying to curb the money, and finding a way for both
casual and hard core gamers to have a reward for their time spent.
Gold should not be the sole goal of this game.

Again, this is only my opinion. YMMV

12-11-2010, 05:10 PM
hahhha funny Fluff, hmmm may have one... interested?

The overlord rift helms are diving in price ... make sure you sell yours quick before they drop below 25K ...

Oh, BTW, Buying Overlord Rift Helm for 30K ... ;)

12-11-2010, 05:15 PM
Shiny;141110']Wrote so much... o__0

I know right? I only read like one paragraph.

Either way thats the point of MMO's, so I totally disagree with him. MMO's are suppost to be full of rare items packing insane prices. Thats why people keep playing to accumulate them, and casual players will just have to stick to the casual items. Thats right.. Casual items.

Also everyone is bringing up opinions as issues. Everyone already knows my opinions on the prices (Love and hate them). All of our opinions are useless, all that matters is what makes the game survive. If prices drop so low then everyone is gonna have gears then it will be useless to keep playing. Players will quit, devs make less money, less money = less updates. less updates = dead game..

12-11-2010, 10:07 PM
Well put, Pharcyde. Not sure why it's so hard to understand...

12-11-2010, 10:21 PM
I will say that devs do have a responsibility to put in efforts to control the total gold in game (pots as a money sink and limiting mob gold). Think of them as the federal reserve. But player to to player transactions do not effect the overall gold, they just move it around.

12-11-2010, 10:45 PM
My friend still plays maplestory (sigh, said PL was better he wont listen) and while he was playin and i was playin PL, i had a sudden thought. Extremely complicated and hard to make, but, like in MS, there are different worlds that anyone can access, but are based on lvls. Like in the beginning, maple island, is like the first dungeon; if you leave, you cant go back place. Than, it automatically brings you to Victoria Island, like Forest Haven. But in PL, thats it, the lvls just start to get harder. Maple has been active way longer than PL, but a suggestion is to make different worlds in one server. In MS, there is, lets say, Orbis, for lvl 30 i think. Its a WHOLE NEW WORLD, but a noob could still enter, but it is made for lvl 30s. THIS COULD SOLVE GOLD PROBLEM!!!!!!!! When just starting MS, you start with like 1k, but pros got like 10 billion. Why does this not affect economy, etc.? Pros tend to be in different worlds, noobs in the starting worlds! Noobs could go to the high lvl worlds, but they cant really do anything! Pros dont get anything done in beginning levels either! So lets say Lone is in the high lvl world, with his high lvl money and max cap; he is the king there. People lower lvl with less money can still be top dog in the lower lvl worlds. Then, there would be no complaints!

Lets examine the current game. Ever since swamp days, premium pinks have
been increasing in prices from the 100K of swamp days to the over 1 million
in AO3 now.
If we were to follow this natural progression, the next dungeon will have
premium pinks selling in the 1 to 1.5 million range.

This is always gonna happen, anywhere, anygame.

12-11-2010, 11:11 PM
Fluff, Hang on a sec. Just so I understand this and based on your comments. Are you saying that (for the sake of conversation) if there was a pool of 1000k alloted to PL and all players in general are playing from that 1000k pool? Player to player transactions would be simply using fund really from the 1000k pool, correct? is this what your saying?

I ask because the comments regarding the federal reserve didn't make sense to me since the FEDs don't place a CAP on money that is in circulation....

If this is what your saying, my goal is to slurp up the 1000k. shareholder benefits here and a monarchy government should rain!

I will say that devs do have a responsibility to put in efforts to control the total gold in game (pots as a money sink and limiting mob gold). Think of them as the federal reserve. But player to to player transactions do not effect the overall gold, they just move it around.

12-11-2010, 11:35 PM
Your not thinking right, Xmas stuff soon equals fun, also holidays everyone slows down, in the new year I smell a née campaign. Think about it rather the the economy taking a hit when the new campaign is out, current gear is going down in price due to the cyber quests, therefore cones affordable to the masses and they have gear to enable them to handle the next campaign in January.

Just IMHO.

12-11-2010, 11:53 PM
I will say that devs do have a responsibility to put in efforts to control the total gold in game (pots as a money sink and limiting mob gold). Think of them as the federal reserve. But player to to player transactions do not effect the overall gold, they just move it around.

Exactly like a company IPO and stock trade of hand.

Think about it this way:
Spacetime is like a private company, they release the game (or stock in this case) to the public. Obviously they need to stimulate gold and drops to get players going but then they stop it. Just like with a company they stimulate profit off of the IPO but then never make another dime from it.

So now that the game is set, there is a balance in amount of gold vs items. Usually over time total gold and total items in the game slowly increases. But this rate is so slow that its basicly money circulating around. So WHATEVER spacetime does to the game, it does not effect the actual gold or items, it simply just makes a supply/demand shift. This makes perfect sense because if apple released today that they were firing 20,000 employee's then obviously the stock will drop. So if spacetime releases new gears that are better then the other gears, then the prices on that gear drops. But the ACTUAL value and amount of items in the game is untouched. Gotta love economics..

12-12-2010, 04:10 AM
The example confuses me