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View Full Version : Solo Elite Algaran.....Initial Thoughts

03-25-2014, 03:38 PM

I've told all of my friends that this was going to be the first map I would solo as soon as the new elites came out because, no thanks to Algaran's pulls, I've spent a lot of platinum here, so payback was pretty sweet.

In a word, tough.

This was so much more difficult than I had expected. The Armadillos/Scorns/whatevers, are so heavily armored and do so much damage, that it took me a long time to figure out how to handle the first pull. Once the first pull was down, I met the cluster of snakes. Again, these hit incredibly hard, and their range negates any kiting tactic I know of. Basically, it's run around, Nox, Aimed and never stop potting.

The third difficult spot was the tribesman surrounded by a pack of Scorns. Fortunately, the shielding totem isn't any stronger than in normal, so I managed to quickly bring down the shield by luring everything out of the room and into the hallway. Then, charge through the pack and attack the totem with everything I've got. I think I found a tactic on how to handle the pack here by using the magma pool as a choke point, but I will have to investigate it further.

From there, it is a run to Algaran's lair. This is a long run and basically, I used Scorch's shield and potted the whole way through. It's a long and tough walk.

Once in Algaran's lair, kite and Nox the trailing pack of whelps and Scorns. From there, you work your way backwards, picking off mobs one at a time. Avoid the cluster that is hidden in the corner, hug the wall and work your way backwards.

When you work your way back around the corner and back down the path, after you kill the last two Scorns in the hallway, Algaran will spawn.

Algaran himself isn't that difficult. I spent a lot of time working out a strategy on him, so I didn't feel particularly threatened. I didn't bother to use a stun pet, so I cannot comment on whether George/Kelvin resummoning will work on him in elite mode. Bascially, I kited him, alternating between charged Nox and charged Aimed. When I was pulled, charged pierce to evade.

At some point, I may write up a detailed guide, but for now my initial thoughts are that the mobs are supremely difficult. The boss absorbs a ton of damage and it must have take 4 or 5 minutes to kill him.

I'm not sure if there is a good way to separate the cluster of snakes - that was the most difficult aspect of this entire run.

I would like to say this was fun, but it was supremely difficult, and it is tough to figure out the best strategy. I'm sure after a few dozen runs, I'll have a better approach, but for now, I feel pole-axed.

03-25-2014, 03:39 PM
An interesting bug....halfway through my run, the timer started to count backwards???

03-25-2014, 05:01 PM
you are by far the most awesome soloist rogue player that I know! 10 minutes is amazing to solo the hardest boss in the game :) Panic/stun doesn't work on this boss anymore! Scorch/Glacian might actually have some use yet!

03-25-2014, 05:46 PM
you are by far the most awesome soloist rogue player that I know! 10 minutes is amazing to solo the hardest boss in the game :) Panic/stun doesn't work on this boss anymore! Scorch/Glacian might actually have some use yet!

10 minutes is an illusion - the clock started counting down instead of up halfway into my run (I died and plat revived because I was too lazy to make the run a second time).

I'll try soloing the other maps at some point, but this one in particular was high on my list because Algaran was so maddening in normal mode that it was something I had to do the moment elite maps were released.

03-25-2014, 05:47 PM
Most impressive Syntax, well done!

According to the database your official time was 17m 44s 439ms.

03-25-2014, 05:56 PM
I think the 10 minutes is incorrectly reported because of the faulty timer. Can you check your personal best time from the leaderboard to see the official recorded time for your solo run?

03-25-2014, 06:07 PM

03-25-2014, 06:41 PM
The 17 min run was my fastest so far. Don't know what that run was, but it looooooong

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03-25-2014, 06:45 PM
Kudos to you Kalizza! True elite!

03-25-2014, 06:51 PM
My first run was really a test on the strategy. Second run was more what I would expect. I think I can whittle it down to about 15 minutes with a bit more experience and a better bow.

I'm loving these new elites and really appreciate that mindless button mashing isn't a viable strategy here.

I must admit, the Scorns are very heavily armored and those snakes which are immune to everything are a real challenge. Kudos guys, this is exactly what I wanted to see. My only criticism is that Algaran himself is a little bit of a letdown. I will give you guys more feedback as I progress but don't expect to see a solo Rendtail run in the next couple of days. From what I have seen on this map, the mob density over there will take some time to work out because I'm not sure if any separation tactics will work.

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03-25-2014, 07:08 PM
good job, bro ~~

03-27-2014, 09:14 AM
wow. awesme. i waiting eagerly for the guide XD

03-27-2014, 10:44 AM
I'd love to work out strategies with you sometime, Syntax. I'm always a huge fan pushing limits. Nicely done.

03-27-2014, 10:46 AM
An interesting bug....halfway through my run, the timer started to count backwards???

This is something I heard from people doing arena spiders. During a very long session the clock will reverse. However, the reversed time is not the one that goes on record ;) It is just a display glitch.

(Sorry double post couldn't edit the first)

03-27-2014, 10:55 AM
I'd love to work out strategies with you sometime, Syntax. I'm always a huge fan pushing limits. Nicely done.

PM me anytime :-)

I actually want to solo the three remaining elites that I haven't completed yet. To be honest, I doubt Rendtail is even possible to solo, but in the coming days, I will find out.

It may sound weird, but I suspect that the Tribal Abominiation may be one of the more difficult maps, simply because you have to clear so many mobs before he spawns.

During my solo sessions, I found an interesting bug/feature. If you pull a large group with the intent to either separate melee from ranged, or to reset, if you can maintain attacks on a single target (to keep aggro up), the reset point for that one mob is just a hair further away than the rest, which have lower aggro than the one you are attacking. It is a delicate balancing act, but if you play it out correctly, it may be possible to keep one, and only one mob engaged. This may result in easier solo runs, but I'm still looking into it.

I'll post more tidbits as I continue developing my strategies. This, my friends, is why I love soloing elites!

03-28-2014, 09:21 AM
That mob pull thing is not unique to these maps. I often do the same in shuyal. Hook the closest one, and his bounce point is a little further than the mobs behind him. You can just keep picking them out and bouncing the rest. This takes a long time when they are packed together, but it does work.

I ran rendtail last night for the first time. You could very likely get to the boss, but the elite version of him is a hell of a ride. Also, when he gets reset, all the eggs reset too, so you can't pull the eggers out then go back. I'll look forward to seeing your findings.

The abomination map is the hardest for me, mob wise - at least in a group. If you have 4 people, the scorn guys do over 4k damage often - no red zone needed. With 3 they do about 3200, so solo is likely a bit more tolerable - until you get to the packs of them ;)

03-28-2014, 10:27 AM
In Abomination, you have to use a separating strategy to peel off the scorns away from the archers. Once the archers are handled, I just circled with charged Aimed and Nox. The thing is that you can never fight in restricted areas (like the bridge). Their electric bite attacks are one-hitters, so you need space to kite. If you don't separate first, that map cannot be soloed.

03-28-2014, 01:21 PM
My mind is a jumble and I cannot for the love of God fathom how much of a noob I am when reading hardcore playing styles. :) good work! Tanks would do well with learning from your pull techniques :)

03-29-2014, 10:49 AM
My mind is a jumble and I cannot for the love of God fathom how much of a noob I am when reading hardcore playing styles. :) good work! Tanks would do well with learning from your pull techniques :)

A lot of these tactics were perfected over the course of several seasons, so don't expect to just jump in and master it all immediately.

Usually, elite farmers analyze the pulls and kill counts needed in normal maps first, take that knowledge into elites and start adjusting strategies based on experience.

All you really need to do is run a few maps with a group of Pro's and you will quickly see how all of these strategies come together for fast and/or easy runs. Reading about strategies is great and gives you good information, but actually seeing these strategies applied by a well coordinated group is a far better teacher.

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03-31-2014, 10:59 AM
wowww :D

03-31-2014, 11:45 AM
Thanks to your tips, I was able to run with a party smoothly from maps 1-4. :) 'Course lag is always a killer but I'm sure it could've been worse had we gone in purely uneducated. Waiting for a guide on doing Rendtail with a party, our run was a disaster and I'm sure I will need to help more guildies there for their APs :(

Again, thanks for making a rogue's life more easier with your helpful guides! :)

03-31-2014, 01:21 PM
Thanks to your tips, I was able to run with a party smoothly from maps 1-4. :) 'Course lag is always a killer but I'm sure it could've been worse had we gone in purely uneducated. Waiting for a guide on doing Rendtail with a party, our run was a disaster and I'm sure I will need to help more guildies there for their APs :(

Again, thanks for making a rogue's life more easier with your helpful guides! :)

Thank you! I'm glad you found it useful!

Unfortunately, I only have a strategy on how to get to Rendtail. The boss himself is a pure disaster. I have something that kind of works, but you will still end up dying a few times.

Basically, this is the long-and-short of it. At Rendtail, you will need two "heros", both right up in his face, both resummoning George and spamming his arcane. As long as Rendtail is stunned, no boulders fall, and none of his attacks can land. But, you have to be careful with this approach, because while stunned, if someone else hits George's AA, he does not get restunned, he comes out of his stupor and attacks immediately.

The whole point of this approach is to leave two players to handle the egg spawns and the boss himself in relative freedom. It's the most effective strategy I have found, but even still, it has it's flaws.

03-31-2014, 01:54 PM
Basically, this is the long-and-short of it. At Rendtail, you will need two "heros", both right up in his face, both resummoning George and spamming his arcane. As long as Rendtail is stunned, no boulders fall, and none of his attacks can land. But, you have to be careful with this approach, because while stunned, if someone else hits George's AA, he does not get restunned, he comes out of his stupor and attacks immediately.

The whole point of this approach is to leave two players to handle the egg spawns and the boss himself in relative freedom. It's the most effective strategy I have found, but even still, it has it's flaws.

I will make a note of it, thanks! Seems George is becoming more of an essential pet to have in this season. Samael's panic won't work on Rendtail, will it?

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03-31-2014, 02:51 PM
If that's the only way to deal with Rendtail in your opinion, then he probably needs some tweaks...

03-31-2014, 03:27 PM
damage hacks..