View Full Version : Solo Elite Tribal Abomination....Initial Thoughts

03-27-2014, 01:29 PM

This was a surprisingly easy run. Perhaps, it is my experience after running some of the other elite maps solo, but this I didn't find all that challenging.

Basically, work your way forward, until you meet the first green troll. Kill the troll, scorns & whelps with him, then run to the boss area. Once there, work your way backward until you kill off the pack of whelps, and Tribal Abomination spawns.

Tribal Abomination is easy if you just keep him at range and use charged Aimed & Nox. After his big windup attack, his club/axe sticks to the ground, so you get two full Aimed/Nox/Pierce cycles to deliver as much damage as you can. Be sure to keep running, don't ever stop moving, because the boulders that fall out of the sky hit super hard, and has the potential to KO you. Even with as much armor and HP as I have (include 5/5 Armor passive), I got too close to one boulder and it knocked me down to about 4% HP, so your best bet is to keep running in circles.

The key to success on this map is your basic separation tactic. You need to ensure that archers/ranged mobs are separated from melee (scorns/spearmen/whelps). You would be hard pressed to handle both enemy types at once, so pay attention to the melee reset points, and use it effectively.

Honestly, the most difficult part of this map is the run from the first green troll to the boss area. If you have Scorch, use his speed and shielding to get you through. Malison (with his Dodge AA and 3 stat boost) can help as well, but given how far this run is, I would prefer any speed pet, since I believe it would be more helpful in getting you cleared.

I am a bit disappointed in this map, as I kind of expected it to be much more difficult. I died once during the run due to a little bit of lag, but with a stable ping, this map could be considered relatively easy. In the coming weeks, I may retry this map in lv36 Architect of Will helm/armor to be a pure Legendary, but even then, I don't think I will be too hard pressed to complete this map.

Admittedly, I am a bit tankier than the average rogue - 5/5 Armor passive, Tarlok amulet, Fangmaster ring, but, chances are, if you routinely solo elites, I don't think that this is an unreasonable map to do it in. Certainly, it is the easiest of the new elite maps, so if you are curious and want to test your skill....this is the map to do it in.

03-27-2014, 05:02 PM
Nice work Kalizzaa!

03-27-2014, 07:53 PM
I'm not sure if you're aware but there should be a limit to a person's talents..... jussayin'

03-27-2014, 08:07 PM
I'm not sure if you're aware but there should be a limit to a person's talents..... jussayin'

I'm truly grateful for the kind words :-)

LOL - Wait till I impart some wisdom on the spider map.

I kind of stumbled across the tactic today while onboard the strugglebus, but I think the entire community will really appreciate the next nugget of info I'm preparing. I'll try to post it tomorrow morning/early afternoon.

Stay tuned! This will be something so clever that STS may actually want to patch it, because it makes a brutal map somewhat easy.

03-27-2014, 10:14 PM
I'm truly grateful for the kind words :-)

LOL - Wait till I impart some wisdom on the spider map.

I kind of stumbled across the tactic today while onboard the strugglebus, but I think the entire community will really appreciate the next nugget of info I'm preparing. I'll try to post it tomorrow morning/early afternoon.

Stay tuned! This will be something so clever that STS may actually want to patch it, because it makes a brutal map somewhat easy.

*Quickly sets up elite parties in anticipation*

03-28-2014, 11:58 AM
nice one again.
being a warrior moving from gren troll to boss is no.issue lol as i use jugg which hives immunity to root tht green troll skill gives + horn XD.

my party used ur separation tactics and it is great. thanx.

reset melee and only range mobs stays.
now mage freeze em and rogue kill em. we war does nothing tho XD.

yes those boulders hit hard to mages. it KO any unshielded mages.

i m waiting eagerly for the 4th map :D.

03-28-2014, 12:02 PM
Fourth map discussion is up guys.

I'm long winded, but there is a strategy buried in my write-up that is super beneficial to party runs (unfortunately, not for solo artists like myself).

Thinking about soloing the spider....don't, it's brutal.

Write up is here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?145193-Solo-Elite-Caves-of-Tarewa-Initial-Thoughts

03-28-2014, 12:09 PM
Fourth map discussion is up guys.

I'm long winded, but there is a strategy buried in my write-up that is super beneficial to party runs (unfortunately, not for solo artists like myself).

Thinking about soloing the spider....don't, it's brutal.

Write up is here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?145193-Solo-Elite-Caves-of-Tarewa-Initial-Thoughts

cool. thanx

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