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View Full Version : Collect the Essence - mythic upgrade quest display bug

03-30-2014, 08:26 PM
When I first did the mythic upgrade quest, I had just finished racing to 36 on elixir stacks. When I was going through the first quest in the upgrade sequence, I got a whole bunch of "your elixir has worn off" messages spamming my character. I thought it was odd, but chalked it up to having stacked up too many and glitching things out.

This weekend I got a mythic set for my smurfette. When I began to collect essences, the same thing happened. Turns out there were 10 shadowmancer essences to gather, and when I counted, there were exactly 10 "your elixir has worn off" messages. Somehow, each shadowmancer essence is triggering this message in error.

I checked with my guild and they all experienced the same thing.

If this has been reported before, I apologize, but I did not find it.

Nothing major, just a little gremlin.