View Full Version : Arcane Anonymous

03-30-2014, 08:42 PM
We are a new guild that formed on Sunday, March 30, 2014. We find our addiction of wanting to play the game so much bringing us together in a group we named Arcane Anonymous. Been there before yourself I bet. This is just a small post to see if anyone shares the same passion for the game and would like to join our now, small, but growing family. If interested in joining please pm Funrldrekter, SashaLeigh, or Godfgods.(or reply to thread with character name and we will try to find you) Just wanted to get a little something out here for now to let ya know we are waiting for you if you would like to join us, and hope to see you soon in arcane land and hopefully welcome you to our family.

Thanks for everything STS and everyone who plays and keeps the arcane world spinning,
Funrldrekter(GM), Sashaleigh(Officer), and GodfGods(Officer):p

04-17-2014, 10:23 PM