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View Full Version : I don't know why

12-13-2010, 07:38 AM
But I feel some sort of resentment from most of you guys here.
Im generally a nice guy till you piss me off, but even then I'm never over the top.
So if there's any problems you may have with me, please adress them here and we can move on from there.

Just trynna see whatsup

12-13-2010, 07:39 AM
I have a problem with you....

...you're too nice to me and are always there to help me. I wanna know how I can repay u:D

12-13-2010, 07:45 AM
\(n_n)/ *hug*

12-13-2010, 07:57 AM
I have no idea what brought this thread. Seem cool. Wish you could come in to a few of my chill towne dark forest meetings lol

12-13-2010, 09:25 AM
Your cool dude thanks you have helped me out loads

anyway im doing ok im now lvl 33 i just gotta unlock ao3

so keep ya head up i will see u ingame

King Richie
12-13-2010, 09:27 AM
love yhooooooo and you know it !!

12-13-2010, 09:33 AM
Max is a....



12-13-2010, 09:51 AM
Where's this coming from?
I've no problem with you, but I'm starting to think we're all supposed to make one of these threads, bc this is like the 5th I've seen?

12-13-2010, 10:06 AM
It's like a initiation ceremony. Until you root out and slaughter your enemies you are not a official forumite.

Not the best attempt to smoke out trolls IMO. Too many people actually like him so they won't dare show their faces lol.

12-13-2010, 10:07 AM
I think people miss Lightning Lord so much they are trying to emulate him.

12-13-2010, 10:34 AM
I think people miss Lightning Lord so much they are trying to emulate him.

Nonononononononononononononnononnonononononononono nonono. That is NOT it!-.-

12-13-2010, 11:48 AM
Bah it's like in game I get the cold shoulder sometimes, intentional or not is what I was trying to figure out. But it seems I was just letting my thoughts escape me. Looks like all is good!

Thanks for the love :) as a sign of appreciation, I will be taking the first 15 requests of PL related drawings.

12-13-2010, 12:23 PM
Bah it's like in game I get the cold shoulder sometimes, intentional or not is what I was trying to figure out. But it seems I was just letting my thoughts escape me. Looks like all is good!

Thanks for the love :) as a sign of appreciation, I will be taking the first 15 requests of PL related drawings.

I'll request 15 of those!

1 - A bear stomping in town
2 - An archer giving an enchantress a piggy back ride
3 - A warrior using vengeful slash while holding a gurgox hammer
4 - A pl shield in the middle of a PL portal
5 - Boomer as Santa clause
6 - 3 classes standing next to each other. All with set bonus
7 - Hotpocketleg killing a 5v1 against pallys. 20-0 ;)
8 - Droid running around town with people wearing antennas
9 - What YOU think CS should've looked like
10 - Gurgox eating a cat
11 - An enchantress doing the party emote
12 - Two birdies standing next to a zombie
13 - Santa being shot by Arterra and Balonia
14 - A croc fighting an alien
15 - A Mage spamming their skills;)

12-13-2010, 12:25 PM
Lmao I'll do Gurgox eating a cat now hahaha

12-13-2010, 12:27 PM
Lmao I'll do Gurgox eating a cat now hahaha

Woooot!! Ty;)

12-13-2010, 12:32 PM
Bah it's like in game I get the cold shoulder sometimes, intentional or not is what I was trying to figure out. But it seems I was just letting my thoughts escape me. Looks like all is good!

Thanks for the love :) as a sign of appreciation, I will be taking the first 15 requests of PL related drawings.

Just want to say AO3 that cold shoulder usually means farming / in a game. I get invites all the time I have to ignore. Hopefully when they fix the 'where friends are' in 1.6, it will be more clear if someone is say, in a pvp, or in a farm group, or just bumming around town.

12-13-2010, 12:41 PM
A bear, archer, mage sitting round the giant bong taking a blast lol

12-13-2010, 12:59 PM
Just want to say AO3 that cold shoulder usually means farming / in a game. I get invites all the time I have to ignore. Hopefully when they fix the 'where friends are' in 1.6, it will be more clear if someone is say, in a pvp, or in a farm group, or just bumming around town.

I guess you're right. However, when in done being busy I always explain why I didn't respond quickly. Although I see how
one could forget to

A bear, archer, mage sitting round the giant bong taking a blast lol

That'll get another one of my drawing threads deleted haha. I made a new thread pertaining to the requests

12-13-2010, 01:07 PM
The keeper crushing his fist on a mages head with the dead frog helm on and saying i hate flys

12-13-2010, 02:16 PM
The keeper crushing his fist on a mages head with the dead frog helm on and saying i hate flys

Why crushing a mage? Now my feelings are hurt and I'm going to start my own thread. Sniffle. :)

And I don't think we know each other Red, I'd like to! Seems a lot of good people saying nice things about you here. And since I don't really have a mind of my own I'm going to copy them and like you too!

Looking forward to meeting you in game!

12-13-2010, 06:02 PM
I don't hear that much talking in most of these "new" rush groups, except maybe some hi's and yo's at the beginning. Usually we're running way too fast to really talk. Sometimes a new group will discuss whether to go on at the end of Keeper, but a group with a couple established leaders will just go go go. Not much talking. Sorry.

Plus I'm trying to get my 2nd helm before XMas :P