View Full Version : Dexchantress, pally, full int... wtf LoL

12-13-2010, 10:38 AM
Yeah i guess theres a undred post with info about this but hell im lost. Im now lvl 20 started playing few days ago and there's only few info about all the ''combo'' you can do.

If i go full int, will i be eable to not only respec but also chango my spell at lvl 50 ?

I am really looking for eventually pvp.. what is good for enchanteress ?

If i wanna pvp and can't change spell when ill hit 50.. what spell should i choose ?...

i still have now 10 spell pts to spend but im not quite sure what's good..

if there's any post with info about this plz link it, but i search a while and didnt found what i needed

12-13-2010, 10:50 AM
Im nt a Mage but ik the popular skills don't the names of them but firestorm, lightif storm are important fr damage then u need your buff skills which increase your character in damage and defense. Theres two skills don't know the name one creates a orb around u n the other makes ur critical and defense higher these will help u survive a lot and healing n reviving is always important u should have plenty of skills point you won't need then all by the way.

Srry if I don't become much help I don't have a elf so I don't know the names of the skills I only know the icons and the effects they have. Best wait for some more comments.

12-13-2010, 11:20 AM
I haven't gone into PvP yet. All the MMO games I've played when mages go against other players, same level or even same job, it's the player's skill to work around what ever he gets pawned with is still the biggest factor. If there is a single skill that kills mages without even a hint of survival, that means the game is flawed.

12-13-2010, 12:00 PM
I'm full int. More int means more mana. More mana means the longer mana shield will protect you. In PVP it's all about surviving and timing for a mage. I debuff and AOE until I'm down half or 2/3 health. Then I mana shield, throw out a heal, and then spam more AOE. It's fun to watch the birds and bears spam me with their skills and have no impact on my health why I bomb them to death.