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View Full Version : Over 200 lockeds

04-01-2014, 04:04 PM
Dear Spacetimestudios developers

On the occasion of the 40% discount that had platinum decided once again to buy.
more this time.. with the dream of one arcane item in my hands!
So I bought with the precious 80€ 3400 platinum and and began to open
locked.. hoping always that even if i do not find any arcane item or pet
there is quite many other items that worth this sacrifice!!

The result was tragic.:dejection:
I opened a total of over 200 lockeds in 2 days
also i buy more gold with platinum to buy more lockeds!
The highest value item i found was 23k gold..

You can imagine my disappointment after this
and they each one was in my position
Τo spend so much money on a game and not offers nothing.
And to think... there were other ways of spend that money!

That's all I can say. I hope to read them and take them seriously


04-01-2014, 05:38 PM
My sympathy to you. It hurts badly, I experienced that too.
I decided not to open creates but sold them all. Turning discount plats to gold is more secured way. High risk high return.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-01-2014, 06:04 PM
Opening crates in such large amounts is risky... You can either make it big or lose it all.

I suggest limiting yourself to 5-10 crates a day.

When you open crates, you should expect not to receive any mythics/arcanes. Doing so will make you feel great when you hit the jackpot. An example would be the lottery. People spend money on the lottery, but they don't make it a priority so they won't feel as bad when they don't win.

04-01-2014, 06:18 PM
thank you for your replys
Is's a game and usually we give money and time in a game to enjoy..
not to feel unhappy and disappointed other otherwise why is a game for?!

04-01-2014, 08:13 PM
It's called gambling for a reason. There's countless other threads that are virtually identical to this. Sell your crates next time, and use the money to buy the item you want instead of gambling on a chance to get it. Selling crates is a sure thing, opening them is not.

04-02-2014, 12:12 PM
I felt sorry for you....
Next time open the crates after the sale. I heard sts puts the drop rate from mythics and arcanes during sale. Better 1 month later. I felt tht too and now i only buy luck elixirs with plat and that its worth (BELIEVE IN ME)

04-02-2014, 12:18 PM
Locked crates are gambling.

Finance 101, the greater the risk, the greater the reward.

If everyone looted Arcane/Mythics then everyone would be rich and the value of these items would drop to nothing.

There are people who have opened way more than what you have ten fold and have nothing. This can serve as a lesson to you and save your plat next time rather then gamble.

04-02-2014, 04:55 PM
200 crates = 2.5m gold
2k plat = 4 plat elixirs and combos -> elites and KM3 (save the rest)
after looting a load of items (or locks)
sell em
add the money to your 2.5m gold and boom....easy 5-10m in a few days

04-02-2014, 05:33 PM
just play pocket legends

04-03-2014, 02:31 PM
Why developers do not say anything on these issues..?Basically that's why i wrote this post!!
I mean we give real world money in this game.. they have to say something!!
Is there any admin read this post?? please reply

04-03-2014, 02:54 PM
Dear Spacetimestudios developers

On the occasion of the 40% discount that had platinum decided once again to buy.
more this time.. with the dream of one arcane item in my hands!
So I bought with the precious 80€ 3400 platinum and and began to open
locked.. hoping always that even if i do not find any arcane item or pet
there is quite many other items that worth this sacrifice!!

The result was tragic.:dejection:
I opened a total of over 200 lockeds in 2 days
also i buy more gold with platinum to buy more lockeds!
The highest value item i found was 23k gold..

You can imagine my disappointment after this
and they each one was in my position
Τo spend so much money on a game and not offers nothing.
And to think... there were other ways of spend that money!

That's all I can say. I hope to read them and take them seriously


too bad, you gambled you lost. this is another reason why gambling is dumb. sorry to hear that

04-03-2014, 06:27 PM
Why developers do not say anything on these issues..?Basically that's why i wrote this post!!
I mean we give real world money in this game.. they have to say something!!
Is there any admin read this post?? please reply

What is there to say? "Sorry you didn't get what you were looking for"

It's that going to make you feel better?

04-03-2014, 07:32 PM
Sure not but.. why they don't refute the rumors about dropping the drop rate of items during this event??
Are they kidding us and play with us??
Because if you doing an event like this and give the players to understand that it finally has a chance to get something above...
giving their money.. to got absolutely nothing is the TOTAL FRAUD!!

04-04-2014, 12:31 AM
Sure not but.. why they don't refute the rumors about dropping the drop rate of items during this event??
Are they kidding us and play with us??
Because if you doing an event like this and give the players to understand that it finally has a chance to get something above...
giving their money.. to got absolutely nothing is the TOTAL FRAUD!! Things are only (mostly) correct if STG announces it.

04-04-2014, 12:52 AM
Sure not but.. why they don't refute the rumors about dropping the drop rate of items during this event??
Are they kidding us and play with us??
Because if you doing an event like this and give the players to understand that it finally has a chance to get something above...
giving their money.. to got absolutely nothing is the TOTAL FRAUD!!

The chance of mythic is like 1%, while arcane is kinda 0.1%. Even when you spent 1000$, there is still no guarantee that you will hit that 1%, no need to explain anything, there are thoundsands of thread like this already. You may feel frustrated, but lockeds were no guarantee at first place, so crying on forum doesnt help any bit.
On another side, if anyone just spent some money and got arcane, that would destroy the game.

04-04-2014, 02:09 AM
When you paid StS, you were buying Platinum, not guaranteed loot from crates. If you dont want to gamble, then use your plat for elixirs, revives, vanities, gold, etc. and get your money's worth of in-game content that way.

04-04-2014, 02:19 AM
Welcome to the world of locked crates. You can sink 10k plat and only receive a mythic War Armor....... Trust me.

If you cant handle the disappointment then i'd suggest farming as others have, might take longer but you will always get something and you feel a sense of achievement.

04-04-2014, 10:41 AM
Lmao,.,., expect the unexpected dude,.,.,

04-04-2014, 01:32 PM
My friend opened 10 and got Kershal. Another 30 and Sam. It's all about luck and not everyone can win!

04-05-2014, 12:41 PM
With that amount of platinum u could buy around 20 leprechaun pendants and sell them for 180 k.
That would be a total of 3,6 m gold.