View Full Version : Excesive healing will attract unwanted attention

12-13-2010, 02:25 PM
I just learned this in this (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?14599-Victory-lap-guide-))thread on the general board. I didn't know it, so I thought I'd post it here.

12-13-2010, 03:16 PM
That's in reference to rushing, when nobody is really attacking anything. It needs to be reiterated though that mages should spam heal during boss fights, especially Overlord. When I'm playing my bird fighting OL, it's difficult to focus on using my skills and breaking his shield, if I have to constantly spam health pots at the same time just to stay alive. It is much, much easier if there's a mage or two spamming their heals.

12-13-2010, 03:55 PM
That's in reference to rushing, when nobody is really attacking anything. It needs to be reiterated though that mages should spam heal during boss fights, especially Overlord. When I'm playing my bird fighting OL, it's difficult to focus on using my skills and breaking his shield, if I have to constantly spam health pots at the same time just to stay alive. It is much, much easier if there's a mage or two spamming their heals.

Agreed. One strategy that works well is for the mages to rush in first with mana shields, debuff and AOE the low level stuff. Then the birds and bears come in targeting the main mobs while the mages sit back a little and just heal, buff, and debuff. Once aggro is on the bears / birds, the mages can resume AOE while spamming heals. Even though mages can do more AOE damage, it's more beneficial to keep the entire group alive than to have the mages take aggro and die. Easily cleared AO2 where I was the only mage in a group of all birds with this technique.

12-13-2010, 03:59 PM
Omni!!!!! Spot on. This is where players need to learn there support role and skills.... A++++++++

12-13-2010, 04:03 PM
Omni!!!!! Spot on. This is where players need to learn there support role and skills.... A++++++++

Thanks. I think people get carried away with the mages AOE power until they start playing in real dungeons and realize they can't bring down the mobs in 2 or 3 casts and get beat down quickly.

12-13-2010, 06:14 PM
Can't lie, I'm a total newbie to MMORPG, this being my first, but from the start I've tried to constantly keep anyone in my party healed when I can. Teamwork ftw!

12-13-2010, 06:42 PM
Can't lie, I'm a total newbie to MMORPG, this being my first, but from the start I've tried to constantly keep anyone in my party healed when I can. Teamwork ftw!

You'll have a lot of friends if you keep them alive. ;)

12-13-2010, 07:42 PM
... This might become a problem of this forum gets popular.

Have any of u heard blaque?

Well I enjoy mages for there healing also one of the main reasons i like them just revive n heal, strangely awesome fun.

12-13-2010, 08:45 PM
i dont think the forum will be THAT popular..RS has 61 active members on their forum right now

12-13-2010, 09:11 PM
You'll have a lot of friends if you keep them alive. ;)

I like friends hehe

12-14-2010, 02:14 AM
You'll have a lot of friends if you keep them alive. ;)
But only if your a lvl 50 :mad: - I was playing earlier in crush the keeper with 4 50s (who remarkably didn't boot me on entry). we played through to the keepers room with leading many charges and reviving a few of them along the way. halfway through the battle with the keeper I was assaulted from behind and die. at which point I was booted "no noobs".

thanks for letting me get that off my chest.:o

I now return you to your regularly scheduled thread :cool::

12-14-2010, 02:16 AM
I now return you to your regularly scheduled thread :cool::
lol that was funny

12-14-2010, 05:39 PM
But only if your a lvl 50 ... at which point I was booted "no noobs".

Some players are jerks. I wouldn't have booted ya. If someone is pulling their weight, I keep them around. They obviously wanted to increase their odds at a rare drop.

12-15-2010, 02:04 AM
I'm just wondering what lvl were you because I don't think half the people plays games know what noon means. I don't mind lows only of they don't leech I hate when I go in low dungeons and everyone leeches.

12-15-2010, 05:57 AM
Its really easy to use ur combos and spam heal at the same time. Just spam heal and during heals cool down time (which is more then enough time) do your combos, that way u can constintly heal ur party and do dmg too ^^

12-15-2010, 07:16 AM
I'm just wondering what lvl were you because I don't think half the people plays games know what noon means. I don't mind lows only of they don't leech I hate when I go in low dungeons and everyone leeches.

lvl 49. I definitely don't leech. if anything I am to aggressive, running in first, assisting anyone I can. I agree when I see lvl 20's playing AO3.

12-15-2010, 07:19 AM
Its really easy to use ur combos and spam heal at the same time. Just spam heal and during heals cool down time (which is more then enough time) do your combos, that way u can constintly heal ur party and do dmg too ^^
I agree. I use heal every time as soon as cooling off is over. I know as part of team my responsibility is to heal.

12-15-2010, 08:27 AM
Never happened to me :P

12-15-2010, 11:18 PM
Sorry, but if you are worried about healing attracting aggro. Then I would boot you from my party.

1.) Mages should ALWAYS heal, especially in ao3.

2.) If you are complaining about aggro from healing, then obviously your not a good mage (sorry don't mean to flame but its true). Because common mages attract a hell of a lot of aggro from the AoE spam.

This isnt really directed towards anyone but mages in general.

12-16-2010, 11:32 AM
Sorry, but if you are worried about healing attracting aggro. Then I would boot you from my party.

1.) Mages should ALWAYS heal, especially in ao3.

2.) If you are complaining about aggro from healing, then obviously your not a good mage (sorry don't mean to flame but its true). Because common mages attract a hell of a lot of aggro from the AoE spam.

This isnt really directed towards anyone but mages in general.

Completely agree. Also, heal attracts a lot less aggro than AOE skills. In AO3 against bosses I find I spend more time healing, buffing and debuffing than I do spamming AOE skills. AOE skills are great for combos against multiple mobs but against a boss it's better to let the birds and bears go to work and keep them alive.

12-16-2010, 07:13 PM
I usually tank on my mage while AoEing, healing, buffing, and debuffing. I know that my mage isn't the best on 1 v 1 damage but how often have you guys gotten stuck on keepers mana sheild while he only has like 300 hp left? I always blast spells rapidly just to try and ensure that doesn't happen.

12-20-2010, 05:20 AM
I agree with the other mages. I don't worry about attracting aggro on any of my characters in a fight. Rushing, well, you have to think about it but sometimes you also have to save your group member. And I think if you don't rush to save your group, well, that's a main component of being a mage.

I also agree that in a group, I do more buffing, healing, debuffing, and combos than independent AOE. Not sure if combos are what save me, but I don't think I get aggro more than anyone else in group. And at least I can save myself and the group better than the non-mages.

12-20-2010, 11:36 AM
Mages should ALWAYS heal, especially in ao3.

Yes, please! What's up with the non-healing mages? I did the cyber quest with my tank, and some mages don't even bother to buff, debuff and heal. With a really bad team, I used up so many health pots just to stay alive long enough to get the stupid totems.

Healing costs so little in mana and regenerates so quickly that it's automatic for me to hit the heal button whenever it's on. Same thing with the buffs and debuffs. It is to the best interest of my squishy Mage that the archers live (high dps gets aggro) and the bears live (tanks take aggro). If I don't want to attract any aggro at all, I don't attack, and I stay behind the lines just healing, buffing and debuffing.

But with my bear, I learned to stay away from mages who don't know how to play.

(During a game, when one of the non-healing mages said she was leaving, one of the other players plaintively asked, "If you leave, who won't be healing us now?")

12-20-2010, 11:50 AM
Haha that's funny.

But I can also see why it would be irritating to other party members when their mages don't constantly spam heals. I'm like you and am just waiting on the cooldown before tapping again. Even when other members don't seem to need healing as much. It's because it's become a habit. And I love love love the quicker cooldown on Nightmare now. So while spamming heals theres always a defuff ready inbetween cooldowns.

I haven't really worked on any new toons because healing has become such a habit lol. What would I tap tap tap? Lol.

12-22-2010, 01:41 AM
Yes, please! What's up with the non-healing mages? I did the cyber quest with my tank, and some mages don't even bother to buff, debuff and heal. With a really bad team, I used up so many health pots just to stay alive long enough to get the stupid totems.

Healing costs so little in mana and regenerates so quickly that it's automatic for me to hit the heal button whenever it's on. Same thing with the buffs and debuffs. It is to the best interest of my squishy Mage that the archers live (high dps gets aggro) and the bears live (tanks take aggro). If I don't want to attract any aggro at all, I don't attack, and I stay behind the lines just healing, buffing and debuffing.

But with my bear, I learned to stay away from mages who don't know how to play.

(During a game, when one of the non-healing mages said she was leaving, one of the other players plaintively asked, "If you leave, who won't be healing us now?")

Sounds like your playing with the wrong mages :). Heres a example of how much spell spamming I do. I was in a party with 4 other mages all decked out in cyber and keeper staffs. We all rushed in at the same time but I still SOMEHOW took 100% aggro. This is because I was casting the largest number of spells and inflicting the most damage in my party. Aggro is also based on the amount of damage being inflicted. So great mages should ALWAYS complain 24/7 about the way they attract aggro like a fat girl with cake.

Soo look at it this way. If the mage doesn't complain about the nonstop aggro magnet = JUNK MAGE!

12-22-2010, 11:48 AM
We all rushed in at the same time but I still SOMEHOW took 100% aggro. This is because I was casting the largest number of spells and inflicting the most damage in my party. Aggro is also based on the amount of damage being inflicted. So great mages should ALWAYS complain 24/7 about the way they attract aggro like a fat girl with cake.

A Mage that attracts all the aggro = dead Mage. And dead mages can't deal any damage. :)

I've played with some great mages, and we constantly spam heals and serial rev when necessary. I think that, optimally, there should be two or three mages in the group to do damage and take care of the group's health. One or two birds for dps and combos, and maybe one tank for crowd control and combos.

I can generally adjust to any group as a Mage. When I'm the only Mage in the group, I try to not take aggro at all because when I die, I have to walk, and eventually the rest of the group dies. With other mages, then it's a nuke-fest.

But playing my tank gives me less options when playing with a bad group. I've never been shy about popping health pots to stay alive, but jeez Louise, when I'm taking aggro from the Keeper, would it kill you (referring to bad Mage here) to throw a little healing my way?

I really think all mages should have a secondary non-Mage char so that they can see what it's like to play with bad mages and be dependent on someone else's whims on whether to buff, debuff or heal.

12-22-2010, 03:01 PM
A Mage that attracts all the aggro = dead Mage. And dead mages can't deal any damage. :)

Sooooo not true :).

I like soloing captive audience and frozen nightmares to get better at surviving and it works quite well.

12-22-2010, 03:55 PM
Urghh I just like to go with victory lap cuz I never beat it before yet,,

12-22-2010, 03:58 PM
Urghh I just like to go with victory lap cuz I never beat it before yet,,

haha its hard to finish a round of victory lap now since the best shards/totems only come from keeper, Overlord, and Gurgux.

12-22-2010, 05:24 PM
LOL which is why everyone goes out before you even get to finish.
but then again, where would I get the totems if I finish Victory Lap right?

12-22-2010, 07:30 PM
Haha that's funny.

But I can also see why it would be irritating to other party members when their mages don't constantly spam heals. I'm like you and am just waiting on the cooldown before tapping again. Even when other members don't seem to need healing as much. It's because it's become a habit. And I love love love the quicker cooldown on Nightmare now. So while spamming heals theres always a defuff ready inbetween cooldowns.

I haven't really worked on any new toons because healing has become such a habit lol. What would I tap tap tap? Lol.

OMG WHATS YOUR IGN!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? First Mage that has EVER said what was EXACTLY on my mind!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

LOL which is why everyone goes out before you even get to finish.
but then again, where would I get the totems if I finish Victory Lap right?

All bosses in Victory Lap drop shards/totems :). Its really rare from P'Thozz and T'Pax. King Myna's is kinda uncommon for shard drops.