View Full Version : Major issue

04-02-2014, 05:06 PM
So I have been playing Dark Legends for about a week now and I've been online roughly 12-16 hours each day as I am on a break from work and I've been farming a single item.

Now prior to farming the item I did research suggesting that items have a better drop chance for lower levels compared to a level 36 attempting to farm on a lower level map.

With that said I have been level 15 the entire time while inside Gallows - Dead End attempting to get the Black Druidic Top.

I have close to 70,000 kills at level 16 now... Which would equate to a good 200k-400k kills as a Level 36.

I've put 72 - 96 hours into hunting this single item down, I really do feel I deserve it. I'm not one to be shy from doing hard work, and I have been working my tail off to get this, however it just will not drop. I don't even speak with people, all I do is log in and live inside Gallows - Dead End.

Looking for a staff member to please speak with me, I would prefer to stay away from being flamed by the community.

04-02-2014, 05:47 PM
I don't follow this math...

I have close to 70,000 kills at level 16 now... Which would equate to a good 200k-400k kills as a Level 36.

I believe the number of kills doesn't vary in any given mission depending on your toon's level.

04-02-2014, 06:19 PM
I would think a level 36 clears a level 13 (recommended level) mission faster then a level 15 would.
So in theory yes I think the kill rate in a hours worth of playing would be a bit faster.

04-03-2014, 12:46 AM
With that said I have been level 15 the entire time while inside Gallows - Dead End attempting to get the Black Druidic Top.

Black Druids are very rare. I myself have been trying to farm that for a month. No luck at all, but anyways...o.o Good luck. :D

04-03-2014, 01:31 AM

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04-03-2014, 01:44 AM
Black Druids are very rare. I myself have been trying to farm that for a month. No luck at all, but anyways...o.o Good luck. :D

Yeah, I understand they are rare. I think the hours I put into it daily is compared to the average players month - two months of play time. I'm about another 7 hours into it from when I first posted this, so I'm close to 100 hours now.
That's more then 2 1/2 weeks of a full time job worth of work, I really think they need to make a system where if you don't get it as a drop by a certain time you get it from a side shop, but make it bound or something.

It's just really crappy putting all this time and effort into the game and honestly get nothing out of it.

Also Dev's PLEASE remove Orange Desire Legs from the game, I'd much rather not get them then see them constantly while trying to get a different item, it's a major motivation killer. Lol

04-03-2014, 01:51 AM
I do hope you get it. :D

04-03-2014, 06:48 PM
Trust me so do I. Lol
I'll be about 90k-100k kills tonight.
Not bad for only playing this game for 7 days.

04-04-2014, 10:31 AM
Also Dev's PLEASE remove Orange Desire Legs from the game, I'd much rather not get them then see them constantly while trying to get a different item, it's a major motivation killer. Lol
omg the cursed orange desire leggings... farmed for 5 days for the black druidic but ended up with about 30 of those stupid leggings xD

04-04-2014, 07:51 PM
omg the cursed orange desire leggings... farmed for 5 days for the black druidic but ended up with about 30 of those stupid leggings xD

Yeah I hate them, they kill my motivation when I get them.

04-05-2014, 09:52 AM
Also Dev's PLEASE remove Orange Desire Legs from the game, I'd much rather not get them then see them constantly while trying to get a different item, it's a major motivation killer. Lol
omg the cursed orange desire leggings... farmed for 5 days for the black druidic but ended up with about 30 of those stupid leggings xD
Need to move those legging to other map
That will help alot

04-05-2014, 06:55 PM
keep trying and trying it wouldnt be fun if you just got everything you wanted now would it?

04-05-2014, 09:38 PM
Good luck all!

04-06-2014, 01:42 PM
keep trying and trying it wouldnt be fun if you just got everything you wanted now would it?

Now as much as I'd like to agree with you on this, having a fashion item which has a .001% chance drop is a little over the top, is it not?

And yes from the majority of what people said about kill counts when they got their drop, they would receive it around 100k kills give or take, thus putting it under a .001% chance of drop for the Black Druidic Top.

There is a time when it is fun, but killing over 100k monsters at level 15 is a bit dull. People kept saying you get better drops at a lower level, well I call bull**** on that. All it did was cause me to lose a vast amount of time and waste far to much effort on something. Now I'm in too deep to turn back without earning the final satisfaction moment when the item drops.
But no, this isn't fun.

04-09-2014, 05:41 AM
There is a time when it is fun, but killing over 100k monsters at level 15 is a bit dull. People kept saying you get better drops at a lower level, well I call bull**** on that.

All drops r random, u can kill a million and still not find the item, and like u I was very sceptical abt the claim that lower level toons have a slightly better chance finding vanity. But wth my main toon made by now almost 1,3 million kills and never ever found gamer stuff, i did try almost everyday for cpl of hrs. Then later I made another toon, he's lvl 20 now and this toon found gamer after 2 weeks trying :stupid: So I tend to think its true, but it remains a random chance, in theory u cld try forever and never find....

05-09-2014, 06:49 PM
wow geez its a rare item like bats am an old player
and never got so pleeeeaaaaase peeps stop complaining
instead just save gold and buy tha ****in thing its that
simple serious am i only one sane playing here rofl

05-12-2014, 04:27 AM
I farm with my character don't drop anything good but then again ill keep going

05-12-2014, 08:23 AM
Yea got to say save up & buy what you want thats what my main Char Rose has had too do she has over 253k kills with No major Items to her name and played since fist day game came out,The orange legging lol everyone hates them I have gave away so many legs & tops I have stopped counting,My new one when trying to find a Dark Hood is Social Legs anyone needs A Pair Shout me in Game I have been farming those Black Druid & trust when I say the hours I put into this game is Crazy (on different Chars) & it can get Frustrating I have Raged on here & Moaned Non Stop about how unlucky my Main Char is But at the end of the day its Night !! Nothing going change !!! I know I wont Find Them So I gotta buy them Too, Doom gave me some Motivation to find Executions then I found a Great List its gave me something else to do and I have started to enjoy the game again.Give yourself a break from farming Black Druid all it does is drive you nuts go farm something else and save your gold you can always go back and try now & again.Also I have Found So Many different vanity and gems that I probably would never had found if I had just kept farming the same one map which I had been doing Works all round :)

07-21-2014, 02:02 PM
All drops r random, u can kill a million and still not find the item, and like u I was very sceptical abt the claim that lower level toons have a slightly better chance finding vanity. But wth my main toon made by now almost 1,3 million kills and never ever found gamer stuff, i did try almost everyday for cpl of hrs. Then later I made another toon, he's lvl 20 now and this toon found gamer after 2 weeks trying :stupid: So I tend to think its true, but it remains a random chance, in theory u cld try forever and never find....

yup they random bc i have 4 toons and 3 of them low levels and its funny but never got
**** on any of them and my pve toon level 36 drops everything for me lol so has nothing
2 do low level or high level ur lucky or not rofl

07-23-2014, 07:41 AM
I think another issue is that the drop rates don't take into account that, I assume, most of us have things to do irl. I work 14-19 hours a day throughout the week, and I have to use my weekends to take care of personal stuff (oil changes, shopping, etc.). This doesn't leave a lot of time for farming; thus, my only way of even trying to get better items is to employ an ally farming method.

Given, I don't want "hard to obtain" items to become very easy to find, as that would ruin part of the fun. However, there is definitely a price gap in items because they are either very easy to find or very hard to find. There are no good mid range items for people to find or buy. I know most people either can't or don't want to spend personal money to utilize my ally farm method nor do they have the time to farm 8 hours per day. There needs to be more lootable items with a medium range of difficulty.

Santosh Elangadi
07-27-2014, 06:41 AM
drop drop drop...uff