View Full Version : Anyone up for some gold farming runs?

12-14-2010, 06:52 AM
Either Krush the keeper or full clear VL run? For like a hour or two. I like farming the trash good guarantee to get gold. So sick of pugs get stuck tanking Keeper every Krush map eats all my profits up in pots. lol

12-20-2010, 03:12 AM
Cabero I hear you. There was one time I was in a party of 3 mages including myself and the other 2 mages were hybrid STR/INTS. Regardless if they wore shields, I end up tanking and using more pots than the usual. Then the other two birds complain that I keep dying and we kill too slow that the keeper gets his shield up and we waste time waiting for it to expire and me wasting H/M pots while we were at it.