View Full Version : Offline Gifting

04-07-2014, 10:44 PM
I came up with this idea a few minutes ago,

What if there was a system called Offline Gifting?

If you have two accounts (THAT ARE YOURS, NOT SOMEONE ELSE'S) and you want to transfer items to the other account, and because some people ingame will say "Sure, !'ll help; gimme Your items" then they run away and never see you again (its called Scam)

So my idea is that while you're offline, you can enable a feature via Settings that will allow ONLY people on your friends list to gift you stuff; Solving the possibility of scams and making it easier and safer to transfer items between your OWN accounts.

What are your opinions? thoughts? comments? post below

04-08-2014, 11:57 PM

04-09-2014, 01:55 PM
Its a useful idea but it isnt really important. What I see being top priority in suggestions is a level cap raise and a nerf.