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View Full Version : Screeshots of toons help

04-09-2014, 07:22 AM
Hi All :)
I was just wondering how we would be able to get a nice screenshot of our toons with minimal backgrounds and for it to be as magnified as possible.
I tried cropping it after a screenshot and magnetic lasso on PS but the final image will always come out TOO small.
Any of you have this experience or know how to solve/do this? Tell me down below :)
*Need this for guild forum

04-09-2014, 11:46 AM
Hmm, may I give you a personal suggestion about a cool Screenshot Program?

I myself use Snipping Tool, it's pretty easy to handle and I think cropping won't be the problem with it. :)

04-09-2014, 10:02 PM
If you have a smart phone or touch screen tablets, there's an app called "PicsArt" where you can do wonderful colleges, photo editing, customized cropping (which is I think what your trying to do?) and a lot more.

Although you have the option of cropping using your finger to "cut" out the images or basic square cropping, you can magnify them afterwards to a large or smaller size.

Very handy. I use it a lot for photo editing.

I don't know if this is what your looking for or not. Sorry if it isn't :(

04-10-2014, 04:38 AM
Ok thanks alot :D
You were both very helpful thank you very much :)
I'll check the softwares out later :D
Thanks again ;)