View Full Version : In Game Bank

04-10-2014, 03:59 AM
These Days Its Really Hard to trust anyone In the game, Its hard to lend money.

The Solution is Maybe we can Have a bank system in All the games Of Sts , Just Like the Banks in real life.

The funny thing about how a bank works is that it functions because of our trust. We give a bank our money to keep it safe for us, and then the bank turns around and gives it to someone else in order to make money for itself. Still, most of us have total trust in the bank's ability to protect our money and give it to us when we ask for it.
Why do we feel better about having our money in a bank than we do having it under a mattress? Is it just the fact that they pay interest on some of our accounts? Is it because we know that if we have the cash in our pockets we'll spend it? No The reason Is Because We Know that Our money Is Safe.

In this Thread, we'll look into the world of banking and see how these Banks Work.

What is a bank?

An institution that deals in money and its substitutes and provides other financial services. Banks accept deposits and make loans and derive a profit from the difference in the interest rates paid and charged, respectively.

How Does Banks Work?

Banking is all about trust. We trust that the bank will have our money for us when we go to get it. The thing that's hard to grasp is the fact that while people are putting money into the bank every day, the bank is lending that same money and more to other people every day. That's a little scary; but if you go to the bank and demand your money, you'll get it.

So If we'll have Banks Money Borrowing And Lending would be Easy And Safe. And Just like Real banks the borrower will have to Payback the money with interest after a limited time of 3 days, 5 days, a week. And if he fails to do so the Bank will Take all the vanities, Credits He Owns Till He is able to pay :P . He'll Be Bank Corrupt.

Hope You Like the Idea. This Will Remove the number of Beggars to 70% or more.

04-10-2014, 03:32 PM
How do you deal with these situations?

I create an alt, borrow 10k. Stash it, delete char.
I recreate the alt, borrow 10k, Stash and redelete.

Level restriction?

Level up 5 alt to 40, borrow 100k each, stash and delete. There are no way to control the money. The player can simply borrow 100k, what ever level and trust worthy and just never give back.

That's why I would be against this.

If you need money, you earn it. Beggars are most of all experienced player's alt. Don't really care about that. Better give away the cash free, rather than making troubles lending and trusting and friendship stuff and ... arggh

Games are not like real life. IRL, the forces can come and take away from you your things, your car and your house.

STS can't do that, not for a game.