View Full Version : Sunblessed scimitar, overused and overrated?

12-15-2010, 09:08 AM
Recently, I've noticed 80% of level 50s are using sunblessed scimitar.

Most of which do not have full Rift.

My question is:

If you are not using sunblessed scimitar as part of a set, how is Limbchopper NOT better?

This applies to lolstrbirds, strbears, and pallys.

Is it just a case of not wanting to look nub?

I might be clueless, so please enlighten me.


12-15-2010, 09:22 AM
Scimitar looks better and it IS better

12-15-2010, 09:23 AM
How so, though?

with a set it is MUCH better, but I'm speaking without

12-15-2010, 09:45 PM
It has soul drain (or whatever it's called). Other than that though, I don't see how else it's better,

12-16-2010, 09:38 PM
The only reason i bought sb scim when I didnt have full rift was because it looks cool.. lol.. compared to the icky limbchopper.

12-17-2010, 02:47 AM
One word : proc

12-17-2010, 06:09 AM
...same for archers using mega blasters when they don't have the full set yet... nobody to tell them the sunb. bow is better (only the range? ).
yeah dps/damage is overrated, looks is the new way to go.:(

12-17-2010, 08:32 AM
I popped a scimitar, so I use it. I find at level 50, my bear doesn't really have a beats-all-other-weapons weapon. I also like the harpoon a lot. In many fights, it works as well or better than scimitar. The Vibra Battlesword has its pluses also for speed and its look.

12-17-2010, 09:07 AM
I prefer harpoon, as I want to do as much dmg as possible (and break armor) when I'm playing.

12-17-2010, 09:10 AM
Name 1 1H AO3 rift weapon that is BY FAR better than the scim.....

12-17-2010, 10:02 AM
its all about zee lookz

12-17-2010, 10:06 AM
People only use the skim for set bonus. Only weap I wouldn't use no matter what is force cutter....

12-17-2010, 02:54 PM
Soul leech is not the most amazing proc, even when it procs, it's looks mainly, I chose whatever weapon I'm using based on party makeup and bosses being encountered.

12-19-2010, 02:16 AM
I just got the two handed plasma sword is that any good?

12-19-2010, 02:58 AM
It's for overpowered paladins cinco has yet to notice >_<

12-19-2010, 02:39 PM
A warriors like a good sword.

12-19-2010, 02:58 PM
It's for overpowered paladins cinco has yet to notice >_<

Nah, not anymore for archers, blaster has 1.0 speed having them rip apart any mage and most pallys:/

12-19-2010, 10:22 PM
Its is looks proc and stats more stats the getter limbchopper is just hit and thats all but the best has more stats

12-20-2010, 05:12 PM
I have seen this soul leech proc (white text above the enemy) when playing with others, and it happened quite often, probably every 3-4 secs, just because of that I spent my hard earned gold to buy the sword from cs and tested it straight away, but I didn't get any procs at all! What's wrong with my sword? Do I need full set? Now I think my limbchopper way better.

01-25-2011, 03:31 PM
Recently, I've noticed 80% of level 50s are using sunblessed scimitar.

Most of which do not have full Rift.

My question is:

If you are not using sunblessed scimitar as part of a set, how is Limbchopper NOT better?

This applies to lolstrbirds, strbears, and pallys.

Is it just a case of not wanting to look nub?

I might be clueless, so please enlighten me.


Limbchopper is better damage wise as it has better min-max stats which really come into effect then critical hits...hit.

01-25-2011, 03:36 PM
The scim is a poor weapon on it's own but the set bonus is too good to pass up, adding a good amount damage, health, regen, etc. The proc is really not so great. As a weapon considered alone the harpoon, limbchopper, and hax are all better than the scim, but the stat boosts from the set bonus give the edge to scim (which I think is kinda ugly actually). Hopefully the hate set with hax will get a good set bonus sometime soon. Would love to see a set for the harpoon or even limbchopper but I don't think they're gonna make destiny sets lol.

01-31-2011, 10:44 AM
Limbchopper of destiny is a way better.. u can get one for 0,7k-3k...

02-03-2011, 03:10 AM
Recently, I've noticed 80% of level 50s are using sunblessed scimitar.

Most of which do not have full Rift.

My question is:

If you are not using sunblessed scimitar as part of a set, how is Limbchopper NOT better?

This applies to lolstrbirds, strbears, and pallys.

Is it just a case of not wanting to look nub?

I might be clueless, so please enlighten me.


All noobs look and act noob.
Like some people spamming and saying dam things. *looks at you*
And your 80% is so inaccurate.

How is limpchoppper BETTER?

02-03-2011, 03:10 AM
Limbchopper of destiny is a way better.. u can get one for 0,7k-3k...
No. No. No. And stop with your attractive lv2 character on your signature.

02-03-2011, 04:46 AM
Lets settle this! Get two str players to pvp with no gear except scim and limbchopper. Just set them to auto and see which does more!

02-03-2011, 09:01 AM
There's no question. If you aren't using the full Rift set, the limbchopper is superior to the scimitar, and so is the Harpoon. The only reason to use the scim is for the Rift set bonus.

02-03-2011, 09:05 AM
1. If I'm not mistaken, the Sb Scimitar debuffs hit% like its bow counterpart

2. Without the set bonus, most 1H Str weapons are about as useful. When I don't use my Cyber Rift, I'd have to say my weapon of choice is a Destiny Harpoon or any Shock Lance. Because bears aren't focused on Dps as much, I'd go eith the slightly slower but more powerful weapon with a proc to weaken bosses and strong mobs.

02-03-2011, 09:12 AM
1. If I'm not mistaken, the Sb Scimitar debuffs hit% like its bow counterpart

2. Without the set bonus, most 1H Str weapons are about as useful. When I don't use my Cyber Rift, I'd have to say my weapon of choice is a Destiny Harpoon or any Shock Lance. Because bears aren't focused on Dps as much, I'd go eith the slightly slower but more powerful weapon with a proc to weaken bosses and strong mobs.

1 is not correct, or it would be an awesome sword. Sadly it just has the fairly lame soul leech proc. 2 is right, a tank serves his party best by using the harpoon, an breaking his target's armor, especially againt bosses.

02-03-2011, 09:24 AM
The scimitar looks so cool even with hate... u can use the scimitar to all kind of gear :D

02-03-2011, 10:00 AM
How are some of the oldies even arguing about this? The Scimitar sucks nuts unless you have a rift set to get the bonus from. It's damage is pitiful compared to limbchopper or harpoon, which also results in less damage per swing on your opponent, and less skill damage.

You think a crappy soul proc makes up for all of that?

02-03-2011, 10:32 AM
How are some of the oldies even arguing about this? The Scimitar sucks nuts unless you have a rift set to get the bonus from. It's damage is pitiful compared to limbchopper or harpoon, which also results in less damage per swing on your opponent, and less skill damage.

You think a crappy soul proc makes up for all of that?

Best post on this thread yet.

02-03-2011, 10:52 AM
Question, what is the 'soul proc'?
Because the Hax has the execute, which means you get a good chance at a 'double' hit while the enemy is effected by hell scream, which is most of the time. While the the limb chopper is better then the Hax, I really find I am getting some serious damage in with the Hax.

02-03-2011, 10:56 AM
I am on the fence about the limbchopper and the hax. I know the limbchopper shows better stats but it seems to be I do better with the hax equipped. Not sure why or if it's all in my head. lol

02-03-2011, 11:03 AM
if i had to choose a weapon to be safe with, vibra sword. let me make the boss miss more.
if i wanted a weapon to hurt the enemy, i guess a spear or shock lance is my option.
if i wanted a weapon to wear in town and look like te l33ts, i would go scimitar.