View Full Version : Quest: Shadow Essence

12-15-2010, 04:26 PM
For me, I think it's not fair. 3rd and 4th quest is i dont know.. i dont want to say mean things.

Its a lil upsetting bcoz we dont get to have cyber shield.. the quest is only for dex and str. Why is that?

Cyber Staff of the Cosmos is even that gud.. i still prefer to use laser wand and Gurgox's Eye because of the armor.

Its a lil totally a waste of time doing d 3rd quest.

Cyber Staff of the Cosmos stat:
116-152 Damage, 2.0 Speed, 11 int, 7 % hit, 3 % crit, 4

Mirage Staff of the Cosmos stat:
115-150 Damage, 2.0 Speed, 11 int, 7 % hit, 3 % crit, 4

12-15-2010, 04:36 PM
Yeah as usual cosmos gets gypped.

I think the real question here is why do both the original cosmos set and the cyber one suck so much? The mirage robe is so useless, that's why I'll get the cyber -- for the extra bit of armor.

12-15-2010, 06:54 PM
*Motivation to complete cyber cosmos quest drained*