View Full Version : <Capture The Flag> New CTF guild

04-12-2014, 07:25 PM
Hi, everyone!! My friend and I started this new guild, and I'd like to take the time to tell you all about us. PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY. The main focus of the guild is to to play and learn Ctf, capture the flag. We play together and learn together. Practice, share combos, try out new skills, and help each other grow. (I'm usually the punching bag, being that I'm a savage bear, lol) Basically, our mission is to learn as much about ctf as we can and have fun playing it too.
---We do not want to be apart of any pvp wars. To me that takes the fun out of ctf and pocket legends in general. If u want to join just to have "back up" against another guild or player save your self the time and the headache. I have friends in all guilds and personally don't like to rush and team people.
---Why a ctf guild? We are not the first but we are ourselves and we are new. Basically that's all I do these days too lol. I've been playing pocket legends for almost 3 and a half yrs and finished every quest in the game. I have 4 lvl 76s and wanted to try something new since no new cap is "on the horizon" or "near the future". So I got into pvp and ctf about 5 months ago. Capture the flag is very fun and involves more than just killing each other. There's individual performance as well as team mechanics, and a whole lot more.
---As of right now we only ctf end game being that all my toons are high lvls but we will try lower lvls as well.
---Please remember we are new so we are a small guild, do not expect 100's of members. Hopefully one day we will have that many though. I at least want enough people so we always have a ctf game going on all the time, and no waiting for people to join a game.
---I am no PRO pvper or ctf player but I try my hardest and will help as much as I can. If anyone would like to give us a try they can pm me in game, Killinclaw, or Killanhawk, or Killinmage. I'm usually on 'Claw and I'm on after 8 pm Pacific time. Thanks for reading my post, and I'll see you in a ctf game. :))

04-12-2014, 10:49 PM
Good Luck bro.

04-13-2014, 07:25 AM
Good luck, ctf is one of the finest things in pl

04-13-2014, 08:52 AM
Good luck, ctf is one of the finest things in lif

I fixed it for u

04-17-2014, 11:56 AM
Lol aza, agreed