View Full Version : Platinum item packs are a ripoff!!!!!

04-13-2014, 05:24 PM
dont waste your money spending platinum to use it on the item packs, ive spent over 500 platinum total on various item packs finding out that i have not recieved "1" NOT ONE!!! special weapon from them. This is really irritating and i wish they implement a "buy item" feature instead of having to gamble my way through 500 platinum and getting screwed multiple times. Im sure i wont get my platinum back, just letting you guys know that this is a ripoff. spent the rest of my 70 platinum on the eternal pack and dident even get one when they costed 4 platinum per pack. Games becoming a joke

04-13-2014, 07:26 PM
all about luck but ive noticed lower leveled alts get things easier or at least thats what i think

04-13-2014, 10:06 PM
well im not really sure you can call that a ripoff... It ultimately was your choice to spend all that plat and not the game's fault for not giving you special weapons. I do understand how frustrating it can be spending so much plat and getting so little in return

04-14-2014, 07:16 PM
getting free plat kind of makes up your loss i did. also it is choice to gamble and they are a chance like it says keep trying i know ive spend 2x what you have spend and no complaining here making up also by dropping rare vanity what ive been searching previously .

04-17-2014, 02:30 PM
I totally agree, Warlord. It's all about making money.
Not only, that the item packs are a ripoff(we don't know anything about the chances, nor about the stats), they even try to get Noobs to waste Plat on buying blood packs or skip time of Allies.
The reason for activated Autoleveling by default is that they're hoping, that you buy Plat, cause you have to respec power points.
They also don't tell you, that you don't have to buy plat for the Starter Pack(you will get at least 5 Plat on the first 5th day at Nightly Reward). And DON'T forget to buy it, because if you miss it(after lvl. 10), you will have only 1 Auction slot. It's VERY expensive then to stock up.
Even the Stash is a ripoff. 5 Slots? Come on.

And so on...

There will never be a "buy item-option", because they make more money with our dumbness in this "Freemium-System".

In my opinion, STS is the biggest scammer in this game.

04-18-2014, 10:20 AM
well well getting a bit ahead of yourself arent you

04-18-2014, 01:43 PM
well well getting a bit ahead of yourself arent you

I don't think so.