View Full Version : Mythic Revenge PvP Event

04-13-2014, 08:36 PM

Our Guild, Mythic Revenge, will be hosting a contest in the game mode, PvP. The contest will be in a bracket formation with both a winners and losers bracket for each class (Warrior, Rogue, Sorcerer). Each class will be assigned to another player of similar skill.

-The winner will be determined by winning 2 of out the 3 battles, and they will move onto the next round.
-The loser will move into the losers bracket and will continue to battle until they're eliminated for a final time.
-The Finalists of both the winner and loser brackets of each class will duel to figure out a class winner.

-Contestants must be a part of Mythic Revenge. If we catch people who are joining to win contest and prizes, then will leave, said person will be disqualified for the contest.
-The match must be spectated by atleast one officer. (See List Below)
-No vanities are allowed during the match.
-No trash talking.
-If the two contestants have a big difference in stats, we will provide a set for both to use. Must give back to the officer after the matches.
EXCEPTION: If two players are battling that have a difference in stats, the "underdog" may choose to battle regardless of skill and/or stats.
-Warriors who are dueling may NOT use Horn of Renew as it tends to make battles last a while.

-Contact an officer (See list below) and ask to be included in contest.
-Wait until the officer replies to leave. (We will note down armor value, damage, DPS, Health Points, and Primary Stat)
-Be Patient until we announce when we will be starting the matches.
-When we announce the start you must use same gear as when you signed up during battle.
-Wait until you are contacted by an officer to begin your match. Once you begin, you will fight 3 matches with your enemy. At the end of the three, we will ask you to wait until we announce the next round.
-Fight until you are eliminated. Once eliminated in the losers bracket, you are eliminated permanently.

Prizes of the contest will be awarded at the end. The winners of each class will get to choose. Others will be awards based on how far they got into bracket. Some of the prizes include Leprechaun Pendants, Vanities of each class, Lockeds, Gold, and many others.

The Contest will start once we have all brackets filled with contestants. Please give us time as it will take a few days to get the contest ready. We will announce on guild chat, on Facebook, and in this thread once the matches have begun.

Contestants may sign up anytime they wish, starting now, as long as an officer is online. The Contest will end once the winners of each class have been announced.

Thank you and good luck! :)

Sample of Bracket-

List of current GM and Officers:


Officers-Abefafan, Adehia, Aloriantroop, Ashdana, Elemnto, Eriana, Erianu, Heunaza, Igivelife, Imalady, Jamaicansun, Kraienea, Meltedice, Meltediceee, Mikeartee, Moxin, Mrwolfla, Nikew, Outraegeous, Rustygun, Soralol, Toinkszsz, Ucakriube, and Vixenne.

04-14-2014, 11:57 AM
Totally going to respec for PvP just for this contest, good luck everyone!

04-14-2014, 01:31 PM
Nice post Wolf.
Good luck guildies!