View Full Version : STR vs non-STR (DEVS Please take a look)

04-14-2014, 11:57 PM

Stats of a bear and a bird (fully buffed possible) without any kinda ring.

As it's clear bear's states looking pretty stronger than the bird, but its one side of the coin because bears may have good defensive stats as it's tanking class. But is this much defensive stats is well justified? Only if, it could not kill non-str classes so easily (in most of the casses, beacon +stomp kill) it's true that non-str classes have defensive skills such as blind, root for birds, fire, ice etc for mages but then 80+ dodge of bears is biggest obstacle in it.

Anyway let's look at the other side of the coin means let's look at the advantage (in form of playing a non-str class) what we get than what we sacrifice (not playing as a tanking class). Is it well justified?

Average Top three skill DMG of a pure dex bird -
Blast - 638
Repulse - 538
Blind - 539
Average value of above three - 571

Average top three skill DMG of a hybrid bear buffed (157 dex rest str)
Stomp - 530
Beacon - 475
SMS - 540
Average ........ - 515

Instead of having few advantages as bird like ranged auto, good dodge debuffs it obvious that the DMG advantage is just pretty small compare to the defense advantage of bears I.e 361-190 = 171, 80+ dodge and others check the stats image.

Again bear vs int mages is more pathetic compare to birds specially due to birds have significant dodge debuffs (if it lands definitely)

Conclusion :
In general, I think endgame is divided into two classes str- class and non-str class now everything else matter less. That is y -

Though savage is not main culprit, there are problems deep down but nerfing savage would fix the most.

Let's see another example - what savage got that others could not




As we can see, str items focused on getting more dodges, dex items focused on getting hit% and int crit.

But hit % can't do much (its already >100%) unless if hit debuff get hit, same goes to crit for mage as far as I know mages crit >100 alrdy. So savage got actual benefit in form of dodge.

So point is clear tanker's offense (DMG) is overpowered and/or Damaging classes' defense (armor) is underpowered.

Note : I did not compare with elite bow cause I like to compare equal gears for actual comparison, but even with elite bow everything would be still viable I stated above.

I'm lazy to lvl up my l73 mage otherwise I would compare with pally too..