View Full Version : God king 250

12-16-2010, 05:36 PM
I just defeated god king level 250. Took me only 3 tries after i got the right tactic. So here is what you do:
Phase one:
Survive mainly by dodhing and chipping down his hp bit by bit, shouldnt be too difficult to finish it with 1000+ hp left.
Phase 2:
At the start of the phase, immediately use super attack and kill off as much hp as you can. Then continue like phase one, but you can use heal when at around 600-1000 hp. It is vital that you do you use block too much during phase 1 and 2. This is the most difficult phase.

Phase 3:
Survive mainly by blocking here, but use dodge as soon as you see a attack that you can dodge, and always try to dodge his fourth attack in his combos, as it will trigger up a dodge break. Use heal when needed. Now the super attack should be almost ready again. Use it as soon as ir is ready and do as much damage as you can, then resume blocking/dodging. After a bit more he should be fried.

12-16-2010, 07:23 PM
That game has its own forum.

12-16-2010, 07:29 PM
TT, too awesome a game to NOT invade EVERY forum. thx man! good to see you noticed those darn new combos of his lol

just keep messing up or getting distracted and dodging wrong way in phase 1 and 2... THAT is the killer. ps u using the last shock sword right?