View Full Version : Can STG please re-add the boot button?

04-17-2014, 07:25 AM
I really do not see why they decided to remove it. In other games, the button did more good than harm.

In AL, not having the boot button results in a lot of conniving and frustrating actions from players. Yes, in PL, there would be some slight issues that the boot button would cause (like kicking for fun) but it really did more good than harm.

So please, is there any way to re-implement it?

04-17-2014, 07:52 AM
/boot zeus your ring is too OP.
/boot <name> <reason>

Hehe that's how it would end up if they bring back the booting command. I can still remember from SL where people boots rushers or people they cant kill. Booting system was discontinued mainly because it was easily abused by many players. StS must come up with a better idea or implement some of the players suggestion that isnt unfair.

04-17-2014, 08:02 AM
/boot zeus your ring is too OP.
/boot <name> <reason>

Hehe that's how it would end up if they bring back the booting command. I can still remember from SL where people boots rushers or people they cant kill. Booting system was discontinued mainly because it was easily abused by many players. StS must come up with a better idea or implement some of the players suggestion that isnt unfair.

I don't mind being booted for that, it's a legitimate reason. The person has very little chance of killing me, so why would he want me to remain in the game? If you get booted, IMO, it's fine, suck it up and find another game.

However, being blocked/spawned is worse because it can happen in any game. However, if you boot someone, they will not be able to continue spawning and ganging in that game and instead, they would be forced to do it elsewhere.

In that scenario, if I am being booted, all I have to do is find people that are more on my stats level.

04-17-2014, 08:56 AM
Parth i feel good when i read this :

The major issues I see currently in pvp are as follows:

1.Spot blocking- a friend or Guildee joining the opposite team as you and doing nothing, so that you may gang that team without being them being able to call for help.

2.Macros- the use of a 3rd party program that memorizes a series of mouse movements, mouse clicks, and keystrokes. These programs can open menu summon a pet use its arcane ability dismiss that pet and resummon the same pet( with a refreshed arcane cooldown) or a different one in a fraction of a second using a single key.

3.Pet spamming- during combat summoning and resummoning pets after using their arcane ability, in order to bypass the intended cooldown. Some pets have very powerful arcane abilities such as samael. Imagine being able to use his arcane ability several times per second.

4. Skill swapping- during combat swapping skills back and fourth by using the menu to remap them. Effectively this makes players able to map up to 8 different skills in a single clash. This can be done without delay using macros.

I'm sure you can see by reading this just how much of a disadvantage you are in when someone does these things in pvp.
In fact why would you spend potentially thousands of dollars acquiring the best gear possible so that you may be at an advantage over other players? So that some random player who happens to be playing using these things defeats you nearly every game while less skilled than you and wearing 30k gold worth of crate gear? Seems that buying a 3rd party program and playing on a pc is the better investment to me.

Proposed fixes:

1.Macros, pet spamming, and skill swapping-. As all of these are done during combat requiring the use of the menu function, disable the use of the pet and skill tabs while in combat stance only. You would still be able to use it to swap out pets or skills between clashes as necessary as you would be out of combat. Macros Would become useless. I see no possible disadvantage to this method.

2.Spot blocking- make the join button only available if there is a spot available on that players team, when you press the join button it teleports you directly to the corresponding players team.

I've seen many other suggestions regarding these problems but these seam to be the most iron clad. Feel free to offer additional suggestions and feedback. I do hope the arcane legends developers do give this thread some consideration.

04-17-2014, 09:04 AM
Why don't they just have private invite rooms like we had in SL.


04-17-2014, 09:10 AM
/boot zeus your ring is too OP.
/boot <name> <reason>

Hehe that's how it would end up if they bring back the booting command. I can still remember from SL where people boots rushers or people they cant kill. Booting system was discontinued mainly because it was easily abused by many players. StS must come up with a better idea or implement some of the players suggestion that isnt unfair.

I don't mind being booted for that, it's a legitimate reason. The person has very little chance of killing me, so why would he want me to remain in the game? If you get booted, IMO, it's fine, suck it up and find another game.

However, being blocked/spawned is worse because it can happen in any game. However, if you boot someone, they will not be able to continue spawning and ganging in that game and instead, they would be forced to do it elsewhere.

In that scenario, if I am being booted, all I have to do is find people that are more on my stats level.

I ddnt use your name to promote entirely you but for those people same as you who have OP gears(my bad). If you cant remember the horror how easily the booting system can be abused, well i do.
There will be times that people will be booted for the aake of booting, making boot system as the new found amusement in pvp.
Sure spotblockibg can be considered as the worst(i cant recall which is worst or worse:D)
But booting system doesnt make it better.
There will be many who will abuse it.
So i am not in favor.

Other reasons why boot system isnt good and will be abused.

KS = boot
Mauler = boot
Flagger = boot
Bored-_- = boot
NooooooooB !!!! = boot

Not to mention that if they are going to re-apply the boot system, the command goes like this /boot <name> <reason>, from my playtime at Star Legends there was no nice reason that the booter made. All reasons were trashtalks, harse and nonesense that taunts the booted person which makes the hatred/rivalry even worse.
Sad to say but AL PvP population have many immature and closeminded people than PL,SL&DL combined.

This is just my opinion, idk how you look at the booting system but i disagree to be applied.
Also there are far better suggestions underneath in this "suggestion section"

04-17-2014, 12:18 PM
If you get booted, IMO, it's fine, suck it up and find another game.

If you dont like someone in a map you are in, it's fine, suck it up and find another game.

I can easily imagine a player getting booted numerous times for no logical reason before being able to play a map. That is not ok. If you cant stand pugs, then organize a party, go solo, or reset the map until you find a good pug.

04-17-2014, 12:39 PM
What if the boot can only be applied to a person who doesn't do one of the following within a certain time frame:
(1) does not leave spawn room even when his team is full
(2) does not take the flag
(3) does not make a kill

I'm not sure how complicated the code-writing would be for something like this, though.


For pve, one might be able to boot pugs who do not move or consume mana in a certain time frame.

04-17-2014, 12:54 PM
I ddnt use your name to promote entirely you but for those people same as you who have OP gears(my bad). If you cant remember the horror how easily the booting system can be abused, well i do.
There will be times that people will be booted for the aake of booting, making boot system as the new found amusement in pvp.
Sure spotblockibg can be considered as the worst(i cant recall which is worst or worse:D)
But booting system doesnt make it better.
There will be many who will abuse it.
So i am not in favor.

Other reasons why boot system isnt good and will be abused.

KS = boot
Mauler = boot
Flagger = boot
Bored-_- = boot
NooooooooB !!!! = boot

Not to mention that if they are going to re-apply the boot system, the command goes like this /boot <name> <reason>, from my playtime at Star Legends there was no nice reason that the booter made. All reasons were trashtalks, harse and nonesense that taunts the booted person which makes the hatred/rivalry even worse.
Sad to say but AL PvP population have many immature and closeminded people than PL,SL&DL combined.

This is just my opinion, idk how you look at the booting system but i disagree to be applied.
Also there are far better suggestions underneath in this "suggestion section"

I get what you mean.

How about, as someone else suggest...no join button in PvP!

In my scenario, for PL, I was rarely booting and if I was ever booted for immature reasons, I would report and be on my way. Usually, I did not see those people again. However, that is just me and I can see from what you state in SL, it was much worse.

04-17-2014, 01:06 PM
Lol@yesterday'sCtFmatchwithKei <- I support this because of the time wasted getting noobs out of that room

04-17-2014, 01:53 PM
You should be able to boot members of your own team. Requires 3 votes to boot.

04-17-2014, 02:48 PM
I dont have any problems w/ booting, but do you not remember the drama, Zeusy? Wasn't there a post everyday about how horrible it made someone feel, blah blah blah blah whine whine whine whine?

04-17-2014, 02:52 PM
Fluff says no to booting! Guilds may not be able to see a PvP world beyond their petty wars but I assure you it exists out there, somewhere, and Fluff does not want the fall out from the Guild's petty wars to ruin that. So please, fight amongst yourselves all you like, but the second you institute booting, Fluff shall find himself booted for not picking a side in a guild war. Fluff says NO TO THAT!!!!

04-17-2014, 05:17 PM
You should be able to boot members of your own team. Requires 3 votes to boot.

Now that makes some sense and would bring down the potential issues, I think?

I lol'd!

Wasn't it only like a few times a month? My memory is a little fuzzy. O_O

04-18-2014, 10:16 PM
Sir,you have a point who would want to face a rouge that has arcane ring and can probably 10k crit you

04-20-2014, 12:10 PM
This button will be abused by dummy farmers who will use dummies to boot people out and farm.
This boot button will also be used by guilds to grief and troll rival guild members. Friends in a team will use it to bully solo players. This will just ruin the pvp experience for a lot of people. I would say no to a boot button.

04-20-2014, 01:52 PM
Maybe vote boot? If 50%+ of team votes "yes", then boot. At least, boot won't be the wish of one, but of 2+ in PvE and of 3+ in PvP.

04-20-2014, 03:26 PM
Maybe vote boot? If 50%+ of team votes "yes", then boot. At least, boot won't be the wish of one, but of 2+ in PvE and of 3+ in PvP.

A troll can make his friends vote and a dummy farmer will make his dummies vote...when 50%of the team or 100% of the team consists of trolls/farmers and their dummytoons, they can just exploit the boot option. Anybody holding a grudge will ask his mates to vote kick/boot a victim-player. Rival guilds will torture each other because there are a lot of immature players around. A killfarmer will vote yes then on other windows/devices make his dummies vote yes to have the room for himself. Boot button is abusable and will aggravate the current issues.

04-22-2014, 06:29 AM
I dont have any problems w/ booting, but do you not remember the drama, Zeusy? Wasn't there a post everyday about how horrible it made someone feel, blah blah blah blah whine whine whine whine?


04-26-2014, 07:58 AM
Or maye they could ban Abusive booters for like 24 hours i think that would Slim down the abusive boot problems

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